All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2795: Paper Crane Biography

At night again, Wang Zhenyi still used the telescope to look at the moon from the window in the attic as usual. However, after looking at it for a while today, she put the telescope flat and looked around, as if looking for something.

   "Are you looking for me?" Shen Long couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene, and then sat in the same place again, reaching out and handing over a thick stack of books, which he printed out with a printer last night.

"Yes, this is a promise to you. In addition to Kepler's books, there are also some mathematics books that can help you understand Kepler's books better." The foundation of astronomy is mathematics. I couldn't keep up, and I couldn't understand Kepler's books, so Shen Long brought a huge stack of books this time.

"By the way, these books are printed in a Western way and need to be viewed horizontally from left to right." There are many formulas in it, and printing horizontally is too inconvenient, so Shen Long simply printed horizontally as before. I just did a simplified and traditional style conversion.

   Wang Zhenyi quickly turned over a few pages, and then forced his gaze away from the planetary orbital diagrams, and once again bowed to Shen Long, "Thank you for the book, the little woman is grateful."

"Don't don't, don't call me Daoist priest, I am not a Taoist priest, I only wear this clothes for the convenience of walking in the rivers and lakes!" Shen Long waved his hand quickly, we can't be a monk, so as not to let her misunderstand. It is possible to get married, but in comparison, the status of an ordinary person is more suitable.

   "It's a little girl who took the liberty to ask her husband Gao's name?" Wang Zhenyi asked quickly, alas, it's a bit rude to think of someone as a Taoist priest when he looks at the Taoist robe.

   "It's inconvenient to reveal the real name below, so just call me Shen Long!" Xiaojian is not good at all, so I should change it back to my original name.

   "The little girl's surname is Wang, I have seen Mr. Shen!" Now the girl's boudoir name can't be told to others casually, so Wang Zhenyi only told Shen Long her last name.

"Miss Wang is so open-minded to learn. It just so happens that I have these books on hand. It is just right to hand them to Miss Wang. Miss Wang doesn't have to hesitate. I have read all these books, and I have remembered the contents. These books are at your disposal. Okay!" I also have books on astronomy that are more advanced than this. "If Miss Wang finishes reading these books in the future, just send me a letter, and I will send the next batch of books. You can also ask me if you don’t understand."

Wang Zhenyi felt that this was too exhausting and Shen Long, a little embarrassed, but the desire for knowledge still overwhelmed his shyness, so she nodded in response, "So there is Mr. Shen, I don’t know where is Mr. Shen’s immortal town, what should a little girl do? How to write a letter to contact?" Nowadays, a girl’s home is not suitable for communicating with a strange man, and it is easy to provoke gossip, but Wang Zhenyi still can’t take care of so many people. Nowadays, there are not many people in Daqing who understand this. It’s true to miss this village This shop is gone.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome! Keep this stuff away!" Shen Long thought about taking out a piece of paper, folded it into the shape of a paper crane, and blew a breath of immortality on it, and saw the paper crane come back to life immediately, fluttering. Wings flew down in front of Wang Zhenyi, "I just need to write a letter to him in the future. No matter where I am at the end of the world, it will always find me!"

   This is just a little skill that Shen Long learned from Bai Suzhen, but it shocked Wang Zhenyi, "It turns out that Mr. Shen is a **** among the gods, and the little girl has seen the long Shen Shen!"

  Farewell, after a while the road is long and the next is a fairy, can't you treat me as an ordinary person and have a good relationship? Shen Long couldn't help but complain, but kept a kind smile on his face, "I'm not a god, just a mortal who knows a little bit better. Miss Wang doesn't have to be so restrained."

   "Okay, the book has arrived, I won't disturb Miss Wang, Miss Wang should continue to read the book carefully, and if you have any questions, you can write to me at any time." After that, Shen Long disappeared into the night.

Wang Zhenyi looked at the place where Shen Long had disappeared. She was stunned for a long time. She still had a lot of astronomy and mathematics questions to ask Shen Long. After a moment of silence, Wang Zhenyi saw the paper crane, so she went back to the desk and sat down and began to give Shen Long. After Long wrote a letter and expressed his gratitude first, Wang Zhenyi wrote down several problems that he encountered recently.

   Blow dry the ink, fold the letter paper, and hesitate to put it in front of the paper crane. Can this paper crane really deliver the letter? Seeing the letter in front of him, the originally quiet paper crane suddenly came to life, stretched out his long beak and picked up the letter paper, flapping its wings and flying into the night.

When Wang Zhenyi woke up the next day, he found that the crane had returned to her boudoir, and Shen Long’s reply was under her feet. Shen Long first talked about her current situation and told Wang Zhenyi that she had left Jiangning to go north, but don’t worry. No matter how far away he is, Paper Crane can deliver the letter quickly.

   Then he answered several questions raised by Wang Zhenyi. At the end of the letter, Shen Long mentioned that her attic is still too It is a bit inappropriate to observe the starry sky.

In this way, Shen Long’s and Wang Zhenyi began to use this paper crane as pen pals. They exchanged letters almost every day. When Shen Long wrote back to Wang Zhenyi for the second time, he also gave Wang Zhenyi a more advanced telescope. Using this telescope, Wang Zhenyi can observe the moon and other stars more clearly.

Wang Zhenyi regarded it as a treasure and thanked Shen Long again and again in the letter. After writing a few letters back and forth, the two slowly became acquainted. Wang Zhenyi slowly put down his guard against Shen Long and began to write letters. In revealing some young daughter's mentality, she also gave her poems to Shen Long to read.

  ""I have also learned to shoot, review and ride, and have a lot of tunes...I have traveled thousands of miles of books, and I often want to be ambitious like a husband. These poems are quite good, at least much higher than the level of Xiaojian! "

"But nowadays, girls usually can only stay at home. If you want to travel thousands of miles and scrolls, it’s not easy! But it’s okay. I’m here. It’s not very easy to take you out to play. Easy things?"

   So Shen Long wrote in his reply, "I have a different method that can be thousands of miles away. If Miss Wang wants to see the lunar eclipse from a high place, she only needs to release the paper crane tonight!"

   After receiving the reply, Wang Zhenyi has no doubt about Shen Long's ability. Folding a paper crane can make it fly hundreds of miles with such a heavy telescope. It should be easy to take a person to fly thousands of miles!

   is just from a girl’s house of mine. I go out with a man at night. If this spreads out, my reputation will be completely ruined. Or else?

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