All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2798: Investment failure

This may be a bit inaccurate. It should be said that the Qing Dynasty did not have such a modern house number. The modern house number is a requirement for the development of industrial society. , Household registration management, urban planning and construction, etc. have produced the need to accurately locate a certain place in the city, so the house number was born, forming an accurate management system for the city, street, and house number.

The house number of China was passed down from the concession and gradually spread with the progress of modernization. Although the Qing Dynasty now has a house number, it is similar to "No. 52 Jiangjia Lane, Baotuquan Road". They are totally different things.

The house plate of the Qing Dynasty was based on the Baojia system. Judging from the cultural relics handed down in the Qing Dynasty, the house plate is only known, with a height of 30.5 cm and a width of 25 cm. The text is printed in a thick black line frame with the first print. The two characters "House".

Below the horizontal line is the vertical text in traditional Chinese, "Xue XX in the main hall of Guidong County is to inspect the Baojia cause, and the officials and the officials will follow the instructions of XX and issue the clauses. The local joint bank, the order and the publication of the house number, verify and issue the card, and the card is long in the ten households under its jurisdiction, and each household is counted. The name of the household, Dingkou, age, acres, and health And the neighbors on the left and right, please fill in the notes in detail without any omissions, this encyclical."

   Followed by the official content of the house number, which number is the number one in Guidong County, which number is the number one and which house number XX lives in XX Fang, who is his wife and concubine in the year, and how many acres of land do he make a living?

Following are the other populations of the household, grandparents, parents, uncles, uncles, cohabiting foreign marriages, neighbors, male, daughter-in-law, daughter, brother, sister-in-law, brother, sister-in-law, grandson, granddaughter-in-law, nephew, nephew, servant, Who are the slaves and hired workers?

   The final signature is the house number issued in a certain month and year. Who are the card head, Baozheng, and the length of the armor? It is impossible to say that No. 52 Jiangjiaxiang, Baotuquan Road.

There is no planning bureau at this time. The houses are built casually. This year, your house will be the fifty-second house in Jiangjia Lane. Next year, someone will build a new house in the middle. Will your house number be moved back? ?

   Hey, it is said that Jin Yong's historical knowledge is not good enough, but I think Jin Yong is still good. His historical knowledge is definitely more than enough for Qiong Yao to be a tutor.

In any case, it is convenient to find someone with an address. Shen Long walked around Daming Lake and then went to Baotu Spring in the southwest. When he came over, he saw the inscription of "The First Spring in the World". The inscription below is not The other person was Qianlong. It is said that when he came out of the capital and went to the south of the Yangtze River, he passed by Baotu Spring, and after tasting the water, he sealed Baotu Spring as "the best spring in the world."

Since Qianlong had said it well, it naturally attracted countless literati and ink guests to visit, so when Shen Long came over, he just saw a few scribes chanting poetry and writing right here. After listening to this, Shen Long's level is not good, he haha With a smile, he chanted the most famous poem about Baotu Spring, "Baotu Spring, Spring Baotu, Three Streams of Water, Light Gudu, Gudu Gudu Guang Gudu!"

This is written by Shen Long’s old acquaintance, dog meat general Zhang Zongchang. Although Baotuquan is famous, unfortunately there are no classic poems left. Famous literati such as Zeng Gong and Zhao Mengfu have come and wrote poems. , But the level is very average, far from being enough to circulate in the world, on the contrary, the poem by General Zhang has been circulated widely because it is too strange.

   These literati were stunned by General Zhang's masterpiece on the spot. Shen Long left a chic back and walked away. Turning around, he entered Jiangjia Alley and found an inn to stay.

   was looking for someone to inquire, and saw Xiaoer from the shop greet a scribe who was holding the piano, "Mr. Qin, are you here to teach the piano again today?"

   Shen Long immediately took the topic, "I said, my child, are there any talents in Jiangjia Alley? If that's the case, Pang Dao is going to visit one or two."

   "Dao Master, it's not convenient for you to visit! This piano learner is not a genius, but a girl." Dian Xiaoer replied, there is a difference between men and women, so you should not go.

   "If you can ask a gentleman to teach the child, it must be a scholarly family. I don't know what her grown-up does?" Shen Long has already concluded that the person just now must teach the piano to Ziwei.

The shop Xiaoer looked embarrassed, but Shen Long lost a piece of silver, and he said everything, "To say that this was originally a scandal in our Jiangjiaxiang, the Xia family was originally a scholar in Jinan Prefecture, but it is a pity Elder Xia has no children at his knees and only has one daughter. If this is the case, it would be fine. In the future, I will find a right uncle for Miss Xia, and he will not worry about old age."

   "However, this girl Xia gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock. This made the father and son Xia angry, and soon died of illness."

"After Ms. Xia gave birth to her daughter, she sold her family property and invited the best master from Jinan Prefecture to teach her daughter piano, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy, poetry, and singing. A few years ago, she also invited a master to teach him Manchu. I was afraid that she wanted her daughter. Enter the palace! According to me, she is afraid of losing her I have always been married between Man and Han in Qing Dynasty. This beautiful girl can only be selected from the daughters of the Manchu family. She has hope! "

"Hey, I think half of the boxes belonged to the Xia family back then, but now that the bottomless pit has been filled, only the small courtyard is left, and Miss Xia has recently fallen ill, seeing this family can't hold on! "

   Shen Long laughed, the old man of the Xia family probably was really angry, but he was probably not so angry that Xia Yuhe gave birth to an unmarried daughter, right? This is what Ziwei said to Little Swallow about his life experience.

"My grandpa and grandma knew it at the time. I think they wanted to accomplish this thing in their hearts, and even hope it would happen! My grandpa was in Jinan at the time and was a talented talent. I heard that that day, my father wanted to avoid the rain. I just came to my house for a small sitting. During this sitting, I met my mother. Later, the small sitting became a small stay. After the small stay, my father returned to Beijing and promised my mother that within three months, he would take my mother to Beijing. However, my father's promise was not fulfilled. He probably returned to Beijing and forgot about my mother!"

  Since he is a scholar, he must have some knowledge. Seeing Qianlong coming to hide from the rain, he was afraid that he had some ideas that he shouldn't have, so Xia Yuhe met Qianlong like this.

   Now that Neo-Confucianism is in charge, how can a girl from the Xiucai family meet outsiders casually? I must have seen Qianlong's good temperament, so I wanted to sell his daughter to hold his thigh!

It's a pity that Qianlong pulled out his ruthlessness, and he was done after he slept. When he returned to the capital, he forgot about it. Old man Xia didn't dare to look for it. He saw his investment was lost, then Mr. Xia. Can you not be angry?

  :. : M.x

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