All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2800: Love begets hate

Xia Yuhe looked at Qianlong with tenderness and affection, hoping that he could talk loveliness as before, and then explained to her with shame why he had not come to pick her up for so many years, Xia Yuhe was even ready, as long as Qianlong spoke, regardless of the reason How ridiculous, she will firmly believe.

However, Xia Yuhe was disappointed. Qianlong first showed a suspicious look, then turned into furious, and shouted sharply, "Huh? Bold! Where is the ugly woman! How dare to break into the harem? Come on, drag her out and die. !"

"Ah? The emperor, this is Xia Yuhe! The Xia Yuhe you encountered while hiding from the rain on the shore of Daming Lake!" Xia Yuhe immediately changed color and quickly explained. Unfortunately, it was too late. A few eunuchs came over and dragged her down and threw her to the Yu Outside the garden, when he picks up his stick and beats, when Xia Yuhe has suffered such pain?

   The pain was so terrible and screaming, until he was woken up by Ziwei, "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you? You wake up soon, did you have a nightmare?"

   After waking up, Xia Yuhe's sweat had soaked the quilt. She looked at Ziwei for a long time and could not speak. Did he really forget me? If I let my daughter go to the capital to find him, will there be good results?

No, dreams are all opposite. This must be because I waited for him for years, so I felt resentful. That's why he dreamed of such a scene. He should still love me. Those love words back then were so sincere, how could they be? What about fake?

   Xia Yuhe barely squeezed out a smile, and then said, "It's okay, I just dreamed of something weird. It's fine when I wake up. You can go back to sleep, and I will continue to sleep."

   Ziwei left, Xia Yuhe continued to lie on the bed, and soon fell asleep again. In her dream, she appeared above the Forbidden City again, still seeing Qianlong playing in the imperial garden with his concubines.

   Should I go again? It must be that my appearance has changed so much in the past ten years, so he didn't think of me for a while, right? Xia Yuhe desperately made excuses for herself.

As soon as this thought came to her, the dressing table she used to use in daily life appeared next to her. The clothes she wore when she met Qianlong, the rouge gouache, and jewellery also appeared. She took a photo of the dressing table's bronze mirror. Her appearance has also returned to the flowery and moonlike appearance more than ten years ago.

   This must be because God sees me pitifully, so I can realize my wish in my dream, right? Xia Yuhe was immediately overjoyed. She quickly changed into her old clothes and began to apply yellow stickers on the mirror. She dressed up and restored the faces of her and Qianlong in the memory of each other on the shore of Daming Lake.

   Then Xia Yuhe fell into the clouds with confidence, and walked slowly towards Qianlong, opening her cherry mouth and asking softly, "The emperor, do you remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake?"

This time Qianlong was not angry, but what he said still made Xia Yuhe's heart cold. Qianlong showed a squinted smile and reached out to Xia Yuhe's chin, "The beauty from there? You just entered. The lady of the palace? Come, come, come to me, I want to spoil you!"

   "Emperor, have you really forgotten me?" Xia Yuhe's tears flowed out uncontrollably, and I am exactly the same as I was more than ten years ago. Can't you remember it at all?

"Disappointment!" Qianlong originally wanted to make fun of him, but who knew Xia Yuhe was crying, which made him lose interest immediately, and the concubine next to him gave Xia Yuhe a hand. "The emperor, the concubine never saw him when he entered the palace. Here comes this sister, shouldn't this sister be the show girl who entered the palace?"

   Yes, Xia Yuhe was dragged out by the **** again, and once again turned up the thick-armed stick, it was easy to fight for a while, and Xia Yuhe woke up again with the call of crape myrtle.

   has been twice, you should wake up? Shen Long muttered next to him, but Xia Yuhe was still obsessed with it. This time I didn't bring him the token that he gave me, so he couldn't remember it.

Hey, this really doesn’t hit the south wall and doesn’t look back. Okay, I'll let you try again. When Xia Yuhe enters her dreamland for the third time, she appears above the Forbidden City again, still just 18 or 9 years old. When he met Qianlong's appearance and dress, he also had a picture scroll and a folding fan in his hand.

   So Xia Yuhe descended into the clouds for the third time, fell into the imperial garden, walked towards Qianlong for the third time, unfolded the scroll and folding fan, and asked Qianlong for the third time, "The emperor, do you remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake?"

   "Well, this indeed seems to be my handwriting. Where did you steal it?" Qianlong also disappointed Xia Yuhe for the third time. After a few conversations, she was dragged out for a good fight.

Only after a few hits this time, I changed the scene. As soon as I opened my eyes and closed, Xia Yuhe went from under the eunuch's stick to a deserted palace. She was lying on the bed and several women with white hair surrounded her. Xia Yuhe immediately struggled to get up and was passing about the scroll of calligraphy and painting, and the folding fan, "Give it back to me, give it back to me soon!"

   "Hey, another idiot! Hongli child is really a sinner!" a woman sighed.

Another woman caressed her cheek with You think he didn’t come to pick you up because something was delayed, but you don’t know that a lover like him has too many romantic debts, the same thing I said it on the shore of Daming Lake, I said it at the West Lake, I said it at Taihu Lake, and I said it at the Slender West Lake. "

"You think you only have these paintings, calligraphy and folding fans, but don't you know if the sisters here?" Another woman stood up, and she unfolded another picture scroll, which was also Qianlong's tenderness and sweetness, only when it was signed. different.

   "I have this one too! More than yours." The fourth woman not only took out the scroll fan, but even had a few sachets. The writing on it was exactly the same as Xia Yuhe's two pieces.

"Ha ha, ha ha, we sisters don’t know how many years we have waited for him in the south and north of the sea. He is better. He will either play dragons and phoenixes in the palace, or go to a new place to get in touch with flowers; , I hate him so much now, if I'm still alive, I must kill him!"

   "We are dead, you are still alive, you have to avenge our sisters!" These women showed hatred and rushed towards Xia Yuhe.

   "Ah!" Xia Yuhe did it abruptly and found that she had returned to the house in Jiangjia Lane.

   "Mother, mother, why have you been having nightmares tonight?" Then I saw Ziwei.

   "My mother is not dreaming today. Today, my mother woke up from a dream that has been for more than ten years!" After Xia Yuhe's tears flowed out uncontrollably, he had forgotten me a long time ago!

  :. : M.x

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