All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2803: Little Swallow

After leaving Jinan Mansion, Shen Long left them both, "Although you now have some means, the man waiting for you is not your opponent, but you have grown up in a deep house since you were young, and you have never seen the sins of the rivers and lakes. So you should have more experience now. You can go your own way from here to the capital. I will naturally come to you when I get to the capital!"

After that, Shen Long walked away, leaving only the two trembling Ziwei and Jinsuo. They rarely went out in the past. The farthest was from home to the shore of Daming Lake. In addition, the funeral was out of the city this time. Ziwei and Jinsuo were really panicked when they let them walk so far alone.

But now the house in Jinan Prefecture has been owned by someone else, and they will be homeless even if they go back. In desperation, they can only move on. Fortunately, they still have some money, so they hired them when they passed the next town. A car, ready to take a carriage to the capital, when they saw two little girls coming to hire a car, the coachmen rushed forward to solicit.

   There is a saying that the car and boat shop should be killed if they are not guilty. Of course, there are honest and honest in these coachmen, but there are also a lot of wrongdoings. These two little girls are simply fat sheep in their eyes! Pulling to a desolate place, having a few addictions, and then selling it to brothels in other places, this can make a lot of money.

Ziwei chose an honest-looking coachman, but he didn’t know that these were all pretends. This guy is not a good person, and he does a lot of murder and merchandising. At first, he seemed quite serious. He was dull and asked questions. When I lowered my head and didn't dare to look at them, Ziwei slowly felt relieved.

However, when the carriage came to an uninhabited forest, the coachman revealed his nature, and pulled out a knife from under the seat, and threatened the crape myrtle and Jinsuo from him. Jinsuo burst into tears with fright. , Ziwei also felt soft for a while and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Shen Long did not teach her in vain during these days. When the coachman’s hand was on Ziwei, her long-term martial arts conditioned reflex played a role. Backhand grabbing the acupuncture point of the driver’s wrist, the knife was dropped immediately, with her right hand. A palm hit the coachman's chest, and the coachman immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground, his eyes full of panic.

   "Miss, miss, we are saved!" Jin Suo cried with joy, and Ziwei looked at her hands in a daze. When have I been so powerful?

   "Thank you Dao Master for teaching me martial arts, so that I can save me from the evil people!" Ziwei hastily kowtowed in the direction of Jinan Prefecture. After calming down, new questions arise. What should I do with the evil person's body? Neither of them can drive a car, so how can they get to the capital? Is it just going all the way?

   "Miss, let's try to drive the car by ourselves!" Jin Suo looked at the gloomy woods, shivering and holding the crape myrtle by the arm, how scary this way is.

So the master and servant left the body of the coachman and started to learn to drive. Fortunately, at the beginning, Ziwei finally gained a bit of martial arts, and the horses that pull carts are also familiar with them, so they stumbled for a few days. After that, the car was finally able to move forward normally, although it was a bit fuller than when the driver rushed, after all, it was still much better than them.

However, the tools to drive the road are solved, and the new problem is coming again. A young and beautiful girl who drives a car will inevitably encounter other people's coveting. Now it is not very peaceful. There are bandits in the wilderness and local tyrants and bullies in the city. Both Ziwei and Jinsuo were harassed.

   Fortunately, Ziwei has become more courageous nowadays, and dare to act with others when the situation is wrong, but kills a few bandit bullies and keeps himself and Golden Lock safe.

After so many things, Ziwei's eyes also have a trace of perseverance and determination. This makes Shen Long who has been observing her secretly satisfied. That's right, if you are still the charming little girl at No. 52 Jiangjiaxiang Girl, how can you get revenge from Qianlong? If you want revenge, you have to be decisive!

Ziwei's growth is not only the state of mind and martial arts cultivation, her experience is also slowly growing. When she came to Texas, Ziwei finally realized that the two girls driving on the road were indeed too eye-catching, so she learned without a teacher. She changed her costume to be a man, and Jin Suo changed to the dress of a scholar and a book boy. After that, there was much less trouble.

   From Texas along the Grand Canal all the way north, most of the way is densely populated, and there are fewer bandits and robbers. The second half of the journey seems to have become easier.

   When I arrived in Tianjin, it was very close to the capital. It took a few more days for Ziwei and Jinsuo to enter the capital. They first sold the horses and carriages for a cheap price, and then immediately went outside the Forbidden City.

Ziwei stared blankly at the majestic palace, the high red walls, the closed palace gates, the heavily guarded gates, the row upon row of roofs, and the deep palace courtyard beyond sight... Keep her firmly and far away from the palace gate; the palace, that is a forbidden place, she began to wonder how to get in and how to get revenge?

"Let’s go find an inn to rest!" Ziwei glanced at the palace again, and then left with the golden lock. She had also practiced some light skills, and in a few days she might be able to climb over the fence and enter, but the emperor lived in this way. How can there be danger in a heavily guarded place? How can I save him three times?

   I found a cleaner inn, Ziwei stayed, sat in the room and looked at the window blankly. The Taoist said that when I arrived in the capital, he would naturally come back to look for me, but how could he know that I live here?

   At this time, Shen Long and Wang Zhenyi are watching the stars on the north bank of the later Miyun Reservoir. This place will also be an important observation point for the Beijing Observatory in the future. It is just right to see the stars.

After reading it, Shen Long sent Wang Zhenyi back to the small courtyard of Jiangning Mansion, and returned to the capital by himself. Seeing the moonlight tonight, Shen Long was in a moment of interest, and he took light work and walked on the roof of the capital. Go, wondering whether to go to the official's house to rob the rich and help the poor.

Ji Xiaolan seems to be still in the capital now. He was fourth in the top two in the 19th year of Emperor Qianlong. He was appointed as Shuji Shi, edited and edited by the post office, and moved to Zuochunfang Zuo Shuzi; as for He Shen, who fell in love with him in the TV series, now It's still a seven or eight year old doll.

   How about going to Ji Xiaolan's house? Although this guy has no money, but he likes to collect books, he may be able to get a few rare books. Instead of letting him ruin it when compiling the "Siku Quanshu", it is better for me to collect it.

   While he was thinking about it, he saw a dark shadow turning over from the roof in front, and Shen Longyun's eyes became fierce. Isn't this little swallow?

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