All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2817: The death of way boat

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"Zou County and Pingyin are experiencing drought this year. The imperial court has obviously waived the money and food and distributed the relief, but you conceal it and sell the relief food at high prices, forcing countless people in Zou County and Pingyin to starve to death. But you took the opportunity to invade the fields. I have never seen such shameless people like you!" Hey, I have actually seen them too, and I have seen them a lot. When we lived in the Forbidden City and became the emperor, we didn’t cut a lot of this. Is it a human head?

"In Jinan Prefecture... In Tai'an Prefecture... In Yizhou Prefecture... In the entire Shandong, except for the family of Sheng Gong in Qufu who you dare not provoke, you have harmed you everywhere else!" Shen Long traveled along the way Hearing the crime of Weizhou, this guy has tossed the people of Shandong miserably.

As for Qufu, although he has not been harmed by him, this does not mean that the people of Qufu have better lives than other places. Shenggong Yan’s family is not vegetarian, and they have accumulated more than a thousand years of experience in harming the people. How can a novice like Weizhou compare? The two of them even joined forces to harm people in other places.

Hearing that Shi Zhou turned pale, he thought that Shen Long was from Shandong to seek revenge from him, but Shen Long shook his head, "I am not from Shandong, but I hate you a lot, no I know if you still remember, the prefect of Hangzhou Fang Zhihang eighteen years ago, he was a very talented civil servant, Hangzhou is very prosperous, Fang Zhihang also often went boating on the lake and talked freely about national affairs with some literati."

"At that time, he wrote a poem about shaving his head, and it spread quickly. At first, the Emperor Dog didn’t notice the poem. After all, Hangzhou and Beijing are far away, and popular poems in Hangzhou didn’t reach the capital so quickly; Unfortunately, there was a guard named Fang at that time, who wrote a secret note and sent it to Beijing, which alarmed the Emperor Dog!"

"That Fang Defi, who claims to be Fang Zhihang’s cousin, is also a member of the Zhou character. He said he knew the inside story. He enumerated Fang Zhihang’s many treasonous words and deeds. He also attached a volume of Fang Zhihang’s manuscript, and more than one poem about his head Gou Guangdi ordered Fang Zhihang to be imprisoned and then thoroughly investigated, and handed over the case to the Ministry of Criminal Justice! The case dragged on like this, it dragged on for more than a year..."

"The dog emperor ordered the then Governor Ma of Zhejiang Province to **** Fang Zhihang to Beijing for interrogation. For fear that his conspiracy was exposed, Fang guard bought some people to rob prisoners. Governor Ma defeated the prisoners and caught them. One, that person confessed that it was Fang Zhihang’s wife! Governor Ma took Fang Zhihang back to Hangzhou prison, waiting for a decision!"

   "This side's defense was afraid of long nights and dreams, and there was an arrangement for someone to rob prison again. Governor Ma was angry and gave Fang Zhihang to the right place! All the 19 members of Fang Zhihang's family were killed, only one son and one daughter escaped!"

Hearing this, Little Swallow couldn't help crying. Ziwei quickly hugged her in her arms to comfort her. The way boat in the prison car was already full of colors, but she was still unwilling to die. She quickly distinguished, "I never did The bribers are going to hijack the prison car! This is all nonsense, but I keep on making troubles to my cousin."

"Hehe, you said that you recognized it, I might be able to give you something happy. Since you don't recognize it, it's interesting. I have a means for you to taste it." Shen Long smiled without anger and stretched out his hand gently With a pull, he shattered the prison cart, pulled Shizhou out of the cart, threw it on the ground and tapped a few acupuncture points.

   Shizizhou immediately wailed, and Shen Long stood there with his arms in his hands, enjoying the wailing. It was not until a quarter of an hour passed before he lifted Shizhou’s acupoints, "Is it time to be honest?"

"I didn't..." Shi Zhou wanted to quibble. Shen Long tapped his acupuncture points again, and Shi Zhou rolled on the ground for a quarter of an hour in pain. He wanted to die and forget it. When Shen Long asked for the third time, He finally told the truth, clearly explaining everything about the past, and heard that the little swallow gritted his teeth and took his life when he pulled out the dagger.

Shen Long stopped him, "It would be too cheap to kill him like this!" Then he took out a shovel and dig a hole in the ground, buried the way boat in it, only exposed one head, cut a cross with a knife on the top of his head, and cut the scalp. After pulling it apart, he poured mercury into it. This was the ancestral craft of the old Zhu family. Shen Long also used this to solve some corrupt officials in the past. He thought of this method after hearing about the actions of Shi Zhou along the way.

Because of the high density of mercury, it would pull the muscles and the skin apart. The way boat buried in the soil twisted and couldn’t get rid of it. After wailing for a quarter of an hour, only a squeak, the way boat was so light. He crawled out, there was no skin on his whole body, and the redness was very scary.

   Little Yanzi and Ziwei hurriedly covered their eyes and turned their heads, but the little Yanzi quickly turned around and peeped through the gaps in their fingers. Although this scene was terrifying, it made him feel extremely pleased when used on the enemy.

   "Ah~~~Ah~~~" Without the protection of the skin, even if a breeze blows by, it will make Shi Zhou taste like Ling Chi's pain. UU reading

   Seeing that he was about to fall, Shen Long hurriedly threw out the rope to tie him up. There were a lot of sand and gravel on the ground, which would easily make him die quickly, so it would be good to stand on the ground and continue to enjoy Feng Shui.

I took a piece of wood and plunged it into the soil, wrapped Shizhou on it, and chanted the spell to blow a breeze. The screams of Shizhou could be heard even miles away, and the rest of the people in the prison were scared to death. , For fear that they will encounter the same fate in a while, some people immediately want to bite their tongues and commit suicide, but they feel afraid of pain after just taking a bite.

The wind alone seems a bit unsatisfactory, let’s rain some more, Shen Long lifted his right hand slightly, and called for another drizzle. The slight rain on others just drove away the summer heat, but Dropping on Shizhou's body is like a knife, it hurts like a knife!

   After being soaked in the wind and rain for a while, Shi Zhou finally stopped speaking, and Shen Long's long sword cut off his head with a sweep, and put it into the wooden box that was prepared long ago!

   "Let's go, go to Hangzhou and take his head to worship!" As for the piece of skin left in the field, forget it, this thing is indeed a bit scary.

   Soon after Shen Long left, the officers and soldiers hiding in the woods slowly came out. After they came out, they first looked at Weizhou's body and shivered. Isn't this too terrifying? Those officials of Daming are still awesome, even this thing can't stop their corruption!

   "Put him into the prison car, and see how other people are!" Now that the enemy is gone, they can only continue to **** these people to the capital.

   "My lord, someone is scared to death!"

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