All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2826: Chen Yilao

Among the robbers who came this time were people from the Dutch East India Company. They were also easily defeated by Shen Long. The news gradually spread in Southeast Asia and soon reached the island of Java. Several Chinese on the island heard it. Immediately after the news, they went home and told their relatives, but they didn't believe it after hearing the news, "Someone in Nanyang would dare to fight Hong Mao Yi? Are you nonsense?"

"Father, it's true. It's spread all over the island. The great king Fang Yanfang has created a huge reputation with the court without telling the court. There are countless battleships under his command. They are bigger and more powerful than Western battleships. Didn't you also hear about his bombardment of Nagasaki this time?" Shen Long has now revealed Fang Yan's name.

   "The Japanese pirates are far behind the Westerners!" The old man in the room still shook his head and refused to believe it easily, "I can't count on him to avenge our family!"

"Father, if you don't believe it, let's just wait a few days for the defeated Dutchman to come back. You will know when you go to the port to see their ship!" Chen Hongxi shook his head helplessly, and went out to inquire about the news. He kept bringing back new news for several days, but the old man still didn't believe it.

Knowing that one day, the Dutch warship came to the port to dock for supplies. The old man finally saw the big holes on the Dutch warship that were bombarded by the artillery, plus the news revealed when the Dutch disembarked the ship for supplies. The old man finally cried with joy, "Ha Haha, God has eyes, someone can finally clean up the Dutch! Our family's revenge can be avenged!"

   When he returned home, he immediately summoned all the family members, cleaned up, and rushed to the officer. However, when he heard that Shen Long was in Pontianak on the way, he hurried to Pontianak and found Shen Long at Sanfa Landing.

   As soon as he saw Shen Long, the old man immediately knelt down and paid homage, "Little old man Chen Yi pays respects to King Fang, and asks King Fang to avenge our Nanyang people!"

   "Old Chen Yi?" Shen Long vaguely felt that the name was familiar, so he quickly got him up and sat down, and then asked, "Where are you from? What hate?"

"The little old man was originally from Fujian. Fujian has many mountains and small fields. He can't live in the local area. In desperation, he can only go to Southeast Asia to make a living. Fortunately, the little old man is still hardworking. He lives in Batavia on Java Island. I made a lot of money! There are as many as tens of thousands of Chinese people like me in the local area, but this has aroused the coveting of the Dutch!" Speaking of these past events, Chen Yi's eyes burst into tears.

"The Dutch first forced us to apply for a residence permit time and time again. If we didn't get a new residence permit, we would be arrested, tortured during imprisonment, and they took all the money they had earned. Let’s go; if it’s just these, we’ll recognize it. In our hometown, isn’t the court oppressing us like this?

"However, the Dutch were still uneasy. They secretly mobilized their forces. First, the Dutch East India Company employees went out to search for hidden weapons from house to house. At night, under the direction of Governor Valgennier, Dutch sailors, soldiers and citizens rushed to The massacre began on the streets. The massacre lasted for seven days and seven nights. Nearly 10,000 people in the city were killed. Only the little old man and more than a hundred people escaped, but the little old man’s parents, brothers and sisters all died tragically in the hands of the Dutch!” said At this point, Old Chen Yi cried straight away.

Shen Long hurriedly stepped forward to rescue him. After waking him up, Chen Yi continued to say, "That day, blood on the streets was flowing into rivers, and the streams were dyed red, so I named my son Chen Hongxi as a sign Never forget the enemies of the past."

"After escaping from Batavia, I married a local woman and gave birth to a few children. After nine years, I saved enough money to buy land and returned to Fujian with my family. When I entered the home of Longxi, Fujian, I was taken by local officials. The governor of Fujian Pan Siju played the court, saying that I had lived in Nanyang for more than 20 years and worked for foreigners. I have become a foreigner’s inner ghost. Bringing foreign wives and mixed-race children back, polluting the land of my heaven."

"The imperial court also ordered me to reprimand me, saying that I'd used to intimidate Fanyi, bluff, or leak the situation in the mainland, don't cause trouble," and wanted to send me to the Northwest on the charge of'associating with foreign countries', fortunately when I went ashore. I kept my eyes on it and arranged for some people to hide their identities and go ashore before they rescued me. Since then, I never dared to go home again. I had to die in Java."

"Unexpectedly, I heard that King Fang defeated the Dutch a few days ago! The little old man finally saw the hope of revenge for his family! I thought that after hearing this, the court didn't even ask about it, and said,'It is hurtful, but it is evil. From self-made... the celestial dynasty abandoned the people, even if they carry the tomb of their ancestors, go abroad for profit, the court will not hear about it."

What this means is that this massacre is indeed a bit miserable, but the Nanyang Chinese deserved to die. These guys are abandoned from the celestial dynasty. They would not hesitate to betray their ancestors and graves. They went outside for money. This kind of people would die~www This kind of thing will happen again in the future, and the court will ignore it.

In fact, the Dutch were also guilty after the massacre. The Dutch were very afraid of Qing’s revenge, such as attacking Jakarta by force or imposing some economic sanctions. This was a big trouble, so the Dutch immediately sent people to the Qing Dynasty with gifts. The Dutch governor in Jakarta was immediately dealt with and sentenced to death.

Unexpectedly, I heard such a reply. Since then, those European colonists have become more and more harsh on the Nanyang Chinese. The Nanyang Chinese also hated the Manchu Qing court more and more. In the future, Sun Yat-sen will continue to obtain anti-Qing funds from Nanyang. That's it, since you are unwilling to protect us, then change to a court that can protect us! Unfortunately, Sun Yixian also disappointed them.

Mr. Chen Yi brought the whole family to the worship service and knocked his head to bleed. "Also ask King Fang to avenge us. As long as King Fang can avenge us, millions of Chinese people in Nanyang will definitely be King Fang. The head of the horse is looking, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

This old Chen Yi also had some knowledge, and faintly guessed some of Shen Long's plans. He knew that it would be impossible to ask for help for no reason, so he offered a condition that Shen Long could not refuse, "Nanyang people suffer from Westerners. Oh, if the king can free them from the oppression of the Westerners, the people of the islands in Nanyang will definitely submit to the king!"

Shen Long originally thought that it would take a while, and when the people of Pontianak had a good life, the people of Nanyang would come to take refuge. He didn't expect that the appearance of Chen Yi gave him another choice, a faster one. Choice of goals.

   "Okay, I promised!" Shen Long answered without hesitation.

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