All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2833: Water transport

"How did this rebel go to the senior officer?" The guard in the palace must be strengthened. What if the girl slays in the palace like before? No one came to rescue me this time! Qianlong thought of Ziwei again. He still doesn't understand why this girl saved him twice. What did he do in the first place?

"Uh, this..." The ministers all bowed their heads, they didn't know how to deal with it, and they didn't know. Now the senior officials have been completely occupied by Shen Long and the news has been cut off. The officials dare not talk about this, otherwise what can be done to hold them accountable?

   "Hehe." Seeing their expressions, Qianlong understood eight or nine points. "Summon the officials who had served as an official to Beijing, and inquire about the origins of the rebels in detail, and choose a capable general to quell the chaos!"

It turned out that when Lin Shuangwen was upset, Fukang'an went to quell it, but now Fukang'an is still a child. Qianlong can only choose another general. The officials have discussed it. Now there are not many generals in the court. A Gui had just put down the chaos in the Northwest, and could only mobilize him to calm the chaos in the Southeast.

   "Agui had mostly served in the northwest and southwest before, and he had never been to the southeast. He was not familiar with water warfare. If A Gui is the leader, he must find a deputy who is familiar with water warfare!" Qianlong was not confused.

"Currently, the chief soldier of Langshan in Jiangsu Province is doing great work. He used to be the chief soldier before, and he is familiar with sea routes and geography. If he assists Agui with Shi Bigong as his deputy, he will surely calm down!" It was better at the beginning of the country, and now I want to find it. It is not easy to get a general who is familiar with the water station. After discussing for a long time, the officials only remembered this unsatisfactory candidate.

   In this case, he hurriedly issued an order and ordered Agui to go south quickly, so that Shi Bigong was ready, and ordered the coastal areas of Fujian to take precautions to avoid the attack of Shen Long.

However, Shen Long’s goal was not Fujian. After quelling the senior officials, he dealt with internal affairs and wiped out local opposition, while splitting up and occupying Qiongzhou. Qiongzhou’s iron ore mines are very famous, and they must be taken to rebel. There were also not many people in Qiongzhou, and the defense was more lax than that of the leaders, so Shen Long easily took the place.

   Before, Shen Long had cultivated a lot of talents in mining and smelting. They started to mine on Qiongzhou Island and set up blast furnaces for smelting according to the map given by Shen Long.

   Hearing that Qiongzhou was already under, the coastal areas of Guangdong and Guangxi were shocked overnight. Many officials hurriedly closed the ports and stepped up guards to prevent Shen Long from attacking. Unfortunately, Shen Long did not intend to respond to them, but directly led the fleet north to Jiangning.

   Zheng Chenggong also tried to besiege Jiangning and cut off the canal transport of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. However, it was a pity that Zheng Chenggong's navy was not strong enough to cut off the canal. At the same time, his strategy outside Jiangning City went wrong and was defeated by the Manchu Qing defenders.

To intercept the water transport as the combat goal, it is necessary to control the Yangtze River below Zhenjiang and the battery on both sides of the strait. To complete this combat mission, the Zheng family lacks: it can defeat the Marine Corps of the Qing army in a land battle, and can destroy the naval guns of the Qing Navy and the battery on both sides of the strait. It is famous as a navy, but most of its ships are offshore defensive warships, and there are not many artillery, so they are not qualified for this task.

But Shen Long is different. The artillery of his battleships is far better than Zheng Chenggong. After driving in along the Yangtze River, he quickly defeated the Manchu Yangtze River Navy and destroyed countless battleships. The rest quickly fled against the current. Not daring to fight Shen Long, he easily occupied the waters near the mouth of the Yangtze River.

  I fought all the way from Songjiang Prefecture to Zhenjiang, and then came to Jiangning City, surrounded Jiangning City Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan, the Governor of Liangjiang, this is terrified, if Jiangning City falls, the court's transportation will be cut off.

  Since the late Tang Dynasty, China has used the wealth of the southeast to raise the horses of the north, and the southeast is the money bag, and the money is paid to raise the border troops in the north to solve the threat of the north.

This has led to changes in the southeast, which will cause the empire to lose its largest pockets, which will lead to the destruction of the entire empire. If Jiangning loses, once the four million shi of grains per year is cut off, the food reserves near the capital will not be able to support it. How long will the capital be faced with a food shortage, and the country will also be shaken.

If they were replaced by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom’s forces that descended down the river from the road to attack Jiangning, they would still be able to rely on sea transportation to transport grain and barely maintain the stability of the capital. However, Shen Long came from the sea. Now the coastal areas south of the Yangtze River are all in his Within the sphere of influence, who would dare to transport food northward? Isn't this sending food to others?

   Therefore, Jiangning cannot be missed. The Governor of Liangjiang hurriedly asked for help from the court, while recruiting all soldiers in Liangjiang to help defend the city.

I don’t want this to fall into Shen Long’s calculations. In fact, he could have won Jiang Ning long ago. Now that he doesn’t do anything, he just intends to encircle and fight for aid. If one city goes down, the efficiency will be too slow. Using Jiang Ning as a bait, lure the Qing soldiers to gather and then annihilate them all.

   stuck in the lifeline of Cao Yun, UU reading didn't worry about them not coming. Not long after, almost all of the Manchu force in the Liangjiang generation gathered outside the city of Jiangning, and Shen Long sent troops and horses to fight.

The then Governor of Liangjiang was Yin Jishan, a famous minister of the Qianlong Dynasty. He was born in the Zhang Jia clan like A Gui. He was not incompetent. If not, he would not have transferred so many reinforcements in such a short period of time. Not wanting to be convenient for Shen Long.

   "Now that there are tens of thousands of troops gathered in and outside Jiangning city, they will surely take the thieves in one fell swoop!" When Shen Long first came to the city, Yin Jishan was too scared. Now seeing the reinforcements arrive, he has renewed his courage.

   Shen Long immediately commanded the army to fight, Yin Jishan was even happier. Before, when there were few people, you didn't come to fight, but now you are strong and strong, but you bump into it. Isn't this looking for death?

However, in the next scene, he and the officials watching the battle in the city were frightened. Shen Long's army lined up in a hollow square and pushed towards the Qing army. Then the guns blasted and counted outside the city. Wan Qingjun was easily defeated, leaving countless corpses and fled, Shen Long's army hardly suffered much loss.

This battle not only wiped out the reinforcements of Jiangning City, but also made the city defenders frightened. When Shen Long's army began to attack the city, they hardly had the courage to resist, and Shen Long used tunnels to dig into the city. Blast a section of the city wall with explosives, and then attacked the city.

   Yin Jishan and many of the Manchu and Han officials in the city became Shen Long’s prisoners, Jiangning city also fell into the hands of Shen Long, since then, the transportation was completely cut off by Shen Long, and the capital fell into panic.

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