All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2839: Who is the emperor?

When the box was taken out, almost everyone began to count secretly, but when counting, they felt something was wrong. Is this too much? It even exceeded the number of Qianlong's current princes.

So far, Qianlong has a total of fifteen sons. The eldest son Yonghuang, the second son Yonglian, the third son Yongzhang, and the seventh son Yongcong died early. The 14th son Yonglu of Wei Jia, who was born to the noble concubine, just left this year. The nine sons, the tenth son, and the thirteenth son died early. The fifth son Yongqi was chopped off by Shen Long and Xiao Yanzi some time ago.

Therefore, only the fourth son of the emperor Yongxuan, the sixth son of the emperor Yongrong, the eighth son of Yongxuan, the eleventh son of the emperor Yongzheng, the twelfth son of the emperor born Yongzhen, and the fifteenth son of the Wei Jia family who gave birth to the imperial concubine are left. Yongyan has six, but the box has as many as eight. What on earth is this?

   And Yong Yan, who will become Emperor Jiaqing in the future, has just been born now. Can he live to adulthood or two. The queen's child is still there. There is no reason to canonize him as the crown prince, right?

That's right, in the whole "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Ling Fei is the one who has the last laugh. Don't see how little Yanzi and Ziwei are spoiled in TV dramas, let alone how arrogant the queen is. In the future, she will compare with Ling Guifei. It's not a big deal, but she became the empress dowager.

By the way, even without Shen Long's intervention, Yong Qi died after only 26 years of life. If Xiao Yanzi marries him, she will have to be a widow within a few years. This girl is really pitiful. She had no parents when she was a child. Soon after he married, he lost his husband, and I don't know if it was the reincarnation of Tiansha Lone Star.

"Queen dowager, Xu is that your majesty forgot to take out the previous secret edict when putting in the secret edict. In order to avoid the accident, it is better to just look at the top one. This should be your majesty's original intention!" The Minister of Land said immediately, if this were all taken apart and looked at, wouldn't it be messy?

However, some people expressed objection, "The top one is not necessarily the last one? Grandpa Li, have you seen it clearly just now, are these boxes placed in one row or two rows behind the plaque?" If there are two rows, , Who knows that the top two boxes are the last ones to be put in?

   In the Qing Palace, everyone’s eyes were focused on Li Yu, the chief **** who took the secret eunuch. The sweat on Li Yu’s body was soaked with his clothes. Why did I put on this matter? It seems that even if I want to help the old emperor guard the tomb, he can't do it. He hesitates, "The slave and maid can only see clearly. There are four in a row, and a total of two floors..."

   "Ah!" Now everyone is dumbfounded, you won't be in a row, so it's easy to say something, four on the top floor, how do we tell which one comes first?

   "Perhaps... Maybe your majesty left a date in the secret edict?" Then you can only look at the text on it, and then judge based on the text.

   asked about the location. Everyone placed eight boxes on the table in the style behind the bright plaque. Then, with the permission of the Queen Mother, opened the one on the far left. Everyone immediately held their breath.

The format of the secret edict is simple. There are only two lines of characters written on white paper and red pen. Both Manchu and Chinese characters are written in Yongyan, the fifteenth son of the emperor. The empress almost fainted, and the concubine hugged Yongyan and knelt down. On the ground, I still can't do it right now, and being proud too early will never end well.

   "This..." Many princes and ministers are also dumbfounded. Even if you like Lingfei, the emperor, you won't be like that. Yong Yan is still sucking milk now, how can you become an emperor? What's more, it doesn't matter if it's time for peace. Now the thief is still making trouble in the south. If he is enthroned, how will he deal with government affairs?

   And to say something rebellious, the first emperor already has so many princes who died early, who can guarantee that Yong Yan will live safely to adulthood? What if you hang up within a few days of ascending the throne? He doesn't even have the ability to leave secret edicts, right?

   "What do you think?" The empress dowager seemed a little dissatisfied with this result, so she didn't immediately announce Yongyan's accession to the throne, but turned her attention to the princes and ministers.

   "Um..." Who dares to interrupt this matter? Do you think you are living too long? If Yong Yan is an adult, no, even as long as eleven or twelve years old, looking at his bones, they are still tough, they might be calling for a long life, but who made him not weaned now? I really can't say what would make him enthroned.

   "Why don't you speak anymore?" The Queen Mother raised her voice.

"Enlighten the Empress Dowager, although the first emperor has a secret edict, but the 15th son of the emperor is still young, why don't you ask the Empress Dowager to follow the example of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang in the government!" Someone who is good at thinking about people thinks that the queen dowager is up. He thought about it, so he quickly suggested that it doesn't matter whether Xiaozhuang really once served as a government official in those years, but it is important to have an excuse.

  'S words made the Empress Dowager a little tempted, but her mind was still clear, "I don't have the skills of Lafayette Xiaozhuang!"

   The brothers of the Labradores below are in a hurry, I'm still waiting to be the Yongyan is enthroned, what can I do? So he quickly kicked a certain minister, and the minister immediately woke up and hurriedly went out and said, "The Queen Mother, although this seal is on the far left, it is not necessarily the last one. It is better to look again. Other things!"

Concubine Ling hated him to her bones, and she had already decided that as long as Yongyan became the throne in the future, he would chop off his whole family sooner or later; Nara's eyebrows were happy, right? There are still loyal ministers in the court. The one written in it must be my child from Yongzheng. Although Yongzheng is only seven years old, he is better than Yongyan in any way? Besides, I can emulate the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang.

   "Then...Let's take a look again!" As in today's chaos, it is indeed inappropriate for a child who has not been weaned to be the emperor, and the empress dowager can only let someone open another box.

This time, I chose the one on the far right. When I opened it, I heard a puff, and someone from the princes and ministers immediately knelt down. It turned out to be Qianlong’s younger brother and Prince He Gong, Hong Zhou. The reason for his kneeling is very simple. The secret edict was his name. Qianlong still had so many children, so he could be enthroned in his turn.

However, Hong Zhou didn’t have no ideas in his heart. For example, if there is a great chaos today, the country needs to be a prince. I am less than fifty this year. I can still carry the country of Qing Dynasty, the biggest emperor among Qianlong’s children. Zi Yongcheng is only in his early twenties this year, and he knows how to govern the country.

   "Huh, Li Yu, let's see the next one!" The empress dowager was also on fire. The throne was given to the child of Qianlong. I am the empress dowager. What happened to Hong Zhou? He is not my own! Am I going to be polite with that **** Gunn in the future?

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