All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2849: Dragon Ball Z

"Little Shen knows how to eat it, he deserves to be a celebrity chef. This hairy crab is paired with the daughter red, but it is particular about it. Firstly, because the rice wine is warm, it can neutralize the cold of the crabs, and secondly because the daughter red is rich in amino acids and esters. Substances can best remove the fishy smell of crabs and increase the deliciousness of crab meat in the mouth." Someone immediately praised it.

   "This daughter's red smells so sweet!" Someone took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes comfortably, "I'm afraid this isn't ordinary daughter red, right?"

"Zhenger Bajing has been buried under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree for 18 years!" Well, in fact, it took only eighteen minutes to reach the real world, but it was really eighteen years under the furoshiki of time and space. , When I opened the furoshiki, there was a thick layer of sweet-scented osmanthus underneath.

"No wonder there is a strong fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, now the daughter Hong sells a lot, but there are not many that have been buried under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree for 18 years! And even if there is, they are reluctant to sell! Xiao Shen, your good stuff Isn’t it too much? Today we have taken a big advantage!” If this is put up for auction, the ghost knows how much money it can sell, and the old wine produced by Gu Yue Longshan can be sold for tens of thousands, not to mention This is really buried under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree?

Shen Long took the wine jar and poured them wine. As soon as the wine smelled stronger and stronger, everyone in the club felt a little drowsy. Some people couldn't wait to take a sip from the wine bowl, "mellow and fresh, with endless aftertaste, sweet There are six flavors of, sour, bitter, pungent, fresh and astringent. Only the aged daughter red has this taste. The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus adds a bit of charm. It is a rare good wine!"

The chef gave them eight pieces of crab and a dish of **** vinegar, and someone waved his hand directly, “If you have a daughter red, you don’t need this. Although the **** vinegar dish can also remove the cold, it’s not as good as the dish of daughter red. !"

"Yes, yes, right, the vinegar dish also affects the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance of the daughter red, let's take it down! I brought a lot today, so you can try it together!" Shen Long also gave some to the chef and the waiter in the club. All encounters were fate, he didn't mean to look down on others, we were also a **** back then.

Someone skillfully used eight crabs to take apart the crabs, revealing the orange-red crab yellow, the white jade-like grease, and the white and tender crab meat. They picked it up and tasted it. The taste was slightly sweet and delicious, and then a mouthful of daughter red was added. , I feel more delicious.

   "Hey, every year I eat Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs around the Mid-Autumn Festival, but it’s the best one this year, and the one I’ve eaten now, I don’t think the ones I ate before have any taste at all!

   "It's over, Xiao Shen has raised my appetite. In the past, I thought the hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake were not bad, but after you have tasted this, if you let me eat the past, then I can't eat it anymore."

   "This wine is also, drinking Xiao Shen's daughter red, other rice wine can not be taken at all! Oh, by the way, do you think that drinking this daughter red, you can feel a lot of energy?"

   Isn’t this nonsense? This is the daughter red that I brewed with Xianmi Lingquan. Even if the osmanthus tree is the laurel laurel seed I got in the world of "Journey to the West", can you not be energetic after drinking it?

   "I don't know if it's an illusion, I feel that my old cold legs don't hurt anymore, my whole body is warm and comfortable!" Someone agreed.

This is also inevitable, let alone cure some minor illnesses, if you drink a few more bowls, you may be able to prolong your life. By the way, such a good thing, you have to send some back home, I will send SF in a while, also Let them have a taste. Although Shen Long's parents have enjoyed too many treasures, but they have encountered good things, Shen Long is still used to sending them.

They used eight crabs to eat crabs. Shen Long and Arya didn’t need them at all. They took a toothpick and were completely peeled out by the crab meat. The crab roe and crab paste were also eaten cleanly. Fighting it back completely, it opened their eyes again. In the past, it was only after hearing the legend that someone could do this, but now it is finally true.

After eating and drinking, the neighbors were all red and radiant; when he woke up the next morning, Shen Long found that there were a lot more people exercising in the community than in the past. Those who had eaten crabs and drank daughter red Yes, all of them are full of energy, lively and vigorously, and the little troubles in the past are completely cured.

Then there was a chance to run and walk the horse. From time to time, someone would beat Shen Long and wanted to buy some more daughter red to drink. Shen Long smiled and refused. If you drink a few bowls, you can do it. If you drink it every day, what if you become fine? ?

   Fortunately, everyone here knows how to score. After seeing Shen Long's refusal, he didn't insist anymore, and temporarily put down this idea, and prepared to see if there is a more suitable time in the future.

After running for two days in the suburbs, Shen Long and Arya returned to the city on Monday morning. Arya went to school during the day and Shen Long walked around the space at Io today. A few days later, I ran to see Saturn's halo or something. At night, I took Arya from any door, and then enjoyed the food in space.

Occasionally reply to emails. Now the progress of "Three-Body" animation is good. After using the new software provided by me, the development progress of "Black Myth: Wukong" is much faster than before. At the current speed, it is not only impossible The bouncing ticket may be taken out in advance, and the final effect is definitely much better than the first promo.

Those secret projects are also progressing smoothly. The first to produce results is the lithography unit. The first finished product has already been off the assembly line and began trial operation. The technology is no worse than Asim’s. It is estimated that as soon as it is announced, the global chip The industry had to be reshuffled, and then it was the turn of Asmak, Samsung, and TSMC to cry.

Hey, the strength of the Sound Nest organization is still limited. This space station can only wander in the solar system, and cannot go to farther galaxies. It seems to see what the earth-like planets in the outer galaxy look like, and whether there are any alien creatures on it. what! After seeing a few planets in the solar system, Shen Long felt a bit boring again.

   Although these planets have magnificent scenery, they are too quiet, and there are no signs of biological activity at all. It is a bit too boring to stroll around by myself and Arya.

   When will I have a more powerful mission, let me get a spaceship that can fly across galaxies, and then I will be able to take a look at the broader universe!

   I don’t know if the system heard Shen Long’s heartfelt voice. The mission prompt sounded in his mind, "From the world of Dragon Ball Z..."

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