All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 692: 2 year contract

Xiaoxia still has the same style as in the past. She wears a thin sweater and puts on a jacket like a boy, and her two arms help her to bulge.

His chest seemed to fall into a deep contemplation; but there was still the usual unconscious, proud smile on his face.

This is a beautiful weekend, the greenery is dim, the sweet fragrance of locust blossoms is filled in the air, especially such a beautiful story.

"Originally, I only heard that Jin Bo was rushed back by the army, but I didn't expect this to be the reason." When she said this, Xiaoxia even had a trace of jealousy in Jin Bo's heart. She was 23 years old this year, exactly the age of longing for love Especially after reading so many classic works, naturally I will have a higher pursuit of love.

The love between Jin Bo and Tsering Yang Jin satisfied her many longings for love, and gave her a lot of emotions. Xiao Xia couldn't help but sneak a glance at Shen Long. The way they got along and Jin Bo and Tsering Yang Jin were completely separate Different, but equally beautiful and romantic.

"Let's go for a walk!" I don't know why, at this time Xiaoxia had the urge to stay at home. The cave and romance were a bit out of place, especially this is Tian Fujun's office.

Xiaoxia suggested to go to Guta Mountain, which made Shen Long jump a little bit faster. He remembered that the first hugs of Sun Shaoping and Xiaoxia in the book happened on Guta Mountain.

Out of the family committee of the Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China, after crossing the cement bridge on the Xiaonan River, along a deserted small dirt road, climbed the high ancient pagoda mountain, standing on the side of the ancient pagoda, the Huangyuan City in the sunset was unobstructed; Looking from a height, the proportion of streets, houses, and people has shrunk, like that of a villain.

The Huangyuan River and the Xiaonan River are as thick as one thin and two silver, and the dazzling light is entwined near the old bridge. Then it turns a big bend in front of the Dongtou Airport, and disappears in the distance between the mountain gorges. Nowhere to be seen; although it was evening, I saw many pedestrians on the street-especially near the Dongguan Bridge, busy crowds like the ants that moved before the storm ...

Shen Long and Xiao Xia only stood under the tower for a while, and the two of them walked silently into the woods behind the mountains; they just walked deep into the woods one after the other; it seemed that they had made an appointment ——In fact, it is the two hearts that lead to a quieter place.

They walked through a large low apricot forest and came to a small bay behind the ancient tower; the noisy and noisy city noise was immediately separated from the other world. There was no sound around, and only one or two chirps of the bird were heard.

This is a small soil girth surrounded by ground on three sides, covered with dense grass; the grass is dotted with many unknown flowers

——Red, yellow, blue, purple, colorful; snow-white butterflies fluttering peacefully in the grass among the flowers, this place only grows an independent du pear tree, the mouth of the bowl is thick, the thick leaves are like umbrellas Cast a big shade.

Shen Long and Xiao Xia walked over and sat in the shade of the tree one after another. Xiao Xia's heart was beating wildly and her face was flushed. She probably realized what it meant for them to come to such a place at this moment.

For a long time, they still did not speak. It's too quiet! It was so quiet that people could hear their breathing and heartbeat; a cool breeze blew, and the leaves and leaves of Du Lishu rustled on their heads.

Xiaoxia picked a pink bowl of flowers in the grass and raised her eyes in front of her with a smile. She seemed to have some views on it and what a very cute taste. Shaoping hugged his knees crampedly in both hands, looking at Dongchuan's empty airport without moving.

"Finally graduated ..." Xiao Xia said, "He was sitting in the classroom, and suddenly a female student told him to come out at the door ..."

"He came out, the female classmate was in the aisle outside the classroom and said to him 'I have something to say to you. Let's meet once in ten years!'" Shen Long reacted and said, this is The dialogue in Xiao Xia's favorite work "Genia? Lu Mian Ceva".

Xiaoxia was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the other party had read this book, and she became happy again. There was nothing better than this kind of tacit understanding.

“‘ When and where do we meet? ’,‘ Ten years later, on May 29 at 8 pm in the middle of the row of columns in the Grand Theater. ’Xiaoxia continued.

"... 'What if the cylinder there is singular?" Shen Long only said a few words this time.

"There are eight cylinders ..." Xiao Xia recite the second sentence.

"If my appearance has changed a lot, you can identify me with my photos of that time."

"Well, I must have been a celebrity then, anyway, I must be in my car ..."

"That's all right. When you find it, you will take me for a ride around the city."

Speaking of where Xiaoxia stopped, she looked up and looked at him with eager and encouraging eyes; Shen Long opened her strong arms and hugged her tightly! She buried her head in his chest and said affectionately, "Two years later, just today, at the same moment, no matter where we were at that time, or whatever we were doing, we must rush to this place to come again Meet ... "

"Sure!" Shen Long said seriously, he repeated that important day in his mind again ~ ~ At that time he will definitely be with Xiaoxia, and he will certainly be able to avoid that tragedy, certainly not Like the male protagonist in "Genia Rumanceva", only one person can come to the appointment alone.

Nearly in the evening, Shen Long and Tian Xiaoxia came down from Guta Mountain; they made an appointment next to the Xiaonan River and broke up a little reluctantly.

Xiao Xia returned to the local committee, after Shen Long sent Xiao Xia home, he returned to his cave and began to think about his future plans. If nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Xia will soon become a reporter of the provincial newspaper. Go to work in the provincial capital.

It is now comparable to that in the future. There is no high-speed rail from Huangyuan to the provincial capital. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth. If you continue to stay in Huangyuan, you will have fewer opportunities to meet Xiaoxia in the future.

This will definitely not work, then I will go to the provincial capital, and Shen Long has made plans. Anyway, relying on the current manuscript fee is enough to live in the provincial capital.

But don't worry, everything will wait until Xiao Xia officially graduates! A smile appeared on the corner of Shen Long's mouth, got up and pulled open the drawer, took out half of the manuscripts he wrote, and continued to write. Before that, write more manuscripts!

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