All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 804: Germany goal?

"Let's take a look at the slow motion. Yankel's foot can't actually touch the ball. Everything he does is to deceive a penalty!" Zhang Bing was extremely depressed, watching the distance from the Hercules Cup Only a few steps away, it was blown away by the referee, no one can accept it.

"From the rules of the game, this ball may be okay, but from a sports ethical point of view, Yankel is somewhat unscrupulous." Zhang Guidao also said, as fans encounter similar things, the reaction will definitely be biased towards their home team. In the 1998 World Cup, Baggio deliberately kicked the ball to the opponent's hand. Guidance Zhang might have praised Baggio for his cleverness and good use of rules, but now he has begun to criticize Yankel.

"Now the most critical issue is not this penalty, but the question of who will keep the goal. The goalkeeper is no better than other positions. If there is no goalkeeper on the field, the game will be lost!" Zhang Bing looked to the side of the court and saw Milu Zhenghe The coaching staff got together, said something anxiously, and looked at the court from time to time, as if they wanted to select a goalkeeper from among the players on the court.

"Now we can only find someone from the players on the court to temporarily serve as goalkeepers. Has any Chinese player ever played a goalkeeper? General Fan claims to be able to play all positions on the field, but he has never played a goalkeeper!" I also quickly recalled the experiences of these players on the court.

"Oh, Ouli passed, he asked the substitute goalkeeper Ou Chuliang for a jersey, and gloves, it seems that he was planning to go out personally! Ouli is about the same height as Oo Chuliang, clothes and gloves. Better than Jiang Jin ’s, Ouli ’s mind is clear, but can he be a good goalkeeper? ”

"If it fails, Ollie's previous contribution will be completely ruined. Why did he make this decision?" The Napoli narrator couldn't help it. If Ollie doesn't serve as a temporary goalkeeper, even if the game is lost, public opinion Nor will he blame him, but he is now standing on the goal line, if the German team wins, then he will bear countless accusations.

"Ouli made a brave decision. Regardless of the outcome of this game, Ou Li's courage at this moment is worthy of everyone's respect!" Zhang Bing took a deep breath and endured tears to start defending Ouli in advance, "The Chinese team There is no place for substitutions now, and no matter what kind of performance you stand on the goal line, you should not be harsh. "

Waller appeared optimistic, and Europe was tied to the goal line much better than his continued midfielder, so that the German team can attack unscrupulously without worrying about his counterattack.

"Who will be penalized for this penalty?" Skibbey asked. The original German team's first penalty shooter was Barack, but Barack could not make the appearance. Neuville's penalty was also good, but he was replaced. .

"Let Bierhof go, I believe his psychological quality, the face of such a goalkeeper, the key is not the footwork, but the psychological quality!" Waller made a decisive decision, Bierhof once In the 1996 European Cup, he scored a golden goal to help the German team win. He is not only a good psychological quality, but also a lucky player.

Bierhoff stood behind the penalty spot and placed football seriously, while Shen Long stood akimbo on the goal line. When Bierhoff set the ball ready for a free throw, Shen Long compared with Erhoff. Hook your finger and point your finger at the bottom left corner of the fans.

"Ouli seems to be saying to Erhoff that I'm going to pounce here, and he's starting to use psychological tactics again! Is this trick effective?" Guidance Zhang's heart was filled with vague hope. It means something.

what should I do? Will he really flick to the left? No, I do n’t care if he pounces there. Even if he is not good, he has not experienced professional goalkeeper training. I just need to shoot hard directly!

Bierhoff quickly adjusted his mentality, waited for the referee to whistle forward, and then kicked the ball to the bottom left corner of the goal. As long as it is not left-handed, this position is the most difficult position for the goalkeeper to defend. .

"Bierhof shot! Ouli Fei quickly rushed to the ground, he really fulfilled his promise, rushed to the bottom left corner of the goal! Despite Bierhof's shot speed angle is excellent, he was saved!"

"God! What the **** is going on? Why is he so good at the goalkeeper position? Is there anything that European forces can't do on the court?" The German commentator collapsed directly, and he and Zhang Bing thought just now Similarly, it seems that the Hercules Cup is only a few steps away, but now it seems to be flying away.

"Not only did Bühlhofer save the penalty kick, he also directly blocked the ball from the bottom line without giving the German team any chance to make a shot. This treatment is not like being a goalkeeper for the first time! Bierhoff stood at the penalty spot in disappointment. He couldn't believe his penalty was actually saved by a temporary goalkeeper! "

"After the delay just now, the regular time of the game has ended. The fourth official on the sideline gave the stoppage time. There are still five minutes left in this game. To be honest, this stoppage time is a bit long!" Zhang Bing could not wait. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make up for a second.

"Oh ~ ~ We saw that Kahn also ran over, maybe he also felt that this corner kick was the last good chance for the German team. Almost all the 11 players of the German team came to the Chinese team's penalty zone , And all the ten players of the Chinese team have returned to the penalty area to prepare to defend this corner kick! "

"It's okay, he's just a temporary goalkeeper! It must have been a coincidence! We all got together and we will definitely score this corner!" Kahn once again used the roar of the roar to help the German team members inspire morale, and Grab a good position in the penalty area and be ready to shoot.

"Stand up, big head, go a little further and stare at Bierhof! Du Wei, you go to see Klose! Lao Fan, Yankel is for you! Ji Hai, you keep the point, Cheng Ying , You go to the back post ... "Shen Long did not want to be outdone, commanding the defense with a louder voice than Kahn.

"The two sides are fiercely fighting for positions in the penalty area. The referee has whistle twice and the game time has passed for another minute. As long as the corner can be held, I think the German team will probably not have such a good chance!" Zhang Bing once again hung his heart in his throat, whether the Chinese team can get the World Cup, it depends on this corner kick.

"Germany took the corner kick! Bierhof grabbed the header from the previous point and rubbed it! I don't know who grabbed the second point, the football refracted and rushed to the Chinese team's goal!"

"The goal has been scored! This goal has been scored! The German team equalized the score!" The German commentator did not even see who was scoring, and began to celebrate!

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