All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 822: I know why there are so few wizards?

Snape ’s tragedy can be summed up in a simple sentence: the poor nerd who only knew that the book was taken away by the noble and golden football team quarterback, then since it is so, just beat him in the other party ’s best field Only in this way can James' pride be smashed.

"Maybe I can try it!" Shen Long replied lazily on the chair. Although he hadn't played the Quidditch game, he thought it would be a joke if he could only play a few children with his ability.

In terms of flight, what speed is he riding in somersault cloud? What speed were the children riding on the broom? Regarding the ability to find the golden thief, those children can only look with their eyes. He can also capture with his own sense of gas. As long as he plays, how can other children play?

"Have you practiced Quidditch before?" Lucius asked. "We have not won the Quidditch championship for many years. If you can get us the trophy back, you will definitely become the whole college. Hero! But first-year freshmen are not eligible to join the team. "

"No, but if it comes to flying, I believe that in this world, I will not lose to anyone." Shen Long replied confidently, "And this regulation is worried that the first-year freshman flight skills are not skilled enough. , Easy to get injured? As long as my flying skills pass, I ’m sure there ’s no problem. "

Since Harry Potter can join the team in first grade, why can't I do it, is it because he is the protagonist?

"When you finish the flight class, I will take you to the team to try it. By the way, what broom do you use?" Lucius Malfoy continued to ask.

"The light wheel is one thousand." The light wheel competition broom company was founded in 1967 and launched the light wheel one thousand in the same year. Think about it until 1991 when Harry Potter entered school. They only launched the light wheel 2000. Is it so long Did they complete the product replacement? If this is the case, it is a miracle that the magic world has not died!

However, from an economic point of view, this is not impossible. The wizarding world has such a small population, and fewer people can use the broom. It is no wonder that any new product takes a long time to recover R & D costs. They are so slow, after all, the economic foundation is here.

"Wow, can we have a look? I always wanted it, but I was reluctant to buy it for me at home!" This is a new product that has just been launched for more than three years ... Well, we won't vomit this ... In the Wizarding World, this is indeed a new product. When the Harry Potter story began, it was almost the same as the firebolt, but not every child has the money to buy it.

"Very good broom, now I have more confidence in your strength!" Lucius Malfoy was surprised again by Shen Long's strong economic strength.

After chatting for a while, Shen Long returned to the dormitory with Ivory and Muri Saibo when they were going to bed. They also missed the light wheel for a thousand, "Severus, I can borrow your broom and try to fly For a while? "

"No problem, as long as you perform well in the flight class and make sure that you won't be in trouble if you ride a thousand wheels," I will play for you. "Shen Long said generously, he already planned to accept these two children as younger brothers. To be better, of course, when you become your little brother, you have to be disciplined.

In the original novel, what these two seem to have done angered Lily. Such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen. Shen Long doesn't just send things.

On the second day of the class, Shen Long met many familiar teachers, such as Professor McGonagall who teaches Transfiguration, such as Horace Slughorn, current Dean of Slytherin College and teacher of potions, especially Shen Long. Pay attention to the latter, because he has a profound attainment in magic.

It was he who taught Tom Riddle the Horcrux manufacturing method and in-depth knowledge. Without Slughorn, there might be no future Voldemort.

It's not difficult to have a good relationship with him. Slughorn is like some kind of teacher that Shen Long hated when he was studying. As a teacher, he turned a blind eye to mediocre students and could not even remember the name (such as Ron Weasley) ); But relatively, he can always notice and discover those students with outstanding talents to join his circle and give them special privileges.

Shen Long will undoubtedly become the best student of this class, and he is the sister-in-law of Slytherin College. It is not easy for Slughorn to notice him.

This guy is greedy for pleasure and loves vanity. He likes to communicate with celebrities, successful people, and important people. He really enjoys the feelings that can affect these people. He especially likes the material to enjoy the smoking of oak wine, pineapple preserves and velvet As long as he has mastered these, plus Shen Long's experience, I believe that he will soon become his favorite student.

In the first potion class, Shen Long won the appreciation of Slughorn. Shen Long had already studied in advance. He now masters more magic than most seniors. In terms of potions He has a good talent, coupled with the teachings of Eileen Prince from a family of potions, Shen Long's performance is perfect.

Shen Long ’s performance earned Slytherin extra points, and the first class brought benefits to the academy, and the children who were with him in Slytherin applauded and applauded ~ ~ Every and Murray Bo was the most excited, and he kept pretending to be sullen Shen Long to his classmates. They are now more and more like little brothers.

Not only Shen Long, but Lily also showed a certain talent in this regard, and also won the appreciation of Slughorn and the extra points given to Gryffindor, which made Lily very happy, and these Seen as Shen Long's credit, because before enrolling in school, Shen Long has been helping her with homework.

On the other hand, James, Sirius, and others, do n’t know if they really do n’t have this talent, or because Slughorn is the dean of Slytherin College, they do n’t like to listen to his class, so they make their crucible It was a mess, and Slughorn was scolded several times, and Gryffindor was deducted a few points.

Seeing this scene, Lily was a little unhappy because the extra points she had just earned for Gryffindor were buried by James and Sirius, no matter who it was, she saw her efforts turned into useless work by others, Will not be happy.

At the end of the class, Shen Long comforted Lily and made her mood better. Lily felt that they were too boring compared with the mature and steady Shen Long.

In the afternoon, the flight class began. Shen Long glanced at the broom on the ground and murmured secretly in my heart. I now know why there are so few wizards.

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