All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 828: Are you stupid?

"This is the pride of the Malfoy family." Lucius Malfoy is also very satisfied with his house. This is a dignified lord's house. The elaborate gardens surround it, with fountains and free strolls. The white peacock and the attached delicate wrought iron gates allow visitors to pass through the smoke as they pass through.

The interior of the manor is extremely luxurious, including luxurious furniture, marble fireplaces and gilded mirrors, the entrance hall is large, portraits are hung on the walls, and stone and floor tiles are almost all covered with gorgeous carpets.

It is worthy of the inheritance of the ancient family. Such a large house and these precious works of art can not be put together in one generation or two. Hey, you said that you are a good local tyrant, you have to be a terrorist, Is your brain sick?

After the visit, Lucius took Shen Long to the reception room to sit down, let the house elves bring black tea, and then slowly chatted with Shen Long. Lucius did not invite Shen Long to join the Death Eaters at the beginning. It was casually chatting with him about the recent events in the magic world.

To his surprise, the man in front of him didn't seem to be a twelve-year-old kid at all. He behaved very calmly and calmly, without any impatient look. No matter what he said, people were not slow. In the end, Lucius couldn't bear it first, "Severus, what do you think of the mysterious man?"

I thought you could speak for another half an hour, Shen Long smiled, no matter how pretentious, Lucius is now just a little boy who has just grown up. Take a sip and casually ask, "Oh? What do you mean by that senior?"

"Yes." Lucius radiated a hot light in his eyes. This kind of light had been seen in the eyes of many star chasers. "He is the greatest after Salazar Slytherin at Slytherin College. Wizard! "

"Siefer, now the pure blood of the wizarding world is being destroyed, the wizard's living space is getting narrower and narrower under the pressure of Muggles, and we must stand up and do something!" Lucius was excited like a second-year boy at this time. .

"Lucius, why did you tell me this?" Shen Long shrugged. "I'm not a pure-blood wizard, and the mysterious man doesn't seem to be right?" It's really unclear, why Snape Want to join the Death Eaters? He is a half-blood wizard, is it an aversion to his father?

"No, Sev, although you are of mixed blood, I can feel that you belong to Slytherin!" Lucius couldn't help shivering when he heard the mysterious man.

"Lucius, I actually know what you want to say, do you want me to join your ranks too? Follow the mysterious man to defeat Dumbledore, and then fight against the Muggles to regain the glory of the wizard? "Shen Long asked back, he opened the topic directly.

"Yes." Lucius nodded immediately. "He is the most powerful wizard of dark magic in history. Now many ancient pure-blood wizard families are united around him. We will definitely win this war!"

"Is there an imposing wish! But I don't think you will succeed." Shen Long smiled. "At least in my opinion, the mysterious man is far from Grindelwald. Even Grindelwald can't beat Deng. Brido, not to mention him? "

Voldemort and Grindelwald may have similar achievements in magic. Voldemort may be a little stronger, but their IQ is not at the same level; Grindelwald is a prophet, ignoring others all his life, but Voldemort believes in prophecy, all his life. Being fooled by others.

Take a look at the means by which the two of them implemented the plan. Grindelwald placed undercover in the Ministry of Magic in order to collect Kraedons. Undercover killed the mixed-race elf as Auror of the Ministry of Magic, which deepened Cradens. The aversion to the Ministry of Magic accelerated his blackening.

Public speaking, provocatively provoking hatred between pure blood and Muggles, and arranged to pretend to pretend to be the Auror of the Ministry of Magic, kill the followers in public, stir the emotions and cause war; organized and planned to start very hot, the Ministry of Magic is unable to parry .

But after Voldemort listened to the incomplete prophecy, he went back and forth on the road to confirm the prophecy. After his resurrection, he thought about how to break the prophecy; this is the only meaning after his resurrection.

This pattern, this strategy, is very low compared to Grindelwald. When he finally killed Grindelwald, Grindelwald did not look at him at all, and he also spoke ironically. Obviously Grindelwald does not think Voldemort is much. Awesome.

Of course, there is also a reason for Rowling ’s writing skills. After Grindelwald ’s shaping after Voldemort, Rowling also changed from a novice to a mature writer. The villain is naturally better than the novice period; but comprehensive this The ability of the two generations of black devil heads, Voldemort may be better than Grindelwald in magic, but in terms of political ability, Grindelwald was thrown a few streets away.

"No! How can Grindelwald ... How can he be more powerful than Grindelwald compared to the mysterious man!" Lucius didn't seem to hear Shen Long's meaning, and was still obsessed with comparing the magical abilities of the two. .

"If you want to rule the magic world, it's not just about the magical powers ~ ~ Otherwise, why didn't Dumbledore become the Minister of Magic? He had this opportunity, but he pushed it away. I think he might also Do n’t you think you are suitable for this position? ”Shen Long continued.“ I do n’t deny the strength of the mysterious man, but his political ability is far from Grindelwald! ”

"Only people who know how to use terror to deter their men and their opponents are not far away! If you want to deal with Muggles, don't you want to unite all the powers of the wizards first? But he despised Muggles or mixed-blood wizards; do he think With only a few pure-blood wizards, can humans be defeated? "

"I'm curious, why do you follow him? What can you gain by following him? Power? The Malfoy family's influence on the magic world is already strong enough!" Shen Long asked again, not waiting for Lucius to answer, " Speaking of wealth, through friendly relations with Muggles, your Malfoy family has become one of the richest wizarding families. Why do you take such a risk? "

Shen Long couldn't figure this out. Lucius asked for money, money, status and status. Supporting Voldemort is not good for him. Is it just a dedication to the concept of pure blood? This is not like what a mature veteran noble can do. Is Lucius silly?

Or is he still in his second year of age, his parents died early, no one taught him this, so he was stupid?

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