All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 831: 2nd grade

Shen Long had a very leisurely holiday. Since that contact with Lucius, he has not continued to participate in the magic world. He has to go to Diagon Alley to buy various books and potions, or stay at home. Learn.

Sisters Petunia and Lily often come over to play, and the Evans are also very relieved about this. They are allowed to stay at Shen Long's house. Anyway, there are villas and houses.

With Shen Long in the middle, the feelings of Penny and Lily sisters have not changed much. Penny often tells Lily about her glorious deeds in the school ballet team. She is now also a good character in her school and enjoys the teacher ’s Love and admiration from her classmates are not as jealous of Lily as she was at the beginning, maybe she will become a ballet star in the future.

Only in this way, she probably won't know Vernon Dursley? Dudley-Desley, the bear child, will not appear in this world.

There are beautiful sceneries and various foods prepared by Shen Long. Lily is also happy to stay here. The only thing that might dissatisfy her is that she ca n’t use magic outside the school, right?

But the holiday passed quickly, and it was time for Hogwarts to start school. Lily and Shen Long went to King's Cross Station again, and boarded the Hogwarts Express from the platform of nine and three quarters.

Entering the train and returning to the nostalgic wizarding world, Lily smiled happily, found an empty carriage and sat down, listening to the voices of the students around her. 'Change to' Let us all cross our fingers and look forward to the glorious moment ', I always feel that the new slogan is not as powerful as the original one. "

This is about Quidditch, as well as the topic of the latest popular culture in the wizarding world, "I bought" The Muggles Found "just published by Blenheim-Stoke."

Hearing this, Shen Long remembered best-selling author Jidro Lockhart. This guy should be eight years old this year? Shen Long was curious about how he would live in the future. Only six thousand people in the wizarding world of England could not support a writer. Even if one man had only sold six thousand copies of his book, how many royalties could he get?

No wonder Gidero Lockhart will go to Hogwarts as a teacher in the future. It is estimated that he can't survive by writing books alone? This guy's income is estimated to be inferior to the writer of the starting point.

Of course, it ’s also necessary to talk about Shen Long. “The Chadri Artillery ’s searcher is really bad. I want to wait until Severus Snape graduates. If the Chadeli Artillery can recruit him, he will definitely Won the championship? "

"Severus may not necessarily agree. His grades are so good, and he will certainly remain as a teacher. I have heard several professors say so."

"It would be interesting to say that being a professor is definitely not an Auror. Severus performed equally well in magic fighting classes. I even think he can beat even seventh-grade students. Merlin, he is a first-year freshman. Only! "

"Are you talking about Severus Snape of Slytherin? The one who helped Slytherin win the Quidditch championship? Merlin is on, hoping the branch cap will assign me to Slytherin. You can see him often! "Listening to this voice seems to be a girl, Shen Long even has little fans.

"Mary, your whole family is a student of Gryffindor. Do you want to betray Gryffindor?" This seemed to be her companion, and was very dissatisfied with the tone.

"So, do you want to go to that college more?" Mary asked back.

The other party was miserable at that time, "Uh, maybe ... maybe Slytherin is also good?"

"Wow, Sever, you are already the idol of the new students!" Lily opened her mouth exaggeratedly, but she smiled in the corner of her eyes, and she was very happy to hear that Shen Long was so popular.

After a while, a freshman came in and pushed in. "Can I sit here? ... Wait, you're Severus Snape! Slytherin's most talented chaser! Oh! Come here! , See who I met! "

This sinking Rong was regarded as enjoying the treatment of Harry Potter at that time, and was sought after by the students on the train. By coincidence, James Potter and Sirius and others just passed by at this time. They happened to be blocked by the students who came to watch Shen Long, so before they returned to Hogwarts, James became in a bad mood.

Satisfied with their request for a signed photo, the car was quiet again. Shen Long and Lily also heard some senior students quietly discussing the mysterious person.

Lily couldn't help being nervous, "Sev, are mysterious people so scary?"

"Don't worry, with Dumbledore here, Hogwarts is the safest place in the magic world." Shen Long comforted that Voldemort did not dare to come to the trouble of Hogwarts easily, and the safety of reading here is absolutely guaranteed. After talking, Shen Long glanced at Lily. "Again, isn't there still me? I will protect you!"

Hearing this, Lily's eyes were full of tenderness, and her face smiled sweetly. Hey, the British bear child is sensible, she has long been looking forward to her own love; from the boy she can reach now From the point of view of children, there is really no better choice than Sev.

Compared to her Siefer ~ ~ James and Sirius in Gryffindor are almost too far apart.

"Ah, it's really bad luck. I didn't expect to meet that nasty guy as soon as I came up." James was very upset. He felt that he was the one who was in the limelight to accept the compliments of his classmates.

And his invisibility cloak also lost to Shen Long, but this is the heirloom of their Potter family, he had to find a way to take it back, but how to get it back? Continue to use Quidditch games for gambling? Even the arrogant James does n’t feel he has any hope of defeating Shen Long in the Quidditch game.

As for the other, whether it be magic or various sports, James seriously considered it and found no chance to defeat Shen Long.

It's so annoying. That guy is more annoying than the mysterious man. James scratches his hair in distress, watching his several buddies, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Dwarf. Brush their heads, they also have no good way.

Ok? I ca n’t beat Severus, and it does n’t mean that it ’s not for others. Last year, I seemed to find some clues, but I did n’t have time to track them down. If things are as I imagined, maybe this is a good way. James and Sirius exchanged glances and put his eyes on Lu Ping.

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