All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 841: Study in the Magic World

"Uh!" Just when Shen Long was thinking wildly, Lucius Malfoy appeared in the yard through a phantom, and he rushed over as soon as he saw Shen Long, with a look of surprise, "Sever, you're fine It ’s so good! I notified Dumbledore as soon as I received the news. I did n’t expect it was too late. "

"Ah, then I really want to thank you." Shen Long looked at Lucius Malfoy, the little peacock child's boots with a smile, did you play this in front of me still tender?

"Uh, that, that is not polite, let me establish a connection with Dumbledore is also your suggestion!" Lucius saw Shen Long's thoughts, he is still very young, and his face is not thick enough. The situation suddenly didn't know what to do, and his face became red.

"Lucius? Are you really happy to see me okay?" Shen Long put his smile down and looked at Lucius Malfoy with a straight face. You just put me together and didn't want to pay a price. Fear is impossible?

"Yes, yes, didn't I come to see you as soon as I received the news?" Lucius Malfoy said, he thought Voldemort and the Death Eaters could kill Shen Long, Then Dumbledore came back to fight with Voldemort and suffered both defeats. In the end, Voldemort and the Death Eater were killed, and Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix also suffered heavy losses.

In this way, he can take the biggest fruit of this victory. Unexpectedly, Shen Long killed Voldemort and so many Death Eaters alone, and became the biggest hero to eliminate the black demon head. Wonderful!

Since he has such a strong strength, how could he be better off by himself? Could the Malfoy family disappear from the magic world this time? At the thought of this, Lucius was sweating.

"Siefer, it's just time for us to discuss the plan that we have said before! Now the Brothers of Lestrange are dead, their family's legacy ... and the Black family ..." Lucius also understood, saying how much is false It's useless, or the actual ones are better, so he endured the pain and transferred most of the wealth originally allocated to him to Shen Long.

"Maybe we can adjust it again!" Shen Long has little interest in real estate, Jin Jialong and other things. He wants to get money. He has many ways. What he wants more is the magic books and magic passed down from the ancient family. Animals, potions, raw materials, magical props, etc.

He greatly changed the plan provided by Lucius, and brought everything he was interested in to his side, leaving only some real estate and Jin Jialong to Lucius.

This is much more demanding than the good conditions originally said, but Lucius Malfoy did not dare to have a little opinion. Instead, he was relieved for a long time. It is a good thing that people are willing to talk to themselves. At least the Malfoy family keeps it. Isn't it?

But why do I still feel a little distressed? Looking at the wealth that should have belonged to me, Lucius could n’t breathe distressedly. Hey, why did I have such an idea at that time? Ruth uses Muggle weapons, how could he think he would be easily killed by Voldemort?

This is really a failed adventure. It seems that such a thing can never happen again. No matter what happens, I must discuss it with him as soon as possible. After this incident, Lucius' Attitudes changed again.

"Okay, just follow this plan! The next thing will trouble you, Lucius!" After a lot of changes, Shen Long returned the plan to Lucius Malfoy.

"Okay, I will start right away!" Lucius took over the revised plan, said Bi Jing respectfully, and then hurried back to follow the plan. Now Voldemort and the Death Eaters have just been eliminated. The Phoenix Society and the Ministry of Magic He is still hunting down the remaining surviving Death Eaters, and no one cares about those Death Eaters' property for the time being, which is a good opportunity for him to operate.

Lucius was busy immediately after returning home. He used the accumulation of the Malfoy family for many years, or the various elaborate schemes provided by Shen Long, and quietly accepted the majority of the family of Death Eaters, inherited for hundreds of years and above Thousands of years of land, Jin Jialong accumulated by the family for generations, as well as various magic books, magic props, magical animals, raw materials for potions, etc., have been sent to Shenlong here for a while.

Unconsciously, Shen Long became the most wealthy person in the magic world, the person with the most accumulated knowledge, and many of the Death Eaters were pure blood wizard families with ancient heritage, and accumulated all their knowledge. After going down, Shen Long even had more magical materials than the Hogwarts Library.

Therefore, Shen Long stayed at home quietly throughout the summer vacation, studying these valuable materials, and did not participate in the magic world; he did not want to ignore the magic world, but the magic world could not forget him. Soon after, Shen Long received the international In recognition of the Wizards ’Association, this time he won the Merlin First Class Medal.

In a short period of time, he won the Merlin Medal twice in a row, and he was awarded the first-class medal at such a young age. This is the first time in the history of the magic world.

Shen Long took Irene and Lily together to attend the awards ceremony. After he received the medal from Dumbledore, there was a warm applause from the scene ~ ~ Irene watched his eyes full Reassured, and Lily is a face admiration, she is now full of Shen Long, there is no shadow of James.

Compared with Shen Long, James is so far away, is it just a bear child?

After the award ceremony was over, there was a celebration dinner. Irene took Lily to chat with her old classmates, while Shen Long was called to a quiet place by Dumbledore.

"Severus, how do you think the wizard should coexist with Muggles?" After seeing the power of human weapons, Dumbledore was greatly impacted, and even Voldemort had not managed to resist the attack of human weapons and replaced it with I'm afraid he can't do it himself? In this case, once the magic world is exposed to humanity, it will surely usher in the disaster of extinction.

"I think the wizard's plan to hide his trail is right. Since there is no way to fight against Muggles, it is also a good thing to not let them realize their existence." Shen Long said.

"Of course, hiding yourself is not like ostriches burying their heads in the sand and pretending to see nothing. I think the wizarding community should send outstanding students to study at Muggle universities and learn about the latest technology of Muggles." Renjiawa Kanda's technology is so developed, Techara also went to study at the university of ordinary people, you should also study!

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