All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 843: Return home

When the news was announced, almost all Hogwarts students were ready to participate in this competition. Of course, Potter was no exception. Sirius said excitedly, "James! This time we must get the international competition. Eligibility!"

It ’s not easy to say whether Sirius is doing better or better than in the original novel. Well, he has n’t been kicked out of the house, and he is still in the Black family.

Sorry, the Black family has few people left now. Bellatrix was killed by Shen Long, and the rest of the Death Eaters were either killed or imprisoned in Azkaban, now The Black family is left with Narcissa who is married to Lucius Malfoy, Andomida who is married to Muggle-born wizard Ted Tonks, and Sirius' brother Regulus.

Among them, Regulus is very dangerous. He has always admired Voldemort and firmly believes in the theory of pure blood. If Shen Long constrains the new student of Slytherin, maybe this guy has also entered.

Regulus escaped, but the little dwarf Peter was not spared. Due to the betrayal of Lucius Malfoy from Twenty-five, this extremely hidden Death Eater was also discovered, and Gryffindor appeared to have died. And he is still his own buddy, which has caused James to suffer a huge blow, and until now it has been somewhat unencumbered.

"Come on, Sirius, even if you can participate in the competition? Is there any guy you can take away the championship from?" James Potter said listlessly. After all these years, he has completely lost sight of Shen Long. With a tantrum, he had given up entangled Lily and went to pursue other Gryffindor girls.

"In any case, I'm still going to try it, maybe the International Wizarding Federation will not let him participate?" Sirius still holds the heart in mind, he can kill Voldemort alone, and he and we Is it a bit too bully for these students to compete for the championship!

After talking about Sirius throwing the note into the Goblet of Fire, this game still uses this method to select the contestants. James also felt reasonable after hearing it, so he also threw his note into it.

"Severus is here!" Soon after the note was dropped, a huge cheer rang out from the crowd. Shen Long, Lily and Lupin were surrounded by many Hogwarts students and came to the Flame Cup. They also Are you going to sign up?

"Severus, we must keep the championship at Hogwarts this time! You can do it!" The students around cheered Shen Long, not even the children of Gryffindor. exception.

Many parents of Gryffindor students suffered heavy damage in the fight against Voldemort and Death Eaters. Shen Long killed Voldemort to avenge them. These people are very grateful to Shen Long.

However, Shen Long arrived in front of the Goblet of Fire, but did not put in a note, but watched Lu Ping and Lily throw in the note with his own name, just as Sirius had guessed, the International Wizarding Association also felt that Shen It is really inappropriate for Long to participate in such a competition.

Shen Long doesn't care about this. He has passed the time when he needs a champion of hegemony to give himself a glory. It is better to leave this opportunity to others. For example, Lily, he thinks that Lily also has a chance to win this championship.

Lily has been studying with her all these years. She was already very talented. She was one of the few wizards who could escape her life from Voldemort many times. She also experienced her own strict teaching. Now Lily is definitely stronger than the original novel. Many times, even better than many professors at Hogwarts, it is not impossible to win a championship.

The game went on schedule, and I do n’t know if it ’s really the choice of the Goblet of Fire, or if some people moved their hands and feet, Lily really got the qualification to play on behalf of Hogwarts, and Booth Barton, Demstrand, Ifamoni The School of Magic and representatives of other countries ’magic schools competed together.

Lily showed her strong strength under the observation of the students of the Magic School all over the world. She achieved excellent results in the three rounds and won the championship with undoubted advantages.

She also became the goddess in the hearts of the students of the Global School of Magic because of her excellent magic level and outstanding face value. However, what made these students feel disturbed is that their goddess already had a boyfriend, the first after winning the championship. In time, Lily fell on Shen Long's arms, adding countless lemon essence to the scene.

With this championship, Gryffindor College won the College Cup after a long absence, but James and Sirius were not happy because this championship was won by Lily for them, and Lily was able to win the game, naturally leaving Don't open that guy's teaching.

Moreover, Gryffindor won this championship because he loved Lily and couldn't bear to let her get nothing in Hogwarts' seven years?

The thought of this champion might be ... No, it must be ... someone else gave Gryffindor ~ ~ James and Sirius have reason to be happy.

Shen Long no longer cares what James and Sirius would think. After spending seven years at Hogwarts College relaxed and full of time, Shen Long and Lily entered the University of Magic for the first time.

Slightly different, Shen Long came in as a teacher at the University of Magic, and Lily would become his student, changing from a classmate relationship to a teacher-student relationship, without affecting their feelings.

Hogwarts also has many outstanding students entering this newly established university, among which Slytherin is the most, who let Shen Long often urge them to study, and Ravenclaw, who has always loved learning, also entered a lot. , Hufflepuff students also have many people entering because of their achievements in plants and potions.

Gryffindor is pitiful. Few people except Lily have this qualification. Sirius and James both dropped out at the same time. They usually visit when the bear child has gone, so what do you want to learn, when you meet the exam Naturally kneel.

So poor James and Sirius can only sign up for the cram school to see if they can wait for the entrance exam next year, but since then, even if they can pass the exam, they can only be the student who hates the guy, and Lily's brother, heh, it's really depressed.

After studying for several years in college, when Lili graduated, Shen Long finally received a reminder of the completion of the task. Yes, Lily was just 21 years old this year. She was originally killed by Voldemort in this year. Now, she is still living well.

Shen Long chose to return, this time it can be said to be full of return!

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