All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 855: Taoism and magic

There is a strange chapter in the Water Margin. This is the "third day" after Song Jiang took his father to the mountain. Gongsun Sheng suddenly moved, and he had a thought: Si Yi's mother was in Jizhou. Then, Gongsun Sheng said goodbye to everyone, saying that he went home to visit his mother and left "Liangshan after he came to Song Jiang."

Then he returned to Erxian Mountain and changed his name to the Qing Daoist to practice. Liang Shan didn't seem to find him. Until Song Jiang hit the high price, there was really no way to send Li Kui and Dai Zong to find him, and invited him back; obviously Gongsun Sheng's departure is because Song Jiang went up the mountain and he didn't want to come back.

Why should Gongsun Sheng leave? Just look at what Song Jiang did before. At that time, Song Jiang just met Jiutian Xuannv and got a few days books. These words flickered. Li Kui was almost brainless. But Gong Sun Sheng was a practitioner himself. Can't figure out the doorway inside?

At that time, Wu Yong had been fooled by Song Jiang. Gongsun Sheng might not be accustomed to Song Jiang ’s actions, or he was worried that Song Jiang would deal with himself, so he left, and the excuse also made Song Jiang speechless. Song Jiang went down the mountain to pick up Father, Gongsun Sheng went to visit his mother.

At the same time, it is also to show my filial piety, and at the same time, it may also imply that Song Jiang, I know that you made those famous halls, I do n’t want to see these, and do n’t bother me; so until the time of attacking the high, Song Jiang only went to him, and he did not send anyone else, so he arranged for Li Kui to go with him.

Before attacking Fang La, Gongsun Sheng chose to leave in the future, on the pretext that the master Luo Zhenren told him, "Whenever you die, you will return when you encounter a breeze." Actually, no one knows the reason; perhaps the master's advice Or maybe Gongsun Sheng saw through Song Jiang's solution.

Considering these, Shen Long felt that Gongsun Sheng might not be the same as Song Jiang, so he stepped forward and tried to see if he could see what was coming.

"Lu members are courteous outside." Gongsun Sheng looked back, and there was no anger in his face, but he responded lightly, giving a sense of alienation. It seemed that he didn't want to say anything to him.

This is very different from Lin Chong and others. Gongsun Sheng's seat in Liangshan is very high. Such a master came to the cottage. Why did he react this way? Shen Long ’s thoughts are more certain, and do n’t look at Gong Sun Sheng ’s appearance as a free-spreading crane, his thoughts may be clearer than anyone else ’s.

"Earlier, I heard about Gongsun Zhenren's stolen life, and breaking the story of Gaotangzhou. Lu Mou longed for this year. This time, thanks to Gongsun Zhenren infiltrating into Daming Mansion, Lu Mou can escape to ascend to heaven. Real talent is. "Shen Long is another ceremony. Previously, Gongsun Sheng and Hongtian Lei Lingzhen sneaked into Daming Mansion, and they rescued Lu Junyi under the cooperation of inside and outside.

"This is the order of Gongming's elder brother. The military commander decides, and the poor do not dare to take credit." Gongsun Sheng is still cold, but Shen Longyin noticed that when he mentioned the birthday plan, Gongsun Sheng's heartbeat changed slightly, and he did not know. Did he think of Chao Gai just after his death?

He still has a must in his heart, and Shen Long is relieved, which means that he still has a chance, if Song Jiang conquers Gongsun Sheng, it will be too late.

"Jiu Wen Gongsun Zhenren's Taoist method is strong." Shen Long smiled at this point. "I'm not afraid of Tao Chang's jokes. In fact, Lu Mou was also yearning for Taoist Immortal Techniques. It is a pity that I have never encountered a fairy. "

Gongsun Sheng's eyes flashed a bit of surprise. These have never been heard before. What did he tell me?

Shen Long said suddenly, "However, when I went to the beach some time, I met a stranger from Taisi who claimed to be a magician in the West. I learned something from him."

No matter whether Gongsun Sheng is really immortal, will he be interested in seeing these things? Shen Long recites the Fei Lai mantra, and a stone not far ahead flew into Shen Long's hand.

"Huh ?!" Gongsun Sheng's face changed abruptly, and he grabbed the stone from Shen Long's hands regardless of the rudeness. He looked carefully for a long time and didn't see any doorway. He couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?" "

"According to the man, there is a group of people claiming to be magicians in Taisi, they use magic wands to perform magic, and they have all kinds of incredible abilities." Shen Long took out a magic wand from his sleeve and handed it to Gongsun Sheng, handing Hogg The magician of Watts World changed his face and said it again.

"This thing ... but some ways." Gongsun Sheng took the magic wand to study for a long time, and seemed to see something. "In the next year, I traveled around the world, but I saw some monks with deep Dharma and witches who lived in different ways, but still I have never heard of a magician, and I have never seen such a magic weapon. Can Lu Yuanwai tell more about this to the poor ... this magician? "

"Lumou also wanted to ask Tao Dao about the difference between magic and immortality." Shen Long agreed with a smile, and he looked around. "This is not a place to talk, why don't you come to me and drink some wine while talking?" "

"This ... it's a lot of annoyance ~ ~ Gongsun Sheng is a little hesitant. At this time, it seems not appropriate to go to Lu Junyi, but curiosity about magic overshadowed this kind of worry, he still agreed. .

Back at the small courtyard, Yan Qing sent snacks and fruit wine, and avoided it. Shen Long flickered, "When he met the magician next, he had floated on the sea for several days, and I was rescued Time is running out, just telling me the origin of the magician and teaching me a few tricks. "

Shen Long had to say that, otherwise how to explain that Lu Junyi was imprisoned and could only wait to die, you would be magic, and the big prison could stop you?

Said that Shen Long demonstrated the flying spell and the fluorescent spell to Gongsun Sheng. "Perhaps it is because of lack of talent, and I only learned these two tricks. Many high-level magics are not yet."

Then Shen Long told Gongsun Sheng about the magician's abilities. When he heard the door-opening curse, phantom shifting, etc., Gongsun Sheng's face could still remain calm. When he heard the spell of dementing, Gongsun Sheng would Not calm, he will open the door and teleport, he can read the memory of others, not to mention him, even his master Luo Zhenren will not.

If you can learn this technique ... I do n’t know what Gongsun Sheng thought of, he suddenly got up, "Thank you Lu staff for solving the poor road today. The time for the late night of the poor road has come.

After Gongsun Sheng walked away, Shen Long sent him out of the door and watched Gongsun Sheng leave, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What? Mr. Yiqing went to Lu Junyi?" Soon after, Wu Yong also received the news. He was taken aback and quickly went to Song Jiang.

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