All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 857: Chao Gai wasn't killed by me

The process of Liangshan's attack on Zengtou City is relatively smooth. In fact, Liangshan's current strength is no problem in solving Zengtou City. There is no need to call Lu Junyi at all. All this is to avoid giving Lin Chong to get this credit.

Now Shen Long is going up the mountain, and he is willing to work hard for Liangshan, and Zengtou City will naturally be able to clean up. Wu Yong did not arrange for Shen Long and Shi Wengong to single out under the eyes of the public, in order to avoid any accidents.

You should know that seeing Shen Long ’s revenge on Chao Gai and hearing about Shen Long ’s revenge on Chao Gai are completely two concepts. Although Wu Yong and Song Jiang are not worried that he can take the first spot, it is always good to have less trouble .

The news of Liangshan ’s victory in front of him kept coming, Shen Long was still calm, and Yan Qing was a little anxious. "Wait outside, do you say that Shi Wengong will flee here?" He knew this was Shen Long ’s first battle on Liangshan. It would be embarrassing if nothing was obtained.

"He will come." Shen Long said with narrowed eyes, not to mention that the original Shi Wengong was running here. Even Song Jiang and Wu Yong would not let Shi Wengong be killed by others, especially Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, Sun Li Wait for strength.

Yan Qing also wanted to ask again, and suddenly saw Shen Long suddenly opened his eyes, "They are coming!" Then he immediately got up and took off his spear from the bird's wing Gou Desheng ring, ready to attack.

Ok? Yan Qing looked forward with Shen Long's gaze, but didn't find it at all. After a while, he looked at the smoke rising in the distance, and the faint sound of horseshoes. He couldn't help but feel terrified. At this distance, the enemy ’s dynamics can be detected, and he knows that this is the role of Qi.

Shi Wengong saw that Zengtou had already lost his strength and quickly ran out of Ximen. He walked away and walked for about twenty miles. I could only hear the sound of a gong from behind the woods and hit four or five hundred troops. After a while, the rod was carried, and then he looked at it. The horse was a dragon of a thousand miles, and when he saw the rod, he jumped over his head.

Going on other roads, some people intercepted, Shi Wengong rushed east and west for a long time, leaving only one way out, so he rushed over without any other way and happened to meet Shen Long.

I saw Shen Longheng on the road, holding the spear in one hand and pointing it at Shi Wengong, "But Shi Wengong, who has harmed my brother Chao Gai in the front? Have you dismounted quickly and died?"

"Are you the one?" Shi Wengong mounts the Qianli Longjuma horse, holds Zhu Yingzhang's two guns, and also holds the long gun to Shen Long. He instinctively feels that this person is in front of him.

Oh, it seems that in the folklore, Lu Junyi, Shi Wengong, Lin Chong, and Yue Fei are brothers and sisters. Is it false to practice martial arts under the iron arm Zhou Dong? Otherwise, how could Shi Wengong not recognize himself?

Actually, it seemed that Shen Long knew this when he met Liang Shan and Lin Chong, and now he is more convinced that there is no longer any hesitation in his heart. He immediately killed the horse and pointed the gun directly at Shi Wengong's chest.

Shi Wengong laid his spear across his chest and tried to dislodge the thorn. It was known that Shen Long's strength was completely beyond Shi Wengong's expectations. The spear was directly ejected by Shen Long, and Shen Long's gun pointed directly at Shi Wengong's chest.

I'm dead! Shi Wengong waited for death when his eyes were closed, but Shen Long deflected the spearpoint and passed under Shi Wengong's armor silk sash, then slammed it out, and Shi Wengong was picked off the horse. Yan Qing immediately took the soldiers up and took Shi Wengong captures lively.

"Congratulations!" Yan Qing congratulated Shen Long.

"Hard-working Xiaoyi has many brothers! Brother Gongming is still waiting in Zengtou City, let's go!" Shen Long said to them slightly.

"Lu Yuanwai is so polite!" Why did the other leaders of the cottage treat the pawns like this? Suddenly flattered, several soldiers quickly escorted Shi Wengong and followed Shen Long to Zengtou City.

Yan Qing led the thousand-mile dragon horse, followed by a prison car equipped with Shi Wengong to Dazhai, Song Jiang looked at it, and was upset and disappointed in his heart. What delighted Zengtou was finally solved, and what troubled him was how to solve Chao Although he had thought about these problems for the last words, he still had some troubles.

Beheaded Zeng Sheng in this place first; all the young and old of Zeng's family were left intact; they copied the gold and silver treasures, rice and wheat grains, loaded them into the car, and returned to Liangshanbo to the leaders of Sango to reward the three armies.

Go back to the Shanzhai Zhongyi Church and come to see the spirit of Chao Gai. Lin Chong asked Song Jiang to order and teach the holy handwriting student Xiao Xiao to make sacrifices; order the big and small leaders, everyone to filial piety, all mourn; Shi Wengong was **** in the Zhongyi Church, just waiting to kill him to sacrifice Chao cover.

After the chanting was finished, the leaders gave Chao and toasts in turn. Shen Long quietly watched the change in the expression of everyone. I saw that the Ruan family brothers and others cried the most sadly. Wu Song, Lu Zhishen and other people's eyes were red, and Hu Yanzhuo, Guan Sheng's is just perfunctory, while Song Qing and Kong Ming's shallow eyes are full of joy.

Song Jiang is different. This guy cried out in darkness, and he fainted several times. Every time he woke up, he broke away from Li Kui's help, and he cried before knocking down Chao Gailing. Many heroes admired this and secretly praised this one. Xiaoyi Kuroshiro.

Hey, brother, you are born in the wrong era. If you live in the Three Kingdoms, you might be a little Liu Bei, but it is only Xiao Liu Bei ~ ~ Your skill is worse than that of the uncle. Farther away, the emperor's family is not just crying.

Under the persuasion of the people, or Song Jiang felt that he had played enough, he wiped his tears and made people take Shi Wengong over to prepare for the sacrifice of Chao.

"Since Lu Yuanwai won it, let Lu Yuanwai take the lead?" Before starting, Song Jiang did not forget to try Shen Long.

"If Brother Gongming killed Shi Wengong exhausted, that would allow me to find this cheap. This time it was not my credit to win Shi Wengong, or Brother Gongming was the master." Shen Long replied, turning around. Lai Jian refers to Shi Wengong, "Shi Wengong, you killed my brother Chao Ga that day, did you ever think of today?"

"When did Chao kill me?" Shi Wengong knew that he would inevitably die, but he was also unwilling to bear such inexplicable charges.

"Dare you quibble? Could you think you can escape a death?" Song Jiang was a little flustered, so why did she forget to block his mouth?

"I wish I could kill Chao Gai with my own hands. If I really died in my hands, why would I dare to admit it?" Shi Wengong sneered. Before he finished laughing, Wang Ying stepped forward and took his life. Offering Chao cover.

But his remarks aroused the suspicion of several people. Gongsun Sheng's eyes were unsteady, Lu Zhi closed his eyes slightly, he was not as rude as he looked.

After offering sacrifices to Chao Gai, Song Jiangdao said, "The last words of Chao Tianwang:" But someone who caught Shi Wengong, who did not pick who he was, was the master of Liang Shanbo. " To report hatred, justify respect. Needless to say. "

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