All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 865: Painted cake

"The Liao Kingdom is enjoying pleasure, the military strength is declining, and there are many benefits for the old coins without fighting. Naturally, they will not attack the Song Dynasty; on the contrary, when the Golden State has just risen, it is when the ambitions are ambitious; It ’s okay if it ’s good. Jin Guoji feared that the Song Dynasty army would not dare to go south; but the chief thought that the Song army could really be like this? "

My army of Song Dynasty could n’t even fight against Liangshan, even the Golden Army? Now the Song Dynasty has been repeated several times, and the Western Army can still fight. However, they still struggle to face the Golden Army, and my civil servants in the Song Dynasty have dragged their feet. The shame of Jingkang has become an inevitable thing. Song Jiang is now recruiting. It's really not a good choice.

Gongsun Sheng is not yet clear about the affairs of Jin and Liao, but seeing Shen Long said seriously and believed a bit, he is already thinking about whether to inquire about the news. If it is true, then he must reconsider the matter of Zhaoan Now, "If you don't want to call for security, what are Lu Yuanwai's plans?"

"Aliens offended Huaxia, as a Chinese citizen, in order to avoid the primordial spirit of the Central Plains, Lumou struggled to resist foreign enemies." Seeing Gongsun Sheng was suspicious, Shen Long continued, "But the Song Dynasty was wrong and thinking again The five generations of warriors chased power, so they were wary of warlords, and they were the traitors in the dynasty, and even if they were recruited, I would only be weak in Liangshan. Even if Lu Mou was interested, I might be weak. " Civil servants lag behind and it is strange that they can win.

Gongsun Sheng nodded slightly, but Chai Jin was still on the mountain. The Zhao family bullied the orphans and widows. Chai Jin refused to forgive him until now, but he could n’t do anything. Although he had a wide network, he did n’t attract any talents, but then he said it. If Chai Jin really has the ability, he is afraid that he will not live now.

"But Liangshan has alarmed the court. If he doesn't call for peace, I'm afraid it's difficult to settle down." Gongsun Shengdao said.

"It is true." Shen Long agreed. "But now there are Hebei Tianhu, Jiangnan La, and Huaixi Wangqing in the Song Dynasty. The northern side will also attack Liao with the Golden State. As long as Liangshan does not make a head bird, the court It ’s not too important. "

Shen Long came up with a map, which he drew according to the historical map. Except for the Great Song Dynasty, Liao, Jin, Xixia, Korea, and Japan are all on the map. The Song Dynasty Palace is still more detailed, and Shen Long pointed to the map and told Gongsun Sheng.

"Long Road, here is Liangbo Liangshui." Then, pointing east, "Liangshan is Dengzhou to the east. After Dengzhou, you can enter the sea, and then go to the northeast for a while. The Tamra Kingdom has been annexed by Goryeo and the Tamra County has been established; the island is thousands of miles wide enough to accommodate me up and down Liangshan. "

"Now there are not many people on the island. I can easily win Liangshan. When the time comes, Liangshan and Dangluo will be integrated with each other. Entering can help the Central Plains resist the Jurchens, and retreating can emulate Qiuqiang to establish a country overseas. Would n’t it be better than Zhaoan?" The fan novels in "Water Margins" all took a fancy to this site, and of course Shen Long would not let it go.

Seeing this map, and listening to Shen Long being so familiar with the situation in the world, Gongsun Sheng couldn't help but be shocked. Could it be that Lu Junyi already had the world in mind? But in this case, how could he be easily tricked into Liangshan by Wu Yong?

"Even if it is okay, it has to be oppressed by Cai Jing, Tong Guan and other traitors. Then have our brothers come to be happy abroad?" Seeing Gongsun Sheng was excited, Shen Long added another fire.

"But it's not easy to go to Dangluo across the ocean, there are no sea boats, no charts, no sailors who are familiar with the route?" Gongsun Sheng has already begun to consider maneuverability.

"The charts are there, and the ships also have the drawings. As for the sailors, Hunjiang Dragon Li Jun is already tempted." Shen Long not only wasted time on the mountain, he also contacted some heroes, Hunjiang Dragon Li Jun in the future Being a King of Siam, it is farther from Liangshan to Siam than going to Dangluo Island.

Coupled with the advanced navigation tools, detailed charts, and more advanced sea boat drawings brought by yourself, it is definitely not a problem to win Danluo Island.

He didn't even have to worry that they couldn't make a sea boat, they couldn't see the charts, and they couldn't use the navigation tools. These are all good things that helped Wang Anshi realize his wish last time, which is completely in line with Da Song's technical level and cognition.

There are jade streamers Meng Kang who is good at making boats and ships on the mountain, Hou Jian who is good at weaving canvas, and sailors such as Li Jun. All kinds of talents are not lacking. This condition is absolutely necessary.

"Originally I thought it was Wu Yong who made the staff to go up the mountain, but today it is known that it is the staff to push the boat!" Gongsun Sheng sighed. It must have been more than Li Jun who convinced him?

Shen Long smiled, let Gongsun Sheng continue to misunderstand. Liangshan ’s problem is that there is no way out. Except for Li Kui, who has no brains, I am afraid that few people will think that they can be thieves for a long time. Therefore, Zhao'an became the only way out. Although many people were reluctant, they could only follow Song Jiang and return to the court.

Today Shen Long gave Gongsun Sheng a completely different plan, opened a whole new door for Gongsun Sheng, and let him see a wider world.

"Only listen to me today, the governor must have a lot of doubts. It is too early now. The governor may wish to inquire afterwards to see if it is true; Oh, yes, Brother Li Jun has begun to build the sea. The ship ~ ~ may be built in a few days, and the master may be able to visit Danluo Island later. "Shen Long gave Gongsun Sheng a surprise again.

"It seems that even though Liang Shan really succeeded in recruiting people, he wouldn't go if he was afraid of outsiders?" Gongsun Sheng asked.

Shen Long nodded and asked him to kneel down for those who were Tong Guan, fearing that this would not be possible, "In fact, I also want to talk to Brother Gongming, but Brother Gongming is obsessed with Zhao'an, and I'm afraid I can't listen. ; If it really is then, I can only quietly leave. "

Departure will definitely leave, but quietly I am afraid it is not necessarily right? You have thought so much and done so much. By then, it is definitely not just leaving with Yan Qing. Besides Li Jun, who else will follow you? Gongsun Sheng pondered secretly that Lin Chong and Gao Taiwei had a deep hatred, and he was definitely not willing to recruit.

There are also the Ruan family brothers, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song and others. They have always been jealous and hateful, and they are not used to the corrupt officials of the imperial court. After thinking about the people who passed by with Shen Long at this time, Gongsun Sheng could n’t help but be shocked for a while So, at least one third of his team will be taken away by him.

So, what should they and I do? On the one hand, it is Zhao Anshun, and on the other hand, it is a completely new road that has never been imagined. Gongsun Sheng was temporarily caught in thought.

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