All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 868: Except Gao Yilin

In an instant, it was too late to think about it, all the ten generals under Tong Guan were lost to Shen Long, the morale of the officers and soldiers was weak, Shen Long took the opportunity to lead the soldiers to cover the past, Tong Guan subconsciously pulled the horse and ran, Tong Guan is still like this, There are still officers and soldiers willing to resist. Thousands of officers and soldiers have been defeated by thousands of people. Tong Guan ran all the way for dozens of miles before stopping to gather the broken soldiers.

Only two or three thousand soldiers and soldiers were killed by Liangshan, but they flew thousands to flee for each other when they fled. In addition, those who fled elsewhere did not return to the team. Yu, there are still a lot of troops left, but morale has fallen to the extreme, and there is no general who leads the army. This battle cannot be fought.

Tong Guan was very regretful. He knew that he would not come to mix Liangshan's thing, or ask the officials to transfer the Western Army to come. It wouldn't be so bad.

Here, Shen Long brought Xu Ming, a soldier and horse supervisor who was captured alive, to come to Song Jiang to ask for guilt. Ran!"

"Where is my elder brother, ten defeated officers and men in general and more than a thousand men and women have killed hundreds of thousands of officers and men in fright, and let the younger brother admire!" Song Jiang hadn't spoken yet, the heroes on Liangshan came to congratulate Shen Long, all Some of them were born to kill Han people and have always worshipped martial arts strong men. Shen Long created such a myth today and suddenly became an idol for many people.

This is also one of the reasons why Shen Long insisted on fighting. He barely accumulated some contacts on the mountain, but he still could not convince the crowd. Today, when such a hand was revealed, Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen and others suddenly looked different, even the court Guan Sheng, Xu Ning and others who surrendered also looked at each other.

"Why did Yuanwai say this? Song Jiang was very grateful for his contribution to Liangshan this time, and Song Jiang was very grateful." Song Jiang would like to salute Shen Long, and Shen Long immediately helped, and the two staged a good show of brotherhood. In fact, in his heart, Song Jiang had already scolded him. How could he think that he could make such a big deal by giving Shen Long only a thousand people.

Back on the mountain, Liang Shan arranged a banquet, Song Jiang took the lead, and many heroes were toasting Shen Long one by one to celebrate. The Liangshan was lively, but a small thing happened afterwards, which made some people feel unhappy.

Song Jiang let go of Li Ming, the Xuzhou soldier and horse supervisor who was caught by Shen Long. Before leaving, he sent gold, silver and horses, and expounded his intention to return to court.

The court had just lost a battle, and that could lose this face, and immediately sent soldiers and horses, Gao Taiwei personally led the soldiers, transferred the world's military horses to 130,000, and the tenth commander came, and heard that this time came high Lieutenant, Lin Chong grinds his gun all day and vows to avenge his hatred.

Song Jiang was overwhelmed when he heard that, he quickly discussed the countermeasures with everyone, but this time he said that he would not let Shen Long go to play the striker. He just pulled him and himself to guard the Chinese army, and would never give him the chance to show himself.

When Tong Guan's army came, the two sides were still fighting against each other. The officials and soldiers flashed a degree of ambassador Wang Huan, and Liang Shan's side waited for Song Jiang to order. Lin Chong couldn't help but rushed out to fight with Wang Huan. This king Huan Huan also has some skills, and Lin Chong has been thinking about Gao Ji not far away, unable to concentrate on the battle, the two of them fought for seven or eighty rounds and returned to the camp.

Then Hu Yanzhuo killed Jingdu, who was defeated, and Zhang Qing, who had no feathers, defeated Xiangyuan, the boss of both sides. The two sides had their own defeats. He was defeated.

Gao Ji returned to Jeju Prefecture to rest and fight again. This time Hu Yanzhuo continued to fight. The officers and soldiers sent a party to make Han Cunbao. The two killed for a while. Hu Yanzhuo pretended to retreat and lured Han Cunbao to keep up.

Then the two of them fought again, and they were still the same. This time Shen Long was not far away. He went straight to help and replaced Hu Yanzhuo with Han Cunbao. When Shen Long attacked, he still had the power to speak, "Han Cunbao, you Grandpa said that it was the champion who got the roll call outside Donghua Gate. That's the good man. What good man is it to kill Han? Why did you come to lead the soldiers, don't you think you lost your grandpa's face? "

This Han Cunbao is a prominent person, his grandfather is the famous Han Qi, Han Qi repeatedly lost to Xixia, but still look down on the generals, Shen Long has no good feelings for him, and can not help but sarcasm.

When he said this, Han Cunbao was confused, and Shen Long looked at the flaw and won. This time Song Jiang still talked about it and released Han Cunbao.

After Liangshan burned the warship, Liangshan defeated Gao Ji, but this time Shen Long caught an unexpected person, that is Gao Ji ’s staff strategist Wen Huanzhang, this person has some skills, at least stronger than Wu Yong, is a Useful talents, so Shen Long did not tell Song Jiang and hid him quietly.

Two consecutive defeats, and Han Cunbao returned to Beijing to speak, the court once again lowered Zhao Zhao's edict, but the edict stated that everyone could be pardoned, except for Song Jiang, Lu Junyi and other leaders, Hua Rong was killed by a single arrow. The declaring angel, Liang Shan and Gao Ji launched a third contest.

This time Gao Xingren built a sea loach ship to attack Liangshan, but was cut through by the Liangshan naval forces from the bottom of the sea. Gao Mi defeated again in the third battle, and even Gao Ji himself was caught by the white stripe Zhang Shun in the waves.

"Brother, see who I brought back!" In front of the Zhongyi Hall, Zhang Shun was relieved to Gao Ji.

"Ah!" The two of them exclaimed in unison, and then walked towards Gao Ji at the same time.

It's just that the attitude of the two people was diametrically opposed. Song Jiang even offended and ordered someone to take fresh grosgrain clothes, changed it again with Gao Taiwei, and helped him up.

Lin Chong drew his dagger and shouted, "Old high thief, come to life! Entering my Lin Chong is going to avenge my family!" After going up the mountain ~ ~ Shen Long had learned that Lin Chong was chased After leaving Tokyo, Gao Yaqian continued to force Mrs. Lin, and Mrs. Lin committed suicide by martyrdom, and Ma Jinjin also accompanied her.

When he saw Gao Ji, Lin Chong remembered Miss Cheng and Hu Sanniang. Isn't she as good as a woman? Suddenly anger surged.

"Brother Lin Chong, Brother Lin Chong, and listen to me, don't hurt Gao Taiwei!" Song Jiang panicked suddenly, and would quickly block, "If Gao Weiwei is dead, my brother's way out will be difficult!"

"If such a big hatred is not reported, it is ashamed to be a man! If it is for my future, but the Lin Chong brothers are delayed in reporting this **** revenge, don't forget this future! The Lin Chong brothers should not worry about me and so on. Killing him is also a way for Heaven! "Shen Long came out and spoke, blocking Song Jiang intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you waiting for Lin Chongxian!" Lu Zhishen also shouted.

"Brother Lin Chong quickly started to recruit a bird!" Ruan Xiaoqi also helped.

Stimulated by everyone, Lin Chong's head was hot, and the white knife entered the red knife, and the old thief Gao died. Lin Chong finally got revenge, and immediately dropped his dagger and burst into tears.

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