All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 876: Paizijiliang Mountain Farming

"It's all my own brothers, why so many gifts; today's cottage has a happy event, everyone is not drunk!" Shen Long hurried back to the ceremony, and immediately asked Yan Qing to arrange a banquet, and the big guy drank at Zhongyi Church.

Shen Long held the wine bowl and paid tribute to each other. When he met every hero, he was able to express his triumph. He immediately harvested a lot of goodwill. Fortunately, he was able to force the wine out, otherwise the dozens of people would drink one by one. Going down, Shen Long had to be drunk.

Seeing his magnanimity, all the heroes applauded, and the brothers who greeted him were much more refreshed than Gongming's brother. The big guy who drank the wine was extremely happy, and he didn't get away until late at night.

In the next few days, Shen Long did not rush to rearrange the seats, but kept in touch with the leading figures of various factions, such as Gongsun Sheng, Lu Zhishen, Sun Li, Li Jun, Guan Sheng, Ruan Xiaoer, and others, listening to their thoughts carefully. It was felt that the time had come before they came up with them for a new seat and functional plan.

Shen Long sat steadily over the top spot, and Gongsun was the oldest qualified person. He took over as the second top spot and no one questioned it. Most of the others followed the previous seats, but only made adjustments in a few key places, such as Sun Li was promoted by Shen Long, and entered the core circle of Liangshan at once, making Sun Li extremely happy.

The number of seats is second, and the most important thing is the assignment of duties. Shen Long divided the sailors into two groups, one group is still in charge of the Ruan family brothers, responsible for protecting the safety of Liangshan; the other group is led by Li Jun, in charge of Shen The new sea-going ship built by Meng Kang and Hou Jian laid a solid foundation for going overseas.

The Ruan family brothers were envious of Li Jun ’s new big ship. “Brother ’s ship is really atmospheric. Compared with the ship in front of me, I ’m waiting for those like loach.”

"Don't worry, brothers, Meng Kang is already building a new boat for you, and you won't need a little time. You agree to have a new boat available." Shen Long comforted, "And if you brothers want to go to the sea, You can take the Li Jun brothers to take a trip to the sea in turn. After getting acquainted with the sea drill, I will prepare a new ship for you. I will definitely have only one fleet in Liangshan in the future. "

"If this Liangshan Poli fights, my brother will certainly not dare to stay under Brother Li Jun, but to say overseas, my brother really has no confidence." The Ruan family brothers have been fishing around Liangshanbo, and Li Jun is on the Yangtze River To discuss life, the wind and waves in the Yangtze River are much larger than that of Liang Shanbo. To tell the sea, Li Jun is indeed more suitable than the Ruan family.

Seeing that the Ruan family brothers had no trouble in their hearts, Shen Long felt relieved, holding the model of the ship and talking to them about the different strategies of internal water battles and naval battles. The Ruan family brothers and Li Jun and others listened with relish to Shen. Long Pei convinced, "I only knew that my brother would be the best in the world. I didn't expect my brother to know the same about water warfare."

"Yeah, originally I was waiting for a fight on the water, but I found some routines, but it was not as far-reaching as my brother said. If my brother was in charge of things in Liangshan, it would be better for my brother to take charge of the water war." Li Jun has always been arrogant and now has to admire Shen Long.

"Gongsun Daochang, Tang Long Brothers, and Ling Zhen Brothers, whether or not Liangshan can make a career in the future depends on the brothers!" As a traverser, how could he not build a firearm? And Liangshan happens to have talents in this area.

Gongsun Sheng is a Taoist. He has learned alchemy and let him refine gunpowder. It is certainly not a problem; Tang Long is good at iron making, and Ling Zhen is a master gunner. They cooperated with several people, and with the drawings and recipes provided by Shen Long, they can definitely create Artillery gun.

There are abundant mineral resources around Liangshan. Before Shen Long came, he obtained detailed mineral distribution drawings, and he also has the skills of coal mining. It is not a problem to build a small coal and iron industrial system in Liangshan.

The only regret is that Liangshan lacks the talents of miners and can only let the blue-eyed tiger Li Yun, who is good at building, be responsible for this project. Fortunately, Liangshan is not far from the Xuzhou Liguo Supervisor of the big iron and steel industry. Shen Long has arranged for Yanqing to take him. Li Guojian recruits skilled workers and expects to solve this problem soon.

"Many brothers on the mountain have their own duties, and they count the burden on the Tao brothers as the heaviest." Shen Long patted the nine-tailed turtle Tao Zongwang's shoulder. The former Tao Zongwang was the chief engineer on the mountain, responsible for digging harbors, repairing waterways, and opening river channels. After reorganizing Wanzi's fortress, building the road in front of Bishan, Shen Long changed his position and made him the leader of Liangshan Tuntian Division.

"From now on, the brothers on the mountain will rely on the Tao brothers! Even the iron man, no food, no food, our safety in Liangshan is all on the Tao brothers!" Tao Zongwang will be responsible for building water conservancy, leveling the land, and leading The Tuntian team planted various varieties of grain provided by Shen Long.

There are so many people up and down in Liangshan. They cannot survive by going out to rob, fishing, or hunting in Liangshan. They must have their own food production base.

Tao Zongwang used to be more than 70 in Liangshan, but now he was promoted by Shen Long to dozens of people. He also arranged such an important function. Tao Zongwang was naturally grateful. He repeatedly promised to complete the task.

In addition to farming, Shen Long also made changes in other functions. Lin Chong and Xu Ning were appointed by him as the general manager of Liangshan, responsible for training. Although the Song Dynasty ’s banned army is really not able to fight ~ ~ but However, the two coaches have real skills, and they are in charge of training troops, and Shen Long is very relieved.

What just surprised them was that the training methods Shen Long gave to them were very different from those that are popular today. They let them train the queues and discipline all day, making Xu Ning and Lin Chong a little confused until Shen Long After taking them to Houshan, they only realized the new weapons created by Tang Long and Ling Zhen.

"Shiqian Brothers, Lehe Brothers, Zhugui Brothers ..." After reorganizing the army, Shen Long began to build an intelligence system again. These intelligence talents were not re-used in Liangshan, and Shiqian turned into a countdown. This is too ridiculous. How can you make the right choice if you don't have a complete intelligence channel and keep abreast of the developments of all parties?

These people, like Tao Zongwang, were originally not high in Liangshan, and now Shen Long values ​​them so much. Shi Qian and others all gave birth to the plan to die for their soulmates.

Then Shen Long found Duan Jingzhu, the Golden Retriever, not only with infantry, but also with cavalry. Lu Junyi originally sold horses between the Liao and Song dynasties and was familiar with various channels. Duan Jingzhu, who was a rogue thief It is also appropriate to come to take over his channel and provide horses for Liangshan.

Industry, agriculture, army, intelligence, horses are all there, what is missing?

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