All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 906: Fuxiyutianxia 1

Daqi, which was just established, is no better than the Song Dynasty. Civil and military officials are not afraid of fighting. The generals are busy fighting for the opportunity to lead the military. The civilians are also wondering how they can be involved in this matter. Although the new dynasty prohibits civilians Leading soldiers, so that they have no chance of going to the battlefield, but fighting is not just a matter of the army.

Will you go to Xixia to help the husband to transport grain and grass? Is it good for me to manage my husband well to keep my logistics smooth? Do you want weapons in battle? Is it credit for my efforts to develop industry and provide raw materials for you to build weapons? And must the land be managed? Wouldn't it be easier to get results if I could become an official in a state or county in Sina?

In many ways, civil servants are still very promising. As for whether this battle will be a problem, no matter whether there is a civil servant or a military commander, the idea is now that even the Golden Kingdom has been defeated. What does Xixia count?

Now that the army in the Central Plains has been equipped with hot weapons, Xixia still uses cold weapons. How can this battle be fought? Winning is only a matter of time.

Shen Long selected the leader of this battle from the generals who did not participate in the Northern Expedition and stayed in Tokyo last time, and then added the generals who were familiar with the northwest form, such as the family, the breeder, the Yang family, the Qu family, and the Liu family. Children, the command framework for this battle is put together, and then let them formulate the offensive plan.

When discussing the plan, Shen Long also told the northwestern goalkeepers that the court would definitely gather military power from now on. It is obviously impossible to maintain a certain degree of independence as before, but they can be compensated economically. These people After seeing the power of the hot weapon, it was clear that he would never be able to continue as before, so he agreed.

After preparations were made, Shen Long took the oath for them on the school ground. Lin Chong and others led the army out of the west gate and went to Jingzhao Mansion. Hearing that Zhongyuan was going to punish himself, the Western Xia dynasty was suddenly scared to pee.

If you put it before, they might not be afraid. Xixia has also defeated Da Song many times, but now they have not recovered from the damage defeated by Tong Guan, and they have lost the ally of Liao Kingdom. How can they Can resist the attack of the Central Plains? So Xixia quickly dispatched messengers to Tokyo to plead.

They were willing to give up the emperor's name and claim the tribute to the Song Dynasty, but since Shili can get it in hand, who cares about this name? Shen Long told the messenger of Xixia, unless he surrendered unconditionally, otherwise Xiuti, so the messenger of Xixia could only go back lost. When he saw the mighty military capacity of the Central Plains on the way back, he knew that Xixia still had days left Running out.

The fact is exactly what he expected. Xixia's army broke down in front of the Lin Chong army, and caused little damage to the Lin Chong army.

They also wanted to use the strong city of Lingzhou to block the army, but unfortunately, the Wushu Academy had already formulated a detailed strategy for how to break the city. They first used artillery to suppress the defenders at the head of the city, and then excavated the tunnel to bury a large amount of gunpowder in Below the city wall, just listening to the thunder of a thunderbolt, the city gate of Lingzhou flew into the sky.

The soldiers around him were countless dead and wounded, and farther away they were stunned by the sound of explosions. They could n’t get up to fight the Lin Chong army again. The Lingzhou City, which had repeatedly resisted the Song army, was just broken.

When the Lin Chong army arrived in Xingqing Mansion, the capital of the Western Xia Dynasty, after hearing the news from Lingzhou, the defenders in the city simply gave up their resistance. Anyway, the defenders couldn't keep it. Why bother sending their lives? So the defenders in the city asked to surrender directly, Xi Xia emperor Li Ganshun surrendered himself, Xi Xia became history nearly a hundred years in advance.

After taking Xixia, the army rested a little, and continued to march along the Hexi Corridor to the Western Regions. The captured Xixia Army was used as a striker to fight against the Western Regions. The direction of the route was overwhelming. It quickly recovered the location of the Guiyi Army and searched for Zhang Yichao in the local area. The descendants of the people generously rewarded them for their merits.

Subsequently, the army continued to march westward until it reached the limit of logistical supply before stopping. Lin Chong ’s famous Western Megatron could stop children from crying at night.

Shen Long immediately issued an order for the army to temporarily stop its westward movement, and re-established the Western Region Capital Guard House during the Han and Tang Dynasties. Lin Feng was named the first Western Region Capital Guard House in Daqi, allowing him to remain in the Western Region to guard and restrain the various ministries in the territory. , And defend against the West ’s offensives, check the news, and prepare for the future to continue westward.

On the road, the guards of the Western Regions were restored. On the ocean, the sailors were not willing to be outdone. Li Jun again fought against Jiaozhi and directly took the Jiaozhi. He restored the Jiaozhi County, and this three-year-old granary became the territory of the Central Plains. .

This is where Shen Long used to reward the heroes. The local division of plantations rewards those civil and military officials so that they can also receive outward expansion bonuses. After they receive the gold and silver sent back by the plantations, Would you like to expand outwards next time?

Nowadays, the Jin Kingdom, Xixia and Jiaozhi around the Central Plains have been destroyed one after another, scaring the surrounding small countries to tremble, and they have turned to the table. In the southwest, Dali ’s current king Duan Zhengyan, the son of Duan Zhengchun, was oppressed by the domestic authority and was angry at once. , And asked Shen Long for help.

When receiving the break, Shen Long still thought about it seriously. I wonder if this is Duan Yu? Would he really be in the Northern Ming Dynasty, Lingbo Weibu, and Six Veins Excalibur?

The officials in Chaotang did n’t think like Shen Long, they got a lot of benefits in the army ’s expedition ~ ~ Now they are thinking about where to march in the dynasty. Isn't that the reason for the door? Then quickly agitated to send troops.

Now that the Northwest is stable for the time being, the army has enough spare power to attack the Southwest, so the army is once again expedition, over the mountains and entering the territory of Dali, and the Dali is also brought under the rule of the Central Plains.

As for Duan Yu ... oh no, Duan Zhengyan was invited to Bianliang, Tokyo, and went to be a neighbor with Zhao Go, hoping they would be happy in the future.

By this time, the territory of the Central Plains dynasty finally recovered the glory of the Han and Tang dynasties, and the people had been swept away by the shame of being bullied by different races for many years and became as proud as the people of the Han and Tang dynasties.

Seeing that everything was on the right track and staying at this time was slightly longer, Shen Long chose to return temporarily and returned to his home in Beijing.

Lie in bed and slowly digest the memory, turn on the lights and look at the familiar layout in the room, Shen Long smiles on his face. Presumably this ending will make Lu Junyi very satisfied?

I just do n’t know what reward Lu Junyi will give himself? Shen Long opened the system in his mind, and then heard the reward.

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