All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 913: Justin Hammer

"Yes, sir!" In front of the profit, Justin Hammer broke out his greatest courage. He broke away from the protection of the bodyguard and stepped forward to gaze greedily at Shen Long's steel armor. It is a genius who will never lose to Tony Stark. As long as you are willing to cooperate with Hanmer, we can definitely kill that nasty guy! "

"Oh? Really? So what can you give me?" The goal has been achieved, Justin Hanmer really came to recruit himself, just like he recruited Ivan Vanke in the movie, but what remains calm, pretending to be indifferent Asked, the higher you behave, the more urgent the other party is. This is not only a way for the goddess to deal with dog licking, but also a way for senior talents to fight for their own interests. Didn't Zhuge Liang do this at first?

"Sir, although Hanmer Company is still inferior to Stark Industries for the time being, it is still one of the top arms dealers in the United States. We have strong financial strength, technological heritage, and cooperate with me. You can get everything you want. Something! "Justin Hammer began to boast about himself.

"So-called technological heritage is all this?" Shen Long pointed to the tattered armor that had just been dismantled by himself. "I have to admit that even the things created by Obadei-Stan are ten thousand times stronger than those of you. "The Iron Overlord created by Obadei-Stan can fight, you can't even walk.

Justin Hammer smiled awkwardly, arguing, "We have just started the research and development of this project, as long as ... just give us a little more time, I believe I can make a better armor than Stark!" "At this time, he picked up what the research and development team said to him just now, but he forgot that he wanted to curse people when he first heard this.

"I wish you all success in your research and development." Shen Long quipped, and was about to leave.

"Wait! Sir! Okay, okay, I admit that I now have an insurmountable problem!" Justin Hammer pounced and hugged the thigh of the whip armor. "Without your help, I think We have a hard time breaking through. "

"The main problem is energy supply?" Shen Long stopped, and the core of Iron Man was the Ark reactor in Stark's chest. It could provide Stark with a continuous flow through controlled nuclear fusion. Energy, and Justin Hammer's men have not yet broken through this technological level, how can the general energy supply method support the operation of the Warframe.

Even Obadi-Stan is the same. He couldn't make such an energy supply device. He still grabbed Tony Stark's armor to make the Iron Overlord operational.

"Yes, sir, you must have a way!" Justin Hanmer subconsciously looked at the chest of the whip armor, but there was no Stark-like Ark reactor; Tony Stark put the Ark reactor in it. The chest, in addition to providing energy to the Mark series armor, also needs to prevent the shrapnel from entering his heart. Shen Long does not have this demand, and naturally needs to place the energy supply device in a safer place.

"Tony Stark's arc reactor was developed by my father with Howard Stark." Shen Long said, "Now, this result has become the exclusive Stark family."

"Yes, the Stark family are dirty scammers and thieves." Justin Hanmer felt that he finally found an opportunity, he quickly scolded, and he heard Shen Long almost happy, you are not copying history by copying Was Tucker ’s weapon started with a weapon?

Following Justin Hanmer and scolding Iron Man for a while, Shen Long finally agreed to help him develop the armor, "Justin, it is not impossible for me to cooperate with you, but ..."

"I will give you the shares of Hanmer, and I will immediately appoint you as the head of the research and development department of Hanmer, to provide you with sufficient research and development funds, and I will help you find the materials and accessories you want!" Justin Hanmer Seems to see a lot of bills waving to himself, and quickly issued a lot of conditions.

As for the future, just wait for the success of the research and development, and stolen him after stealing his technology. Anyway, this is not the first time Justin Hanmer has done this kind of thing.

"Tony Stark is our common enemy, so let us work together to kill him! Happy cooperation!" Shen Long sloughed off the whip armor and reached out.

"Happy cooperation!" Justin Hanmer held Shen Long's hand in excitement. The two said at the same time that the fool was finally fooled.

"Come on, let's celebrate with a glass of wine first!" Justin Hammer rubbed his hands and said, he seems to have seen the market value of Stark Industries decline rapidly and was overtaken by Hammer.

"Well, we can discuss how to deal with Tony Stark together." Shen Long nodded and agreed to lock the whip armor, and then followed Justin Hammer to the lounge in the testing ground.

When they arrived at the lounge, the service staff brought them drinks, Shen Long drinking vodka slowly, and heard Justin Hanmer talking about his plan to deal with Tony Stark.

"Recently, the military is very dissatisfied with Tony Stark ’s advanced weapons and equipment. They want Tony Stark to hand over his steel armor ~ ~ According to the information I received, the military Fang will soon convene a hearing to discuss this matter, and they also sent me an invitation for me to be a witness. "

Justin Hanmer said with a dance, "I will definitely use this opportunity to give Tony Stark a huge blow and let him hand over the steel armor for production by Hanmer."

"Mr. Hammer, I have to admit that your IQ and Tony Stark have a huge gap." Shen Long sneered, where things would be so simple, "Now it is twelve noon, you start dreaming What? If this is the case, I suggest you change to a more comfortable bed instead of falling asleep in a chair. "

"Dear Ivan, do you think there is something wrong with my plan?" Justin-Hammer's face was dumbfounded, completely unaware that he was wrong there.

"Justin, you came to the United States so many years earlier than me, and you have become a top-ranking capitalist in the United States, but I think your understanding of the United States is still furry. I really do n’t understand how you made Hanmer so big. "Shen Long shook his head. Justin Hammer was originally a Monaco citizen, not a Native American.

"Justin, please tell me who is the real ruler of the United States? What are they most concerned about?" Shen Long asked.

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