All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 918: He lacks social beating

"Mr. Stark, your house has been invaded!" Tony Stark, who is being questioned in New York, received a message from Jarvis. After Anim Zola left, Jarvis finally returned to function .

Tony, who was killing the Quartet at the hearing, used his poisonous tongue to abuse Justin-Hammer's inexhaustible skin. His face changed as soon as he heard the news. Although his residence has no bodyguards, he has Jarvis and those high-tech. The defense system is there, as long as the enemy does not launch missiles with helicopters, do not want to enter your own villa.

But now, even if someone can successfully invade, Tony Stark is immediately vigilant. He wants to leave the hearing immediately and go back to his home in Los Angeles to check it out.

"Tony, it's time for you to answer the question." Justin Hammer finally passed his head and noticed the change in Tony Stark's complexion. In fact, he waited for this moment from the beginning of the hearing.

"I have nothing to say, my steel armor is not a weapon, but ... but a mechanical prosthesis, um, that's it!" Tony Stark said his famous quote, which caused the reporters to laugh. In the laughter of everyone, Tony Stark made a big speech, "Regarding the issue of national security, you can rest assured that no one can make the same equipment in at least two decades!"

After talking, Tony Stark took the pepper peppers straight away, and Justin Hammer did not lose after a little failure, his eyes sparkled with excitement, leading the times for twenty years? Is it really? At least that guy's technology is not much worse than yours, and you might not have imagined that the energy giants Osborne Industries, Westinghouse Electric, Mobil Petroleum have reached a cooperation agreement and plan to deal with Stark Industries together?

"Ivan, good job! If you see Tony's expression on the spot, you will be very happy!" As soon as the hearing was over, Justin Hammer came to the proving ground, but at the proving ground, he He did not see Shen Long. Shen Long had just boarded a flight from Los Angeles to New York and had not disembarked.

After waiting hard for several hours at the testing ground, Justin finally saw Shen Long. He told the hearing about it and then asked, "How is it, how is the harvest this time?"

"I've got what I want, and I need new materials and equipment now. With these things, I can build a stronger mechanical armor than Stark!" Perhaps Ivan-Vanke's knowledge Not enough, but you are not fighting alone. Anim Zola is still on the computer.

"I will give you whatever you want. I just want to see Tony Stark lost!" Justin Hammer finally saw the hope of defeating Tony Stark.

"Very good, I need these, these and these ..." Shen Long quickly listed Justin Hammer, which not only has a variety of weapons and electronic equipment, but also some high-energy physics The required equipment, as well as materials and equipment for metal smelting.

"What is this for?" Even Justin Hammer, who is already a big capitalist, couldn't help but sweat a lot when he saw so many things, is it too expensive to add up?

"Arc reactors need new elements. Tony Stark now uses palladium to provide energy, which is easy to cause palladium poisoning. If he can't find this new element, I think he may not have long to live; as for these? , It is used to smelt a new type of alloy for armor. "Shen Long explained.

High-energy physical equipment is used to make new elements, while smelting equipment is used to make Valeria steel. This steel has better performance than titanium alloy, and the armor it creates is definitely stronger than Stark's armor.

Hey, it's really a pity, if you have such a set of armor when dealing with the Night King, you can definitely rush into the strange ghost group to open Wushuang? Then it takes Arya to take the risk.

"Well, I will collect it for you as soon as possible!" Justin Hammer went out to collect equipment and materials immediately. He was bullied by Tony Stark for so long. Now he finally has the opportunity to turn over. see.

Justin Hammer walked away with the list. Only Shen Long and those highly intelligent devices were left in the test field. Shen Long sat on the chair and re-readed Howard Stark's notes to read it.

In Stark's villa, when he first found this note, Shen Long had found some clues, but there were a few key points that he didn't want to understand, but it didn't matter. He still has someone to ask for advice.

"Dr. Zola, you have also studied the Universe Rubik's Cube. Maybe you have the achievements in this note. Let's talk about what it means here." Shen Long reopened the tablet and awakened Anim Zola.

Anim Zola studied the cosmic cube for a long time when he was under the hands of the Red Skull. In the future, after Howard Stark retrieved the cosmic cube from the sea, I believe I also consulted him.

"You are going to Stark's house this time, is this what you are looking for?" Anim Zola had intended to lose his temper, but when he looked at the data Shen Long showed him, he suddenly forgot all this ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ He is a scientist. His curiosity about science is etched in his bones. Even if it is a digital life, this trait has not changed.

"I have to admit that Howard Stark's research on the Rubik's Cube is still fruitful. This new element is very wonderful, the key is ..." Anim Zola played the role of assistant very well, giving Shen Long provided many useful references to make him more clear about how to make and use this new element.

"Where does this alloy come from? If I can get these metals earlier, I am afraid that the red skull will not fail?" Anim Zola also praised the performance of Valeria steel.

The two men worked for a few days and finally came up with the design of the new armor. Shen Long insisted on adding an electric whip to the armor, but Anim Zola sneered at it, "The energy output of this new reactor is very high. Powerful, you can design better weapons, so why go to fight me? "

Well, I'm actually quite strange. The steel armor is logically a long-range offensive weapon. Why does Tony Stark like to fight with people?

"Tony Stark is a spoiled child who lacked social beatings since childhood. I think giving him a whip will make him more impressed!" Shen Long said.

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