All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 921: Red Widow feels pretty good

Hey, there are so many people called Ivan that Mao Maozi made up a paragraph about the name. Shen Long remembers a joke about Ivan.

During the Second World War, the war between Germany and the Soviet Union was extremely fierce. The Germans thought of a way to shout "Ivan, are you?" In the trench, and someone immediately came out and responded to "I am" there. The sniper shot immediately, causing huge damage to Soviet soldiers.

The Soviets immediately worked out countermeasures. They also learned the Germans and began to shout, "Hans, are you?" In the trenches, knowing that the Germans had already been prepared, they answered immediately, "I, Ivan, Is it you? "It attracted a group of Soviet soldiers to poke their heads out of the trench.

In different versions of the joke, the identity of Ivan and Hans is often exchanged, but one thing is certain, that is, the Russians are called Ivan, and the Germans are called Hans, which are very unusual.

"Don't be nervous, Natasha, I'm not malicious to you, I just want to talk to you." Shen Long spread his hands to signal that he did not carry weapons, "After a long time, another black widow came to history This is really an interesting thing with the members of the Tuck family. "

The black widow is not the codename of Natasha Normanov alone, but the name of a Soviet secret service agency. This organization trained many black widows. As early as the end of World War II, there was a man named Dotty The black widow came to the United States from the Soviet Union and used his excellent charm to send him lightly and fascinated Howard Stark, stealing all his inventions.

So seeing Natasha coming to Tony Stark, Shen Long secretly guessed that Nick Fury had the same thought? Do you also want to use Natasha to get Tony's steel armor manufacturing technology?

In fact, it is still very possible. It is very difficult for people working in secret agents to trust others. Obsessive-compulsive disorder generally wants all variables to be under their control. Nick Fury must want this technology very much.

"Ivan-Vanke, son of Anton-Vanke? What do you want to talk to me?" Natasha relaxed on the surface and smiled, and the accent was slightly Russian, and she began to show her charm. .

"For example, the winter warrior Bucky Barnes, for example, the Hydra secret agent lurking inside your SHIELD, and for example ... the memories you have been tampered with." Shen Long was not at all surprised why she knew her own The name, Ivan Vanke ’s identity is sensitive, and entering the United States will definitely fall under the supervision of SHIELD, but after entering the customs, he hides his trail.

"If you want to know this, come with me!" Shen Long strode away, and he believed that Natasha would catch up, no matter whether it was his role as SHIELD or his curiosity about himself. in this way.

Coming to a small park nearby, Shen Long sat down on a bench, and now there are not many people in the park, and there are no monitoring equipment around, which is suitable for talking.

"I thought you came to the United States for trouble with Stark Industries." Natasha walked to Shen Long and sat down. The fragrance from her body made Shen Long's heart slightly swayed. Natasha's charm ability is not only dependent on Body, face, expression, she will also use a variety of advanced scientific products.

However, this perfume did not affect Shen Long too much. He nodded, "It is true, so I have given Tony the video of Bucky Barnes killing the Howard Stark couple."

Hey, speaking here, Shen Long couldn't help but think that in the comics, Bucky Barnes used to be a fighting instructor of Natasha and had a relationship with her ... Well, there is no relationship with Natasha in the Women's Federation The entangled superheroes are really few ... As for the Marvel movie universe, because "Black Widow" has not yet been released, it is not clear whether this is the case, but in "Captain America 2", from Natasha and Ba It can be judged in the conversation of Kee Barnes that they also have a deep entanglement.

Since this is the case, does Natasha know that the Howards were killed by Bucky? If I knew it, I hadn't told Tony Stark that it was deep enough.

"I feel that you are playing a conspiracy. It seems that you are not satisfied with simply defeating Tony." Natasha exhaled with a trace of laziness, but she was surprised and surprised, and even found this confidential information. And then think of the words he just said, where did he get the information from.

"Yes, it's too easy to defeat Tony!" Shen Long nodded. Tony Stark hadn't developed an anti-magic armor yet. He took an old wand and gave him a "except you weapon", Can Tony Stark only streak? At this time, it would be effortless to go up and down again.

"Where is Bucky now?" Natasha suddenly asked. She felt Shen Long was now in a moment of pride. People at this time tended to relax their vigilance. Suddenly asking questions would have an unexpected effect. Learned inside.

"You really care about him." Shen Long smiled. "Relax, he's still alive and under the control of a high-level SHIELD." Shen Long didn't want to tell her the answer so quickly.

It was really an unexpected answer ~ ~ Natasha opened her mouth slightly, but she never expected that this would be the result. Bucky Barnes fell into the ninth after the disappearance of World War II. Under the control of the Hydra, he just said that there are people with Hydra in SHIELD. Now even Bucky is under the control of this person, so his status is definitely not low.

Natasha passed all the names of the high-level SHIELD she knew in her mind, to see if anyone felt like it, and no one felt like it.

However, she was more than surprised. Shen Long broke another big news. "Captain America is still alive. I believe that it will not take long for these two old friends to meet again." Captain America was killed before the reunification began. It ’s been a while since it was dug.

"It's up to you, the SHIELD, to find it yourself. I'm not going to help you." Before Natasha asked, Shen Long blocked her. "Natasha, don't you care about yourself?"

"So, can you help me retrieve my tampered memory?" Even a trained agent, this kind of problem has not become calm.

"Uh huh!" She can extract her memory hidden deep in her consciousness. I don't know what can be found. It would be interesting if the black widow turned into a red widow.

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