All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 926: Stark is here

"Sir, there is a new email. The sender is Ivan Vanke. He did not hide his IP address. He is now in a test site at Hanmer Industries!" Tony Starr, Marbury Coast, Los Angeles In Keke's mansion, Jarvis reported on Tony Stark Hui, who was busy building new armor in the basement.

"He finally found it, help me open it!" Tony Stark raised his head violently, he searched for a long time and did not find the other party's clue, but he always felt that the other party could not run for nothing, there must be something Things are waiting for him, and now, he finally has to wait.

Jarvis immediately projected the contents of the email in front of Stark, and saw that Shen Long wrote this, "Hey, Tony, at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, at the test site of Hanmer Industries, let's play one!"

"If you win, I will give you the rest of the video and tell you who your parents were killed; if you lose, things will still be given to you, and I will still tell you these things, just you Apologize for your father Howard Stark monopolizing the arc reactor invented by my father Anton Vanke and him! "

"Mr. Justin Hammer has already invited the reporter to go. If you are afraid of failure, you can not come." Shen Long did not forget to stir up Tony Stark. He was so proud, how could he admit that he was not as good as the other.

"Javis, help me reply to the email and tell him that I will be there on time tomorrow! He will wait for me to be kicked!" Tony was really irritated.

"Okay, sir!" Jarvis responded quickly to the past emails. After the email was sent successfully, Jarvis even had a little regret. Why didn't he meet Anim Zola this time?

"Jarvis, help me analyze it, do you think he just wanted an apology this time?" After calming down, Tony Stark thought it was a little weird.

The other party broke into his own house, but did not take anything away, and even left himself a clue to the truth of the death of his parents. Isn't this like the general villain's style?

"Sir, if what he wants is your death, there is no need to remind you of the existence of those notes. He also knows about palladium poisoning. He just needs to wait quietly and wait until you are completely weak. There is no doubt the hope of victory is greater. "Jarvis gave his own analysis.

Is this a more proud guy than me? Unwilling to take advantage of my weakness, so I came to remind me how to solve the problem of palladium poisoning? Thinking of this, Tony Stark was very upset. In New York, in the United States, no one prouder than me is allowed to exist!

"Sir, Miss Poz is back!" Jarvis reminded suddenly that Tony Stark hurriedly left the mail aside, he didn't want Poz to worry about himself.

"Hi, Pepper, why didn't you see your new assistant?" When Tony came in, Tony habitually looked behind her, but didn't see the figure of Miss Natalie-Rushman.

"I don't know why, Natalie has resigned! I just sent me a resignation email today!" Little Chili was also very distressed. Why did she not find such an excellent assistant?

"Wow." Tony Stark smashed his mouth. He always felt that this matter was awkward. Stark Industry can be said to be the best job Natalie can find. Will she resign? However, after having Jarvis searched, he still found no clues.

Tony Stark felt an unprecedented confusion. Before that, he was not without encountering opponents. The last time he dealt with Obadie was more dangerous. If Pepper was not arrived in time, he would hang up. This The opponent gave him enough preparation time, and even reminded him to upgrade his equipment, but he became even more bottomless.

Tony Stark is full of confusion here, and Justin Hammer is not happy, especially after Shen Long tells him that Tony Stark has agreed.

"I'll inform reporters and military experts immediately!" Haha, this time I must make Tony Stark look ugly in front of the world! Justin Hammer was busy immediately.

Shen Long put on armor and began the final adaptive training. After finishing calling his secretary and instructing him to invite reporters and military representatives, Justin Hammer also came to the stand of the proving ground, watching Shen Longda Fascinating.

"This is awesome! You must be able to win!" Justin Hammer looked excited, how to say that he is also the big boss of the military enterprise, this point of eye price is still there, he feels the combination of the armor in front of him The combat capability is definitely superior to that of the Iron Overlord used by Abadei and Mark III and Mark IV used by Tony Stark before.

I was so excited that I did n’t say good night. Just the next morning, Justin Hammer was at the test site waiting for the arrival of reporters and military representatives. What made him depressed was that those reporters only cared about whether Tony Stark Really will come, and the military representatives think Justin Hammer is crazy.

"Justin, you are too reckless. If you are easily defeated by Tony Stark, I will not speak to you at the next purchasing meeting!"

"No, Lord General, as long as you see the new armor produced by our Hanmer industry, you will know that the things made by Tony Stark are not great at all!" Justin Hanmer boasted desperately ~ www. ~ He can be said to be full of confidence. Of course, he wins is the best. He can laugh at Stark heartily, and even if he loses, as long as the loss is not too bad, Hanmer Industries can still get huge orders.

So, when this matter is over, how to get this patent to Hanmer Industries? He even started to think about what happened after the game.

The time slowly came to 2:30 in the afternoon. Shen Long appeared in a brand new whip armor. The unique shape of the armor and the flexible movement attracted the attention of reporters and military personnel.

"Justin, where did you find the talent? This time the stuff seems good!" The military representative asked in surprise. "If it can surprise me for a while, at least ten years, Hanmer Industries will not need to order Worried! "

Justin Hanmer was about to answer, and he saw the sound of a roar from the sky, and Tony Stark, wearing a red and silver armor, finally appeared.

"Tony! Tony!" Countless reporters immediately got up and cheered, as if welcoming the emperor superstar.

Tony Stark beckoned to reporters after landing, but Shen Long looked at him like a fool, I hope you can laugh a while later.

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