All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 928: The air conditioning system is intact

Nick Fury had long suspected that there was a Hydra lurking inside SHIELD, otherwise he would n’t do that in Captain America 2, but he knew it was the same thing, who knew it was another It's going to happen, and it involves seniors like Alexander Pierce.

"I think we may have no time to track Natasha!" Hill added, no matter whether this matter is true or not, once involving characters such as Alexander Pierce, we can't carelessly.

When Nick Fury and Hill were in distress, Emile Bronsky saw the face he remembered on the big screen at General Rose's base, and then retreated silently.

"Hey, Emil, it's about to start, where are you going?" Some comrades asked. Why is Bronsky going away with such an important matter?

"I'm going to the toilet." Bransky said calmly. Now that he's seen him on TV, it's time to leave. These days he is ready to go to Russia. He came out from the military camp and quickly found a The place changed clothes, and then immediately went to JFK International Airport, boarding the latest flight from the United States, he will return to Russia through a third country.

In the test field of Justin Hammer, this highly-concerned game has already begun. Now Tony Stark is wearing the Mark VI armor, which is a multi-purpose armor, the color is red, Gold and silver, using a new element reactor, the chest is equipped with a triangular arc pulse gun.

Mark 6 ’s defensive armor is quite powerful, and the general battle has only minor damage; Mark 6 can also absorb external energy and convert it into armor energy. The arc pulse gun in the palm and chest is an inherent weapon of Iron Man ’s armor, equipped with a single use Laser weapon, which can be used to cut anything in a short time; possesses 8 miniature armor-piercing projectiles with great lethality. The armor is equipped with heavy missiles on the right shoulder and decoys on the crotch. It is used to interfere with heat-tracking missiles or distract the enemy. force.

These data are all clear to Shen Long, so Tony Stark ’s initial offense was easily resolved by Shen Long. Justin Hanmer was excited like a curly baboon. The military representatives stood up and watched. The performance is enough for them to make an order. The next thing to look at is the unit price and the number of orders.

"Aha, Tony Stark is uncomfortable this time. He just said that it was impossible to make a steel suit comparable to him within 20 years. How long is it now? Opponents! "Reporters have expressed gloating, they are never afraid of getting bigger, and the bigger the thing, the greater their chance.

Seeing that the long-range attack was not effective, Tony Stark's old fault was again committed. He was clearly a long-range combat weapon. He just likes melee melee combat. A missile that evaded Shen Long's launch flew towards Shen Long.

"Tony, if you have been fighting, you may have a better chance of winning!" Compared with me, are you looking for abuse? It ’s not that you look down on you. Even if you find the upper hand, I can easily teach him to be a man. I must beat him to know who is the father. Do n’t stay in the United States.

"Then give it a try!" Tony Stark's confidence lies in Jarvis. Jarvis' database contains all the martial arts genre information that Stark can find. It can be formulated according to the opponent's attack line. Strategy, this is where Stark ’s armor is superior to Shen Long. Shen Long dare not put Anim Zola into the armor.

Shen Long brushed out the electric whip, and the three-footed long whip made a graceful trajectory and pulled towards Stark ’s Mark VI armor, knocking on Stark ’s chest to make a loud crack.

Although Stark installed an electrical protection system in the armor, Stark suffered such a strong physical and electrical attack that Stark suffered a lot.

A small dent appeared on the surface of the armor, and something inside was scorched by the current. Stark was a little anxious. "Jarvis, quickly analyze his offensive line. I can't hold on for long!" Mark 6's defense is certainly good, but it is not a problem to stand up and be beaten. Sooner or later, the opponent will break the defense.

"Sir, I'm analyzing, but I can't find any similar data in the database! I need time!" Jarvis has no good way, and there are only some martial arts schools on the planet in his database. Americans understand the martial arts of wool? Not to mention the profound skill of "Nine Yin Zhen Jing".

Since there is no data to compare, it can only be cracked hard. After Shen Long has used the white python whip all over, Jarvis may be able to find out his offensive line.

But how could Shen Long give Jarvis this time? The long whip was like a bouncing python, continually whipping on the Mark 6 armor, and soon the outer coat of the armor was painted into a big face.

"Poor Tony, I feel like he is now a slave surrendered to the Queen's leather whip." Those journalists who had been satirized by Tony before were gloating again.

"Jarvis, how much longer do you need!" Tony Stark felt anxious as he felt that the damage of the armor was getting higher and higher.

"I don't know, you have to wait for him to use all the moves once before you can judge." Before Shen Long used the white python whip, Jarvis could only at most hit the whip on Mark VI. As a reminder, at this time ~ ~ Tony Stark was too late to avoid it.

"I need to get rid of his entanglement." Stark realized that it was definitely a mistake to fight him close to him.

"Want to go? That's not easy!" If Stark had been wandering long distance, Shen Long was really not very easy to handle, but since he dared to get close, then don't want to go, the electric whip flicked and pumped hard In the back of the armor, Tony Stark, who had just taken off, shot down the dust.

Well, this is the opportunity! While Tony Stark hadn't gotten up, Shen Long shot at him fiercely with an electromagnetic pulse gun. He wasn't just a kung fu. With so many weapons on his whip armor, how could he No need!

"Cough ... Jarvis, report the damage!" Tony choked.

"Weapon systems are severely damaged and temporarily unavailable; flight systems are severely damaged and temporarily unavailable; defense systems are severely damaged and need time to recover ..." Jarvis Hui reported.

"You just say what's okay!" Tony Stark's head was big.

"The air-conditioning system remains intact, sir!"

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