"Your actions today are a bit risky." Shen Long said honestly, "Although Heyuan County is not a Longtan Tiger Cave, but it is also a heavy soldier. The four of us wanted to kill Ichiro Hirata. It is not easy. It is also good luck today. The birthday banquets were loosely guarded, and we put the little devil and the puppet army officers together. If there is a slight omission between the two, we four may not be able to go back completely. "

"Hey, are there a few little devils soon, what's the problem, you scholars just think too much, are we not coming back well? They also gave the little devils a ruthless way!" Li Yunlong carelessly carelessly.

"Head of the team, I know you don't want to lose face in front of Chu Yunfei. When you entered Juxianlou, you also observed in advance and determined to have a chance to enter." Shen Long's tone slightly softened, "but you set off I'm afraid I didn't tell the political commissar? You are against the law and discipline. "

"And, again, today we had such a big fight, but we just killed a few ghost and puppet army officers, which is a pity; if we can ambush a few people outside the city in advance, wait for Ichiro Hirata to be killed. After that, he rushed straight up and took advantage of the chaos of the devils to wipe out the devils and puppet troops in Heyuan County! It is not a problem! "The biggest problem is that the results are too small. Killing several officers and clearing the demons in a county are not the same. concept.

"Hey, you didn't think about it! But Chu Yunfei didn't say that he would clean up Ichiro Hirata with me. I originally thought he wanted to try. I dare to go to Heyuan County." Li Yunlong touched depressedly Touching my head, "If I knew it earlier, I would definitely not take you one; but then again, it ’s no problem if we touch it in. We have to bring a large group of people close to the county, so I ca n’t hide the devil. It's impossible to kill even a few officers. "

"Head of the group, it's still all you think!" It seems that Li Yunlong also thought of the problem he thought of. Although he is usually carefree, he will not make ambiguity on this kind of problem.

"Then, of course, I eat more salt than you eat. You were still wearing crotch pants when I was fighting. This little thing I would never expect." Li Yunlong started boasting again.

"Head, I do n’t believe this. A person can eat a pound and a half of salt every year, even if you look at it, you ’ll be in your early forties. I ’ll calculate more for you, even two pounds a year, until now. I have eaten up to 80 kg of salt, but I have not eaten more rice in a month! "In modern society, a 30-year-old has a total salt intake of about 35 kg from childhood to large. Nowadays people ’s quality of life Surely it was far from this level, Shen Long definitely exceeded the two catties.

"Hey, if you are so spared, go back and fix the guns in the regiment for me." Li Yunlong choked, and then suddenly slowed down, sighed, "Two pounds of salt a year, then eat Affordable. When I was at home, my family could n’t afford so much salt for a year. I could n’t live anymore before I started the revolution. ”

"You can rest assured that when the future revolution wins, we will definitely be able to build China well. By then, salt can definitely be opened." Shen Long said sourly, almost couldn't help but take out a tablet from his personal space Let Li Yunlong look at the lives of our people today.

"The revolution will definitely win. You have to say that the day when the salt was opened ..." Li Yunlong's eyes were a little distracted, and the corners of his mouth were lifted involuntarily. If there is one day, how beautiful it should be.

When it was almost dark, Shen Long and Li Yunlong returned to the base area. Zhao Gang had been waiting for them with black face at the door. When they saw them coming back, they scolded Li Yunlong with his face covered, and Shen Long never escaped, "I Say Xiao Shen, how are you suffering from this unorganized and undisciplined problem now! "

Finally, Li Yunlong blocked Zhao Gang's mouth with the roasted chicken retrieved from Juxianlou, and Shen Long quickly took the opportunity to slip out. Although Zhao Gang made sense, no one was willing to be trained.

A few days later, intelligence came from the inside: Li Yunlong, the head of the Eighth Route Army ’s Independent Regiment, and Chu Yunfei, the head of the 358th Regiment of the Guodang Army, joined forces to make troubles in the county town. All the officers were killed and none were spared.

The commander of the dispatching army in North China, Tada Jun, was deeply shocked. At the same time, he announced the new reward price. Li Yunlong's item was on the head, 100,000 yuan in the ocean, and Chu Yunfei's item was on the head, 100,000 yuan in the ocean. Even the informers have an ocean of 50,000 yuan; Zhao Gang knew what they were doing and was stunned.

In the winter, because the troops lacked warm clothing, Li Yunlong had to let the soldiers train to assassinate. In his words, the active body is hot and not afraid of cold. Of course, this method is not scientific, but the soldiers do need training. Shen Long didn't stop it, just helped boil some herbal medicine soup to keep out the cold.

At this time, Zhao Gang fell ill. As a political commissar of the independent regiment, he did not have any privileges. Even the thick clothes issued to him were given to the sick soldiers. How can he not catch a cold in such a cold day wearing only a single coat? what.

Fortunately, in time, Shen Long went to the clinic to help diagnose the veins. After making a few herbal soups for Zhao Gang to drink, Zhao Gang sweated a few times and woke up the next day.

"Student ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I was right to leave you in an independent regiment! Fighting, repairing guns and radio stations, I still see a doctor now. I wonder if there is anything other than having children? "Seeing Zhao Gang woke up, Li Yunlong was very happy. Although they quarreled every day, they had long regarded each other as a life and death.

"Don't except, my body is okay, oh, head, is it your problem? If you look back, I will help you prepare a few recipes to recuperate and recuperate your body, to ensure that your burrow is worthwhile!" What, when meeting a boss like Li Yunlong, Shen Long can't be serious.

"Hahahahaha, cough ... cough ..." Zhao Gang, who was still having a cold, was also amused by Shen Long.

"Oh, you, this is turning around and cursing me!" Li Yunlong still saw Zhao Gang laughing before he understood the meaning of Shen Long's words.

"Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong, this time you've met your opponent!" The independent regiment went up and down several times, and Shen Longneng was able to get a bargain at Li Yunlong.

"Old Zhao, since you are ill, I will tell you something serious; scholars, don't go away, you know much, and leave to help our staff!" After laughing, Li Yunlong talked about the matter, "We After a long rest, it ’s time to come out and do activities. "

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