All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 947: White Blade Fight

The ragged 8th Route Army soldiers heard that the number of enemies was far more than expected, and they did not feel timid. They lay still on the cold ground, and their eyes remained firm and keen despite the cold blue lips.

After a while, the roar of the car's engine came from a distance, and Wei Monk and Shen Long clenched the mine rope at the same time, waiting for Li Yunlong's order.

The first car reached the place where the last mine of the Eighth Route Army was buried. Li Yunlong waved his hand, and Wei Monk immediately pulled the rope to detonate the pre-buried mines. With a bang, the first car was blown to pieces. The fragments of the car, the Japanese army The broken limbs of the soldiers fell one after another from the sky, almost all fell on the lurking soldiers.

The power of this mine exceeded Li Yunlong's expectations, and his head buzzed for a while. Li Yunlong patted his ears and glanced at the tail of the team. "Well, you scholar, the mine is really powerful. ! "

As soon as the words fell, I saw the last car of the Little Devils team trying to reverse and escape the encirclement. However, without running a few steps, the mines caused by Shen Long exploded into the sky! The convoy of the little devil was blocked in the middle of the road, and the third and fourth mines detonated one after another. The broken limb of the little devil fell like rain.

Letting you see the power of modern explosives in advance, Shen Long is usually inconvenient to take out all kinds of advanced weapons, but adding a little something in this place is enough for the little devils to drink a pot. He glanced at it. These explosions at least buried a third of the devil's strength!

"Comrades rush with me!" Li Yunlong left Zhao Gang again, and rushed up with the soldiers. Zhao Gang cursed a few words and had to stay to replace Li Yunlong.

Shen Long did not go back and forth, but returned to the second line of defense and began to command the snipers to fight, "Remember what I said earlier, the first target is the devil ’s machine gunner, the bomb thrower, and then the devil ’s. Officer, if you ca n’t find your target, do n’t waste your bullets on ordinary soldiers! ”

He said he was the first to shoot, only to hear two cracks, the two little devils on the front of the car were killed, and the two machine guns were also misfired at the same time, greatly reducing the pressure of the strengthening camp.

The rest of the sharpshooters also learned the same. Although their marksmanship was not as strong as Shen Long, they were more powerful and shot only a few rounds. The machine guns in the small devil team were almost dumb at the same time, leaving only a few hiding in the dead ends of shooting. Soldiers are still shooting.

"Give me the tossing barrel!" If you can't reach the direct shot, it doesn't mean you can't shoot it! Shen Long took the tossing barrel seized from the little devil, took a thumbs-up and took a slight look, then fired. After several explosions, the last few machine guns of the little devil were also dumb!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yunlong led the soldiers of the strengthening battalion to rush in, and slaughtered with the little devil. Shen Long and the snipers immediately changed their targets and aimed the muzzle at the little devil officers holding samurai swords!

"His mother, I finally let my old Li catch a big guy!" Li Yunlong glanced at the squadron leader of a little devil, and rushed up with the ghost's head knife, the little devil clenched the katana in both hands, fierce The eyes met Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong just raised the ghost head and saw the head of the little devil squadron exploded like a watermelon, so that Li Yunlong turned back and scolded, "Student, you **** the old man to buy and sell!"

Puff, do n’t blame me, is n’t that what was said in the previous combat meeting! Our snipers give priority to machine gunners, tossers, and officers! I said Lao Li, you should bully ordinary soldiers. These officers were handed over to me. After the nagging was over, Shen Long quickly turned the gun and killed the captain in front of Li Yunlong with another shot!

"His mother! This battle can't be fought! You can catch me and bully!" Li Yunlong was so angry that fortunately another Japanese officer jumped from the car, Li Yunlong quickly stopped complaining, Quickly greeted.

This time Shen Long didn't rob him of his business, but the sniper wasn't the only one. Two snipers fired at the same time, and the little devil officer battled each other!

"It's over! There is one left for me anyway!" Li Yunlong was about to cry. Laozi wanted to kill a little devil officer. It was so hard. Every time someone was robbing business, you robbed me of my head. Are you addicted?

Li Yunlong, they beat the little devil by surprise, and the sniper wiped out their heavy firepower and officers, causing the little devil to be in chaos. The little devil did not forget to withdraw the bullet during his busy schedule. Dozens of little devils died under Li Yunlong's bayonet.

Two Japanese zero fighter planes passed by at very low altitude. The Japanese pilot found that the dense crowd on the road below was twisted together. The gray and yellow were mixed. The pilot's hand pressed the machine gun launch button and released it.

Their hands were loosened, but Shen Long's hand clenched the trigger. He had long expected that the little devil's plane would come back again, and he had prepared in advance to let the two machine gunners stay beside him. When the plane came over, it grabbed the machine gun and aimed it.

"Da Da Da Da ..." After a round of bullets hit, it just hit the fuel tank, the first plane planted with black smoke; the second plane was bad, and I was ready to pull it up ~ ~ Unfortunately, it was too late. Shen Long quickly took the second machine gun from the hand of the machine gunner, held the trigger and held it again. Another shuttle passed, and the second plane immediately fell.

"I'll leave it to you here, and I'll go up to join in the excitement!" After finishing the two planes, Shen Long returned the machine gun to the machine gunner. He rushed up with the three or eight caps on his own, and the sniper in the rear was effective. But there was a happy face-to-face assassination, and now the little devil's machine gunner, barrel thrower, and officer are almost resolved, and staying here is of little use.

"Student, how come you are! Hurry back to Lao Tzu!" Li Yunlong yelled at him when he saw him coming.

"Head, be careful!" Shen Long threw out the three or eight large caps, Xueliang's bayonet brushed through Li Yunlong's ear, and the middle of the little devil behind him pierced him.

The two little devils next to him saw that Shen Long was out of arms and thought it was cheap to pick up. Aoao screamed and rushed up. Shen Long flashed sideways, and two bayonets were rubbed against his chest and back, and then Listening to the bangs, the heads of these two little devils were crushed by Shen Long's elbows ...

After fighting for a while, Shen Long stopped and glanced, and saw that the few remaining devil had been divided by the Eighth Route Army, but the rest were all white-blade combat masters, which was not easy to deal with.

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