All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 950: Training

"Okay, then try it for a month. After a month, you are watching, and you will be surprised!" Shen Long agreed, and then quickly transferred the elite he had long been interested in. During this time, he was not white in the independent regiment. He's so mixed up, he knows everything clearly.

These people also served Shen Long, whether it was the first game that killed the devil plane, killed the captain Yamazaki, or the outstanding performance in the ambush battle, they let them admire, the army is like this, as long as you have the ability, the big guys will convince you .

Calling them together, Shen Long began to teach them, "You are all elites of the independent regiment, everyone has their own unique skills, Wei Dayong martial arts are outstanding, Li Erhu's civil engineering is the first in the entire regiment, Pan The rich marksmanship is accurate ..... In the original team, you are all baby knots of the company commander and the platoon leader! "

Without waiting for these people to show their joy, Shen Long said sharply, "However, you still have a long way to go to become a qualified special soldier! From now on, your good days will come to an end! This month, You are afraid to peel off several layers of skin in practice. Whoever ca n’t stand this bitter stand up first, I will let you go back, but you have to make up your mind to stay, then you should wait to endure hardship! "

After Shen Long finished looking at the more than fifty elites in front of him, none of them went out and stared at Shen Long, as if he was not convinced by what he had just said.

"Okay, since all of them are left, it means that you still have a bit of guts! Now they are all behind me, let's have a ten-kilometer cross-country running activity first!" After speaking, Shen Long ran with his backpack that he had prepared for a long time. At the forefront, Wei Monk followed them in turn, and each took a backpack and followed Shen Long.

The weight of this backpack is not light. At first, they may not feel anything. But as time goes by, they finally begin to realize the power of weight training. They gradually feel like they are carrying a big stone. I feel like a mountain on my back.

"Have you not eaten yet? Yeah? I just ran so far and couldn't stand it? Is it possible that Captain Li sent me dozens of ladies to come over?" Shen Long was still running humiliatingly forward and backward they.

After the ten-kilometer off-road training, Shen Long only let them rest for a little while, and then began to allow them to perform climbing training. Some soldiers from hunters or medicine farmers were better. Those who grew up on the plain saw such a steep front. Some cliffs tremble straight.

Shen Long still started for the first time. He crawled to the top and slid down the rope, and then forced the soldiers to follow his way one by one. Anything that did not meet the standard was a swear.

These soldiers felt very wronged. In the company's training, they suffered such scolding. They have always been the praises of the company commander and the learning objects of their comrades. Today, they seem to have become recruits who only entered the team; but Even if they are wronged, they have nothing to say, because no matter what training, Shen Long completed it for the first time, and it was better than any of them.

After a day of tossing, when eating at night, Shen Long prepared a bowl of bitter and astringent medicine for none of them. These people gritted their teeth and drank. When they rested at night, they felt that the pain in their bodies gradually disappeared. Waking up the next morning, yesterday's exhaustion disappeared.

This is the formula that Shen Long summed up himself. Due to the limited materials, it cannot be used on a large scale, but it is more than enough to supply the 50th special forces.

"Oh, do you think it was hard yesterday? I want to tell you that hard work is still behind!" At the time of assembly, Shen Long started ringing alarm bells for them.

"The platoon leader, usually hard work, and less bloodshed in wartime, you can rest assured that we can withstand it!" Wei monk took the lead and other people followed up immediately, they now all realize the benefits of these trainings; Li Yunlong has already treated Shen Long Promoted to head.

"Some bitter teeth are gone, just like yesterday's training, and some are bitter. That's really making people want to die! Since you are not afraid, then we will come a little bit today." Shen Long took them with a smile. On a flat ground, in front of the flat ground was Shen Long's temporarily processed wooden board last night, and a few burnt charcoal bars were placed next to it.

"Today, let ’s learn Japanese, that ’s what the little devil does! In the future, we might even pretend to be a little devil and sneak into the enemy ’s back. It ’s impossible to know Japanese! It ’s impossible to fully grasp Japanese in a short time, so we only You need to master some simple and commonly used Japanese, as well as military language! You were tired yesterday for a day, and you have less hard work today. Everyone learns ten Japanese sentences! "Shen Long let them sit cross-legged and began to sit on the board Write Japanese.

"Duck your chicken baby, you mean, used to say hello during the day, come and read to me, button your chicken baby." Shen Long began to teach the first sentence.

"Choose your feet ..." Wei Monk and others began to read with Shen Long's face, taking advantage of Shen Long's kung fu writing, Wei Monk whispered to Pan Fu, "Seriously, I'd rather run two Ten ... no, thirty miles is not willing to learn this ... "

Pan Fu did n’t speak, but nodded heavily, and the others next to him were all the same. You let them suffer and suffer. They were n’t really scared. After all, they all came from hardships. Culture ~ ~ That would really kill them.

Load-bearing off-road, mountain climbing, shooting and bombing, common Japanese and even culture in the Japanese army, car driving and repairs ... This month, Wei monk felt that they really took off several layers of skin.

"It's really not a **** thing on this day. Fortunately, our independent regiment did not capture the tank, otherwise we must still learn this!" Wei Monk complained.

"Don't say it quickly. Although we didn't have a tank, we brought back two wreckages of the aircraft in the last ambush. If you let the platoon leader hear this, what can he do if he wants to teach us to fly? Dare to learn! "Wang Changsuo face with fear.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at it in unison, and the monk Wei looked ashamed, "Well, am I wrong?"

"It's not possible that our platoon leader can really fly a plane. I really don't know what else he won't!" Pan Fu sighed, everyone nodded in agreement, Wei Monk opened his mouth and said nothing.

At the agreed time, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang came over to check, and when they saw them, Li Yunlong was directly on fire, "I said scholar, what are you doing? What did you train Laozi's soldiers into!"

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