All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 954: Yamamoto 1 tree

"Commander, why don't you help? The village is too busy!" Wei He Shangti slipped past two wine jars and saw Shen Long looking at the entrance of the village and couldn't help asking.

"Monk, we are soldiers, we should not relax our vigilance no matter what; Well, put the wine down and look at it!" Shen Long beckoned the monk and pointed to the silhouette in front of him who was walking hurriedly out of the village. "Look Do you understand? Who is that? What is he doing? "

"Isn't that our team's security officer Zhu Ziming? Maybe the political commissar asked him to buy something. Leader Li said that he would get married and get married too quickly, and there were a lot of things not prepared!" The monk thought and thought.

"Why do you let him sell? Why don't you let you go? You can't run faster than him? You have great strength and can bring more things; and I didn't hear the political commissar say what to buy!" Of course Shen Long knew, Zhu Zi Ming went to report to the Japanese devil, this guy had already betrayed the Eighth Route Army.

"Go, let's ask the political commissar to go!" Shen Long took the monk to Zhao Gang and told him about Zhu Ziming's abnormal reaction. Zhao Congo was surprised.

"I didn't let him go shopping! He told me that today is a good day for the group leader. The guard platoon wanted to help the wedding and offered to go to the outermost whistle." Zhao Gang also realized that something was wrong.

"The place where he ran has already exceeded the range of our outposts; political commissar, I think the situation is wrong, we have to prepare early!" This guy definitely sent a letter to the Japanese devil's commando commander, Yamamoto Iki. .

Yamamoto was a direct subordinate of Lieutenant General Yuzuka Yuzuka, commander of the First Japanese Army in Shanxi. He participated in the Battle of Nomenkan and was scared by Zhukov ’s T34, making him aware of the importance of weapons, so he gave His special team was equipped with many advanced weapons, and now he is waiting for the news of Zhu Ziming outside Zhaojiayu Village.

Well, this is also said in the original novel, but in this text, there are several bugs. The first is now in the autumn of 1942, and Yoshino Shinozuka returned to the country last summer in history, from the first The army commander became a military senator and principal of the Army Sergeant School, and he retired from active duty in June 1942.

The replacement of Yoshio Shinozuka was Yoshimatsu Iwamatsu. Since he took office, he has been focusing on the plan to recruit Yan Xishan, where he will pay attention to Li Yunlong.

In addition, the prototype of the T34 will not be built until 1940 for testing. The drawings were completed in June 1940 and mass production began. At that time, the Battle of Nomenkan had already been completed. Zhukov was really powerful and could be obtained from the future. The tank came to fight the Japanese devil, and Yamamoto was afraid that he would be stupid by the T26 shells.

Well, anyway, this is the world of "Bright Sword". Many places are not the same as the real history. Shen Long has no power to vomit these. Since he had all set the zero before, now it is nothing to deal with Yamamoto. .

"Leave the regiment without reporting to the superior. There must be something wrong with it. It is always right to make more preparations. Xiao Shen, you will immediately take someone to expand the scope of the sentry. If something happens, send us a signal immediately. "Although Zhao Gang realized that something was wrong, he didn't guess that the problem would be so serious."

Do not blame him like this. Generally, the devil has a large-scale mobilization, and certainly cannot escape the surveillance of the Eighth Route Army intelligence system. If there are fewer people coming, it will not pose any threat to Zhaojiayu Village. The trail runs from the front of the village to the back of the village. This is the only road. If you think of the back of the village, you can only enter from the front of the village and pass through the entire village. Unless the other party is a monkey, you can go around the back of the village.

It can be said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With the guards in the village and the special company under Shen Long, as long as the main entrance of the village is blocked, the Japanese devil will be a squadron in vain.

"Yes!" Shen Long didn't continue to persuade, but Yimu Yamamoto came from Taiyuan all the way to Zhaojiayu Village. No one was alarmed along the way. He was also judged based on Zhu Ziming's strange movements.

After coming out from Zhao Gang, Shen Long first went alone to investigate. He used the ability of the shapeshifter to control a bird, followed Zhu Ziming to find the trace of Yamamoto Iki, and under the command of Yamamoto Igi, his special combat team Make two allocations to block the entrance and back of the village.

Well, let's compete to see if the special soldiers you brought out are powerful or the special company under my command. Shen Long immediately returned to the village to inform the monks.

"Although there are only the Hundred Ten Devils, the fighting power is not ordinary. The weapons they use include the German MG38 submachine gun and the 20-barrel shell gun. Every ten people have two light machine guns! Much better than us, I wonder, they must also be special forces on the devil's side! "

"At this moment, it can be said that it is the first time that the special forces of the devil and the special forces of our Eighth Route Army confront each other for the first time. I will ask you if you are afraid?" Shen Long asked.

"Afraid of a ball! What's a good weapon? This time we let them know, this special soldier is fighting, not just a weapon!" Wei Monk didn't fight for a long time, he had suffocated it, and he heard that there was a devil The elite of the elders came to the door, and they were suddenly not happy. The soldiers of other special companies were the same.

"Okay ~ ~ Then we will give the little devil a memory this time; head Li is married, we are all poor, and there is nothing to send, just leave the little devil as a man. It ’s a gift to Chief Li! "Shen Long immediately took out the map around Zhaojiayu Village and pointed to the map to talk about the battle plan tonight.

"According to my estimation, the little devil will only start fighting when the big guy is asleep at 10 and 11 at night, and we still have enough time to prepare."

"For the special forces, the cliff behind the village is not a problem at all. They have divided their troops and prepared to strike back and forth. We just used the terrain to give them a bit of a look! Monk, after you take a row to the village, you see them Do n’t worry when climbing the cliff, and wait for them to climb up to you! "

"The rest of you go with me to the village entrance. We are here, here and there. We will do it as soon as the village entrance gun sounds!" If the two sides strike, the action of the village entrance will definitely be later in the village.

After determining the general direction, he discussed in detail the specific tactical details. Shen Long and the monk took their men and women to the predetermined location and waited.

At 22:50, Yamamoto's agent team arrived.

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