All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 956: Is the Battle of Ping'anrad gone?

"Can you be a traitor if you are caught? Think of your mother-in-law, how many people have died in our independent regiment in these years? Why haven't they been traitors, are you worthy of those dead brothers? The regiment and the villagers of Zhaojiayu Village are all going to die in the hands of devils! "Li Yunlong scolded.

In fact, he is also a bit afraid now. Just now when Shen Long and Yiu Yamamoto were fighting, Li Yunlong was also nearby. Seeing the fierce firepower and precise shooting skills of the other party, he quickly concluded that if he relied on the regiment only People, encountering Yamamoto's special agent team is definitely a lot of evil.

"Tell me honestly, what is the origin of Yimu Yamamoto? Who are the men he brought? Why is it different from ordinary devil?" Zhao Gang is more concerned about this special force.

"Yimoto Yamamoto graduated from Imperial Army University and was a classmate with Seijiro Itagaki, but he is not interested in combat by the Grand Corps. His interest is in the study of special operations. These are the elites he has trained for many years ... but he has also been in these years. This person was trained, and this time it was completely buried in the company of Shen Lianchang ... "Zhu Ziming regretted not knowing that Shen Long and his special warfare company were so powerful. What anxiety he was.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang looked at Shen Long at the same time. This time, the special company team that completely wiped out Yamamoto Yimu did not lose many people. In the field of special operations, he can be said to have completely crushed the devil.

At this time, Shen Long didn't pay attention to them. He was concerned about one thing in his heart now. Since Yamamoto was killed by himself, and Xiuqin was not taken away by the little devil, then the battle of Ping'anrad was still fought. What?

If the Battle of Ping'angrad is not big, the little devil does not need to draw the Kanto Army from the Northeast to enter the gate. If the Kanto Army does not enter the gate, does Stalin dare to transfer the army back to the European battlefield to start the Battle of Stalingrad? Without the great victory of the Battle of Stalingrad, wouldn't the turning point of World War II be postponed?

In this way, will the Japanese army not enter Southeast Asia and seek a decisive battle with the US Navy? Can the Battle of Midway be fought as scheduled? Am I going to do bad things well? Saved Xiuqin but made the war of resistance more difficult?

"Student? Scholar? What do you want? I told you not to agree for a long time?" Li Yunlong's cries finally awakened Shen Long from contemplation.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm recalling Yamamoto Iki's tactics just now." Shen Long casually found an excuse to persuade him, but he had already let go of this mustard; Hey, what do you think, the defeat of Little Japan was already doomed What is written in "On Protracted Warfare" can it be determined by a peaceful Battle of Grad?

"This group of little devils are really powerful, they all bite the meat under the bullet. That is not the ordinary little devils. It is definitely the elite of the little devils. He died more than a hundred at a time. Yoshio Shinozuka is afraid to die of distress!" Thinking of the harvest this time, Li Yunlong was happy again, "Although our independent regiment had killed a lot of little devils before, the exchange ratio was very heavy at that time, and the best was only one to one. It can only be said that it was a victory. , You have a big win this time! "

"I also took advantage of the terrain and the unexpected. The little devil thought of assaulting us, but did not expect that we were also ambushing them, and he fell into the trap at once; and, as for the terrain behind the village, just put one on the top of the cliff Ban, even an enemy can't fight, this little devil is careless! In the future, if we want to walk on similar terrain, we must first do the investigation work, so as not to repeat the mistakes of Yamamoto. "Shen Long said modestly.

"I will give you credit tomorrow! With such a big credit, other troops are afraid to underestimate the special forces." Li Yunlong said, when Shen Long suggested the establishment of special forces, not all the support they encountered was now. With this example of battle, and the previous experience of pretending to be a devil and connecting multiple positions of the puppet army, it is believed that other troops should change their views.

"Your mother-in-law is really shameful to our independent regiment!" When it comes to asking for help, Li Yunlong remembered Zhu Ziming again. Someone in the independent regiment must be reported to the superior when he was a traitor. This time, he was an embarrassment.

"Commander! Commander! Just let me go!" Zhu Ziming pleaded with Li Yunlong's thighs, but it didn't work. Li Yunlong and the little devil had fought for many years and had already forged a **** hatred, and he He hated traitors the most and took Zhu Ziming out without saying a word.

After finishing Zhu Ziming and Li Yunlong returning to the house, they must continue to discuss the issue of special forces tactics with Shen Long, "I said scholars, I have not understood a few places in this battle today. You said to me ... "

"Head of the group, if I put it at other times, I will tell you that one night will do, but today I am afraid it is inappropriate?" Shen Long and Zhao Gang smiled at each other.

"What's wrong? After the war, this is the tradition of our Eighth Route Army!" Li Yunlong is now completely immersed in this big victory, forgetting all other things.

"Old Li, you shouldn't forget it. Today you are the bridegroom's official. The bride is still waiting for you!" Zhao Gang walked out with Li Yunlong's arm, "Go to Xiuqin, others People are waiting anxiously. On the first night of the wedding, can the bridegroom go to see the bride! "

"Hey!" Li Yunlong's face turned red when he brushed the floor ~ ~ Scrambled his head embarrassedly, Zhizhiwuwu said, "The matter is important, let's briefly summarize it?" He is still embarrassed Immediately left, as if he seemed anxious to go to the cave.

"It's dark, the little devil's equipment hasn't been picked up yet, and I don't know if there are any fishes that have leaked through the net. I have to take the monk and search them all around, but I don't have time to sum up after the war." Shen Long wore shoes made by Xiuqin, which could do such uninteresting things.

"I also have to go back and write a report. No matter what I say, Zhu Ziming is my direct subordinate." Zhao Gang did not accompany him. He pulled Shen Long and left first. Li Yunlong froze at the door of the house and looked around. , Touched his head, hehe smirked and walked towards his new house.

Early the next morning, when Li Yunlong woke up, he found that Shen Long had found the body and equipment of the little devil. Wei monk they were holding silly mp38 submachine gun silly, see Li Yunlong out, Wei monk Zhangkou asked, "Head, what's the taste of the cave?"

Li Yunlong glared at him, "Scholar, hurry up and come to the conclusion after the war!" Can you tell anyone about this?

"Hole, leader!" Shen Long took the post-war statistics and went into the house to prepare for a meeting.

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