All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 958: Target Shinozuka Yoshino

"Student I like this, the devil and his mother all hit the door of our independent regiment. If I don't call Li Yunlong, it would be too boneless!" Li Yunlong patted the table and said that Shen Long's words were right to his appetite. .

"We haven't reached the big battle with the devil yet. Besides, military operations are purposeful. What is the purpose of this time? Are we going to let the soldiers of the independent regiment take risks in order to vent your old Lee? "Zhao Gang disagrees with large-scale operations.

"Political commissar, I'm not going to fight a big battle. Since Yoshio Shinozuka sent a special team of Yamamoto Iki to find the attack team, why don't we also send special forces to perform beheading operations on Japanese devils?" Shen Long of course I also know that the War of Resistance Against Japan is still at a stage of strategic stalemate, and it is not time for a strategic counterattack.

"I'm not planning to bring all the special companies, and a hundred or so people can't hide, but if there are only a few people, they take the car they brought, and put on their military uniforms, pretending to be Yamamoto People, this should be able to hide most of the checkpoints. "Shen Long added that when he saw Zhao Gang going to object, he quickly added," Beheading is also an important subject of special operations. Our independent regiment special company and even all the special forces of the Eighth Route Army There have been no such cases, and now there is such a good opportunity. If we can successfully behead once or twice, it will be a good thing for the whole army. "

"The scholar said it makes sense. Now that the story of Ikimoto Yamamoto has been wiped out hasn't been spread yet. It just happened to impersonate them to enter Taiyuan. If a few days later, there will be no such opportunity! When the opportunity comes, I will not come again. I agree with the scholar's plan. "Li Yunlong thought for a while and thought that if the agent team disguised as Yamamoto Yimu, it is indeed possible to successfully assassinate one or two devil officers," but everything is to preserve their own safety first, if there is no suitable Opportunity, you will hurry back! "

If only assassinating one or two devil officers, Zhao Gang will definitely continue to object, because in his view this task is not only dangerous, but meaningless, the death of one or two officers is not helpful to the entire battle situation, and may be buried. The essence of one's own side is really not worth it.

But Shen Long raised the mission to the height of perfecting the special forces tactics. Zhao Gang was a bit refuted. He had to ask, "Xiao Shen, who is your goal this time?" If he thinks the goal is too dangerous, Zhao Gang still Will stop.

"There is no specific goal, everything waits for Taiyuan to act at random, mainly training." Shen Long does not leak a word, he knows that if he tells his true goal, Zhao Gang must say that he will not let him go.

"Hey, even if I don't worry, do you still worry about scholars? Ever since he came to the independent regiment, have he done anything rash? I said, old Zhao, what's your mother-in-law!" Besides, Li Yunlong was impatient. "It's almost noon now, and if Yiu Yamamoto hasn't heard back at night, the kid should be suspicious."

"Okay, I agree with Lao Li. Everything is about saving yourself." The moment passed, and Zhao Gang didn't want to miss this good opportunity.

"I'm going to prepare now!" Shen Long went out immediately to summon the Centaurs. As soon as he heard about the trouble of going to Taiyuan to find a devil official, the special forces even exploded, and the big guys fought for battle, even the soldiers who defended the platoon Want to participate.

"This mission is very dangerous, so it is not suitable for large-scale operations. I can bring one class at most. Those who look like Japanese devils, have good Japanese skills, and have the ability to drive first ..." Shen Long read a line Asked, fewer and fewer people remained in front of him.

Shen Long pooled the manpower of a class from the rest. Shen Long thought about it and called Wei Monk again. Although he did not look like Japanese or Japanese, his skill was second only to the special. For your own.

Everyone seized the time to put on the little devil's military uniform, and then adapted to the little devil's weapon urgently. The focus is on submachine guns and barrel guns. These people are familiar with them; when more than three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone was ready to board Yamamoto Iki Under the military vehicle, Pan Fu drove, and Shen Long sat in the co-pilot position.

Speaking of driving technology, Shen Long is the best, but he pretends to be a devil officer. That is why the officer drives himself. Pan Fu gradually relaxed after experiencing the initial tension.

Among the four cars brought by Yamamoto Igi, I chose the one with the best conditions, pumped the fuel from the mailboxes of the other cars to fill it up, and then drove down from the mountain of Zhaojiayu Village, heading towards Taiyuan.

The car was flying all the way, and the scenery on both sides flashed by. Wei Monk and the other soldiers did not seem too excited, but kept silent. This was to avoid people seeing the flaws.

"Stop!" After driving for a while, Shen Long suddenly stopped Pan Fu. Pan Fu cast a puzzled look while following the order. Shen Long explained, "We have entered Chu Yunfei's defense zone now. Army, let ’s just go directly, Chu Yunfei will not be so careless. "

In the original work, when Yamamoto retreated, Chu Yunfei suffered a lot of losses. Shen Long remembered that he had found Chu Yunfei's ambush through the birds in the sky.

"No movement! Raise your hand!" As soon as the car stopped, Chu Yunfei led Jin Suijun around.

Shen Long poked his head out of the car window ~ ~ Head Chu, do n’t get me wrong, it ’s me! "

"Oh, Xiao Shen, what's the matter with you?" Chu Yunfei recognized the guy who was celebrating the birthday of the little devil with him in Juxianlou on the same day. He stepped forward and observed that they were all after the Eighth Route Army. , Chu Yunfei waved his hand and let his men put the gun down.

"Last night, Yoshio Shinozuka sent a raid on our regiment, and we were making dumplings. It ’s not bad manners, since the little devil played it for us, then we have to give the little devil a little color. Look. "Shen Long said the situation briefly," We are going to Taiyuan now, and we still hope that the head of Chu and your brothers will keep it secret! "

"It's easy to talk." Chu Yunfei's eyes swept over Shen Long's equipment, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes. These guys were better than his 358 regiments. Li Yunlong was rich again.

"Release!" Chu Yunfei waved his hand. The soldiers of the 358th regiment gave way to them. Shen Long bowed and thanked him to get off the train. Chu Yunfei asked about his goal. Shen Long still responded with randomness.

However, in Shen Long's mind, he had already determined the target of this Taiyuan trip. The task of raiding Zhao Jiayu was taken by Yoshio Shinozuka, so of course this time it was him.

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