All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 974: Stay a few more years

Originally, when Shen Long received this task, he still felt that he would stay in the world of "Bright Sword" at most until 1945 when the little devil surrendered. Then he knew that when he checked the information, he found the information of the remaining Japanese troops in Shanxi. I feel that I am afraid to stay in the "Sword" world for a few more years.

Li Yunlong's wish is to kill some more devil, and these little devil who stayed in Shanxi and Jin Suijun fighting side by side are obviously included, unless the high level transferred Li Yunlong to other war zones without little devil, otherwise Li Yunlong surrendered in the little devil After that, he still has to fight with the little devil. In this case, Shen Long will definitely stay in the world of "Bright Sword" and continue to help Li Yunlong to kill the devil, until the little devil in Shanxi is solved, or Li Yunlong is transferred to other theaters.

According to the original book, after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the independent regiment took part in the Central Plains Breakout as the main force of the Central Plains Field Army, and then leaped into the Dabie Mountain for thousands of miles. Before the Huaihai Battle, it was brought under the command of the East China Field Army and participated in the Xuzhou Battle. It stands to reason that Shen Long estimates that the task of playing the Devils in Shanxi for at most another year will be over. After all, after the Central Plains breaks through, Li Yunlong and the little Devils will have fewer opportunities to contact.

But the situation is different now. In the original book, Li Yunlong was carrying a disciplinary action at this time. With the help of Shen Long, he was still in good standing as the head of his independent regiment, and he had great hopes for promotion. Whether to participate in the Central Plains breakout or continue to stay in the northwest of Shanxi against the fruit army in Shanxi is really a bit hard to say.

These are all afterwords, and now they are still on Chu Yunfei ’s site. After listening to Shen Long ’s words, Chu Yunfei has n’t spoken for a long time. He is not a fool. He can vaguely guess some from the recent signs. Things, just have been reluctant to face, now listening to Shen Long said, those clues gradually become clearer, with his understanding of Officer Yan, he really did come to such a thing.

"I said, Yunfei, why are you dumb? Hurry up and send a telegram to your family chief Yan! If he agrees, I will bring an independent regiment to cooperate with you. Last time I hit Ping'an County, you helped me a lot. Busy, do you always have to give my old Li a chance to repay? "Li Yunlong fanned.

"Just hit it! It will be unacceptable to foreign monarchs. I've been staring at Luyang County for a long time. Let's say it, this time I will be replaced by my main attack. You will take someone to help me stop the little devil coming from other places!" After all, Chu Yunfei did not send the telegram. He knew that once the telegram was sent, it was irretrievable. What if Officer Yuan asked him to stay on the spot?

So it ’s better to start with the strength first. After the war is over, report the results to Chief Yan. Based on the feedback from Chief Yan, you can guess his thoughts. If Chief Yan really wants to cooperate with the little devil, he will definitely Dissatisfied with his unauthorized attack on Luyang County, oh, not necessarily, now maybe during the negotiation period, it is also possible to put some pressure on the little devil.

But if you want to put pressure on it, a Luyang county is enough. Governor Yan will definitely not allow himself to attack the surrounding Fu'an and Shuiquan. In a flash, so many ideas came out of Chu Yunfei's mind.

"His mother, you can't just ask you to pick up meat in three or five groups! In this situation, you are going to fight in Luyang County, and the little devils in other places will come to support you!" Li Yunlong was not happy now. But it wasn't that time when he attacked Ping'an County. Nowadays, the little devils are shrinking in various cities, and they won't come out easily. Let him surround him for help. Isn't that in vain?

"If it doesn't work, fight together if you want to fight. My independent regiment and your three-five-eight regiment regiment have two gates, see who breaks the city first!" Li Yunlong said.

"That won't work, I didn't go to Ping'an County last time to disturb your business!" Chu Yunfei immediately objected, and then the two bargained like a businessman.

"Team seat!" Lin Zhiqiang, the chief of staff of the Lieutenant Colonel of the 358th Regiment, was anxious and kept staring at Chu Yunfei, didn't he say that he was going to hold a banquet to leave Li Yunlong behind? ?

"Lin Zhiqiang, you also said, how to fight this little devil in Luyang County?" It is important to leave Li Yunlong, but it is more important to fight against the little devil. In the face of national justice and political interests, Chu Yunfei chose the former, he With the 358 regiment in the northwest of Shanxi and fighting with the devil for so many years, Chu Yunfei felt disgusted when he thought that he might stand in a trench with the devil in the future. Compared with this, leaving Li Yunlong just Not so important.

Even if the two are going to be diametrically opposed in the future, that will be the future. Now let ’s continue to fight devils together, just as they did many years ago.

"Team seat, you have to say that two or three years ago, we had to fight Luyang County, and we had a headache for a while, but now, the little devils who can fight are almost dead ~ ~ Luyang There are a lot of new devils in the county who have just joined the army at the age of fifteen or six. If our 358 regiment can't manage them, then they will simply take off their military uniforms and go home to plant the land! "Lin Zhiqiang is a rough man, not so careful. Chu Yunfei was distracted.

"Look, attacking the small town of Luyang County will not bother Yunlong. I am sure that Chu Yunfei is sure!" The elite of the first army is mostly concentrated in big cities like Taiyuan, leaving them in small counties It ’s just the old and the weak.

"That line, Luyang County was handed over to Brother Chu. I will be aggrieved and go to fight down Shuiquan County. Brother Chu, why don't we make a bet and see who can break the city first?" Li Yunlong was also early Expected to this point, pretending to give Lu Yun to Chu Yunfei generously, but took Shuiquan County into his arms.

As soon as Anhua County fell into the hands of Chu Yunfei, the site of the independent regiment had been surrounded on three sides. If the Luyang county town was won again, the independent regiment would be even more dangerous. However, Shuiquan County could crack this The unfavorable situation has earned the independent regiment a broader space for survival.

Look, I gave you all Luyang. Are you sorry not to leave me something? Li Yunlong blocked Chu Yunfei to say nothing, plus Chu Yunfei is now full of little devil and officer Yan, and distractedly agreed to Li Yunlong's plan, "Well, let's just do that Gamble, if I win, you come to be my deputy teacher! "

"Then if I win, you come to be my deputy leader? Oops, Brother Chu, you are a little lost!" Li Yunlong counterattacked immediately. In fact, both of them know that no matter who wins or loses, this bet is It is impossible to cash in.

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