All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 982: I can win 100 times

The color of the collar is full of cherry blossoms, and the strong wind blows the flowers to Yoshino. If you are born as a Yamato boy, you will devote your life to the scattered soldiers line. A rifle with a length of a foot is not a weapon, and the bayonet is nothing. You do n’t know that we have two thousand years of Yamato Soul in our hearts.

Odaka Masanori took the soldiers of the special training team, while singing "Infantry Skills", while marching forward, it seemed that the haze of defeat had disappeared from them, and they were as strong as when they first entered China.

This song was released by the students of the 10th issue of the Japanese Army Central Childhood School in 1911, Kato Akatsuki and Nagai Jianzi, at the 100th Festival of the Army Central Childhood School, which later became a Japanese military song and was loved by Japanese soldiers. However, with the defeat of the Japanese army, Japan under the management of the Allies has banned its related broadcasting and distribution.

Didn't expect that now, this song was sung on the earth of China again. Seeing the sun flag under the mountain and listening to the familiar Japanese military song, Shen Long couldn't help but trance. Am I still in 1942 or 1945? Why did the little devils all declare defeat, and there are so many devils soldiers unscrupulously on the land of China?

This **** is mourning! Scholars, give them a shot! Let them shut up! This dog gadget has been listening to him for eight years. Li Yunlong also has a deep memory of this song. In the past eight years, he has heard this song countless times, and he has fought against the devil in such singing voices countless times.

If you fire now, it is easy to expose our firepower range, which is not conducive to late raids! Shen Long reluctantly rejected Li Yunlong's order, and now he was relieved with a shot, but he would also reveal his own strength, which was somewhat outweighed.

Oh, how about being silly here and listening to the devil? Li Yunlong immediately glared his eyes. This singing really annoyed him, and he was not willing to endure it for a moment.

They can sing when they sing! Comrades, isn't it? Shen Long ignored Li Yunlong and turned around to greet the soldiers in his regiment. Isn't that the song? Our army is enough to sling the world with this skill. He beat it and began to start. Come on, the big guy sings with me: the big knife cuts off the devil's head! preparation! Up!

The big sword cut off the devils' heads! The country's patriotic compatriots, the day of the war of resistance came, the day of the war of resistance came! There is a volunteer army in the northeast in front, and people in the whole country in the back. Our Chinese army is advancing bravely, looking at that enemy! Destroy them, destroy, rush! The big knife cut off the devils' heads-kill!

Suddenly, the singing sound from the top of the mountain completely suppressed the mourning of the devil. This song echoed between the mountains, causing echoes, as if thousands of mountains and mountains were also singing along with the Eighth Route Army soldiers.

The morality of the little devil under the mountain is one of stagnation. Oda Masao men touched his neck subconsciously, just like the Eighth Route Army is familiar with "The Infantry Skill". The little devil is also familiar with this "Blade March". They left a deep impression on the little devils, so that for a certain period of time, the little devils habitually added a neck brace to avoid being cut off by the big knife.

One song ended, the next song sang again, forward! forward! forward! Our team goes to the sun! Footsteps on the motherland's land, carrying the hope of the nation, we are an invincible force. We are the children of the workers and peasants, we are the armed forces of the people, from fearless, never surrendering, fighting heroically, until the reactionaries are wiped out

The generals of the Jin Suijun were in a state of confusion. Let the Eighth Route Army sing like this, the morale of our own will definitely become weaker, shall we sing something? But how can they teach soldiers how to sing with their soldiers?

"The Dadao March" sang the eight roads on the mountain, did you not see it, Han Hanjun, the weak crown captive please ask Changying, did not see him, Ban Dingyuan, the Qing Qingqi war cloud? Not suitable, this song is followed by a call to comrades more than one hundred thousand, singing war song Qi Congjun. Qi Congjun, Jing Hu Chen, swear to sweep the Japanese slaves regardless of their bodies! But the little devil is standing beside him now!

"Salvation Army Song"? Not good, the first sentence is the muzzle to the outside, move forward together! Don't hurt the people, don't beat yourself! We are the iron team, we are the iron heart! Safeguard the Chinese nation and be a free man forever! Wouldn't it sing my face to sing this song on this occasion?

Let them stop singing, and quickly attack! Zhao Chengshou was impatient.

Hi! Attack immediately! After receiving the order, Oda Keisho immediately drew out the samurai sword and spoke to the soldiers. Even if we became a defeated country, the morale of the Japanese soldiers could not decline. Let the Chinese people look at the strength of our great Japanese imperial army!

Jun, let ’s take the Jianshan down now! Ride the morale of the soldiers to cheer up again ~ ~ Oda cuts the male katana straight at the sharp mountain, and the little devils under him screamed and rushed toward the mountain.

Master, the devil is coming! The investigators monitoring the enemy's situation immediately came to Li Yunlong to report.

No hurry, they have to run up for a while, let's continue to sing ours, give me a louder voice! Didn't you eat or how? Li Yunlong did not seem to be in a hurry, such a scene he had experienced many times before.

This time the enemy was a tentative offensive and did not invest much force, so I think it is better not to use artillery for the time being. Shen Long suggested.

Well, that ’s it. Duan Peng, took Lao Tzu ’s sword and did n’t see any blood in Qin County before. This time, let it be a pleasure! Li Yunlong shouted, and Shen Long was very at ease in his command of the battlefield. He was only thinking about the addiction of the white-blade battle. Just now "Blade March" but he heard his blood and blood.

Commander, as far as this devil is concerned, if I will be forced to win the battle with a white blade, I do n’t have to be the leader! Shen Long glanced at the Japanese below.

Too! Li Yunlong threw the big knife aside depressively. At that time, the old man could win them when he had only a few horses. Now this devil is not enough to stop his teeth!

He said that Li Yunlong stood up, grabbed the iron horn from the correspondent next to him, and yelled at the Japanese devil below, little devil, my ancestor, I can win you back then, and I can do the same now. A hundred times, I can beat you down!

The voice just fell, the gunshots sounded, and the battle began.

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