All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 11 Of course it’s the monster’s responsibility


The TV Tower, one of Sapporo's landmarks, collapsed, and houses turned into ruins under the feet of Venom.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see a huge ravine stretching from the western plain to the central area of ​​the city, as if a shovel has been inserted into the ground and plowed.

Just as experts predicted, it still crossed the coastal zone, broke into Sapporo unreasonably, and wreaked havoc.

And by the way, the Maritime Self-Defense Force responsible for surveillance was wiped out.

In any case, the experts finally proved their authority once.

They may not be accurate about good things, but nine times out of ten bad things are just as they say!


A large amount of liquid was sprayed out from the tail, flying all over the sky, and all the vegetation it came into contact with quickly withered and died.

Venom targeted a shelter, and with its cruel and violent nature, it immediately poked out its right arm. The bone spurs poked a big hole without any difficulty, and deafening screams and cries suddenly rang out from inside.

But the real terror was yet to come.

I saw the venom turning its head and tail, aiming the tail venom sac at the hole, and poured out in one fell swoop.

In an instant, the entire shelter was filled with poisonous liquid until it overflowed, and all the thousands of people hiding there died, and no one was spared.

It became more and more cheerful, swaying vigorously like an uncontrollable showerhead, harvesting the life nearby.

Hokkaido Prefectural Office.

"Why haven't we arrived yet? They don't even care about us!"

"Had Tokyo not been destroyed and the economy severely damaged, our mechas would have been more powerful than those next door."

"If this continues, Sapporo will be completely destroyed!"

"If it doesn't work, why don't we send out fighter planes?"

Several local officials in Sapporo were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. This city had invested their life's efforts. It was like watching their newly repaired house being burned down by fire. It was really heartbreaking.

"No, once the monster's blood leaks out and soaks into the soil, not only a city will be lost," the Health Minister said, "By then, we will not be able to survive on this land."

At this time, the silent mayor suddenly stood up from the sofa, as excited as a child.

He raised his cell phone, grinned and shouted, "The support is coming! It's it, Storm Red!"

A group of people immediately started shouting and yelling, completely forgetting their complaints and accusations just now.


On the scenic Odori Park Avenue, a little girl about ten years old was crying and running as fast as she could.

The ground also shook, making people wonder, how much energy is there in this small body?


Behind him, Venom, who crashed through a building, swayed out of the thick smoke and followed the helpless little girl in a playful manner.

Just two minutes ago, the shelter where the little girl was hiding collapsed. Her mother threw her out and was killed on the spot by a stone slab.



I saw two bone spurs continuously protruding from the venom, each time piercing the little girl about ten meters behind. She was so frightened that she even forgot to cry and could only keep running.

There's no doubt it's playing.

Just like how young human children enjoy playing with ants.


A harsh roar came from the rear and above, and the gusts of cold wind were mixed with a heavy smell of diesel.

Several heavy helicopters flew across the sky and dropped Chu Xin.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, he stretched out his arms without saying a word, grabbed the two thicker spikes on Venom's back, exerted force on his waist and legs, and used jets to boost, using the Tai Chi technique of moving a thousand pounds in four ounces.


The force of the Venom that hit back was used, and as Chu Xin rotated his upper body 360 degrees, it was thrown directly away!


Chu Xin's waist can rotate in any horizontal direction, and the innovative design makes him extremely flexible.

Then, he quickly stepped out and activated the thunder cloud formation.

You have to shave this fried porcupine into a smooth and round shape first, otherwise you really won’t be able to start.


The little girl who was still running slowly stopped. She listened to the loud noise getting farther and farther away, turned around blankly, and stared blankly at the tall red figure in the distance.

Chu Xin's figure was like a hot red iron, burned deeply into the girl's eyes and engraved in the depths of her indelible memory.

This scene is like Asako Mori and Sterk back then.


Venom didn't wait for Chu Xin to get close, and then sprayed out body fluids to attack.

Chu Xin quickly dodged and hid behind a building, and when he reappeared, he was already on the side of Venom.

He squatted on the ground with one knee, his left arm transformed into a plasma cannon, and a scorching energy light cannon came out.

There was a muffled "pop" sound, and the tail of the venom was accurately hit at a medium to long distance. The smelly black poison sac instantly exploded a hole, and the splashing liquid painted the surrounding ruins with a layer of deadly graffiti.

Chu Xin also had a lot of it on his body, but it didn't harm him at all. This kind of toxin only targets living things.

As for why he was hiding just now, it was just a feint out of caution.


The organs he was most proud of were destroyed and destroyed, and Venom fell into an irrational rage.

It no longer cares about Chu Xin, but rushes crazily towards the unaffected areas, with its spikes all over its body baring its teeth and claws, capable of causing maximum damage to buildings.

"To deal with it, you must choose an open area. If you don't use it, you will be easily stabbed." Chu Xin analyzed the situation calmly and looked around at the same time.

Although the whole body defense is strengthened, there is no absolute thing in the world. After some thought, Chu Xin adhered to the style of sailing the ten thousand year ship with caution.

A few seconds later, he caught up with Venom, and after some struggle, he successfully threw it into a relatively empty area, with only some majestic buildings behind it.

The unilateral killing begins now!

The three rotating blades were raised and dropped again and again, leaving brilliant illusory afterimages in mid-air, and the sharp spikes were cut off easily.

In the blink of an eye, the venom had already ripped open the skin and flesh.

Tu tu tu tu~

At this moment, a helicopter hurriedly took off from the rooftop not far away. From the shaking arc, you could see how uneasy the pilot was.


What was even more fitting was that one of Venom's bone-spurred arms was forcibly severed by Chu Xin with the force of thunder, and flew high into the air, flying hundreds of meters away before spinning around and slamming into the center of the helicopter.

In other words, the pilot did a good job~


The helicopter crashed and exploded, killing all the passengers on board.

Chu Xin's heart was calm. He could only say that everyone has his own destiny, and there was no guarantee of luck.

However, on the signboard of the building below, there seems to be something written in Japanese about "Government Affairs".


"Neon negotiated with me just now," Steck sent the message, his voice calm, "The helicopter was filled with important officials from Sapporo."

Chu Xin suddenly realized that this might not be a coincidence.

It's probably because my passive talent was triggered!

"But you don't have to worry about these things," Sterk continued calmly. "Although they asked me to give an explanation, the battlefield is changing rapidly and no one can predict it, so the sacrifice of the officials... is of course the responsibility of the monster."

Chu Xin smiled inwardly, this unsmiling black marshal was quite good.

But this is also true, and he didn't do it on purpose.

Ahem, everyone has his or her own destiny.

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