at the same time.

Hong Kong base, research laboratory.

This is the exclusive laboratory of Newton and Herman. The blackboard on one side is full of theoretical data and mathematical formulas, and there are piles of messy documents. On the other side are glass jars of various sizes, in which countless monsters have been soaked in formalin. The internal organs were filled with a strange fishy smell.

Dr. Hermann is a lame man with a cane. He advocates mathematics and specializes in underwater wormholes. He has researched important information such as the appearance patterns of monsters.

Dr. Newton is a somewhat neurotic man and a huge fan of monsters, and his specialty is naturally the monsters themselves. He has conducted in-depth research on all aspects of them. He can be said to be one of the humans who knows the best about monsters in the world.

The two are very good friends and follow them almost wherever they go.

Herman, who was clicking away on the computer, suddenly took off his glasses and pursed his lips. "Newton, I want to ask you something. Do you know about monsters? Oh... forget it."

"Hey man, what are you going to say?" Newton was playing with a large piece of the monster's intestines, his hands covered with some kind of mucus that didn't know whether it was blood or something else.

"Synesthesia," Herman wanted to test Newton so that he could give Steck a reply, "You know about synesthesia, right?"

Newton stared at him strangely, "Has your brain been occupied by mathematical formulas? Can I not know about synesthesia?"

"Um, no, that's it. Have you ever thought about a situation where you can communicate with the monster's brain." Herman asked intermittently.

Newton fell silent, staring at Herman blankly, his eyes filled with astonishment.

He looked around, then approached Herman and asked mysteriously, "How did you know I had this idea?!"

"Huh?" Herman's mind was a little confused.

“One day a month ago, I was looking at a part of the monster’s brain sent from logistics, and suddenly came up with a shocking idea, which was to use a neural docking device to communicate with it and obtain more information about the monster! Newton said excitedly, as if he had found someone to confide his secrets to.

The people of Heman were all stupid, why did he still get it wrong?

He immediately asked nervously, "Then, have you tried it?"

Newton shrugged, "Of course not, old man, this is a crazy plan. My brain may not be able to withstand the impact of the monster's brain. I'm afraid it will be overwhelmed by the large number of memory images~"

He added, "However, as long as the connection is disconnected in time, there should be no irreversible brain damage."

Herman heard the impatience in Newton's tone, and pressed his shoulders in a panic and said, "No! You must not do this. You may die or be paralyzed. I don't want to push your wheelchair to work for you."

"I'm glad you didn't give up on me in your fantasy," Newton laughed, and suddenly became serious again, "Herman, how did you come up with this? Did you secretly have synesthesia with me while I was sleeping! "

Herman pondered for a long time and fell into hesitation.

He knew this old friend very well. Once that kind of thought came up, it was like a cat's claw scratching the tip of his heart every day.

Sooner or later Newton will synesthetize with the monster brain!

"Let me tell you something, a very top-secret and important secret." Herman looked around and closed the door.

"You really have something to hide from me," Newton said, "but if you tell me, will you go to jail?"

Herman gave him a roll of his eyes, "Sterk told me that your name can also be added to the confidential list."

From this point of view, Sterk still values ​​and trusts these two people.

After all, they are considered the intellectual ceiling of the Hunter Base. They have indirectly made a lot of contributions to the earth and are members of the core group.

Therefore, in order to make Newton aware of the seriousness of the matter, Herman told him everything, from the alien civilization (Chu Xin) extending a helping hand, the origins of the monster, to the negative effects of synesthesia with the monster. , and Chu Xin fights monsters.

In the end, Sterk came in person, and Newton signed the paper confidentiality document with his mouth open, and promised that he would not communicate with the monster's brain.

"But I have a question," Newton frowned and looked at Marshal Steck, "whether what Storm Red said is true, whether he is a real alien life, and communicating with the monster's brain is not the simplest proof. Method?"

Sterk lowered his eyes, "His appearance has no impact on my plan for the time being. Whether it is true or not is not important. I have only one purpose, which is to close the wormhole under the sea and let the monsters completely disappear from the earth."


The base faces the sea, and the huge and spacious deck is washed by the tireless waves every day.

A red steel mountain stood on the seaside, with dusk overhead and facing the ocean.

After staying in a closed and depressing room for a long time, Chu Xin inevitably wanted to see the peaceful scenery outside.

Across the sea, the continuous high-rise buildings are like undulating mountain peaks. Even though it has been visited many times by monsters, the prosperity of Xianggang has not diminished.

"I have never been to a place in my previous life, and now I have become the patron saint worshiped by them. Tsk, fate is such a thing~"

Chu Xin adjusted the pixel magnification of his eyes, and the coastal scene quickly appeared in his mind at a glance.

The first impression is that it feels more cyberpunk than before, especially after the colorful neon lights gradually light up, which is no different from the cyber scenes in many games.

Dirty alleys, concrete shelters and bustling buildings.

Low-class civilians walking in a hurry and looking haggard, and luxury cars traveling on the avenue.

Groups of pagans in black robes passed under the monster's huge skull and went to the dark underground church to pray in the end of the world.

On the building made of monster bones, a huge billboard scrolled to announce the sale of collector's edition mecha figures. The most popular one, Storm Red, was at the top of the list.

Monster chambers of commerce, evil sects, mercenary organizations, technology companies... For those who don’t know, they might think it’s some kind of real simulated doomsday game~

These are the various influences brought about by the special era. Countless cities that have been visited by monsters have all undergone major changes.

"The cyber flavor is really strong."

Chu Xin sighed sincerely, today's Xianggang can be called the cyber city in today's world!

Whether it is the external performance or the exploration of invisible deep veins, it is consistent with its setting 50% to 60%, but it also has a bit of wasteland punk atmosphere, forming a strong conflict.

Unfortunately, whether it is cyberpunk or wasteland punk, it only exists at the artistic level. Once it falls into reality, it is a real human tragedy.

After the lookout, Chu Xin returned to the underground base.

The three brothers who had long wanted to release the holy water hurriedly ran out. As soon as they finished solving the problem, they ran non-stop to report to Steck. They were inexplicably busy.

Soon, the news that Baofeng Chihong was going berserk again spread through the mouths of the big goose couple.

Everyone was shocked by Chu Xin's wonderful performance, and couldn't help but think, is letting the mechas be independent the new path for the future?

One of the senior engineers named Shao was thoughtful and murmured to himself, "UAV A?"

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