As the title.

I caught a cold yesterday, my mind was very chaotic, and I couldn't concentrate on code words. I just went to see it today and took some medicine. I originally planned to code words in the afternoon, but I felt a little dizzy, so I changed it to night. The school is a bit tricky, I have to get up around 6 am to do exercises, and I usually code until close to 12 o'clock, and I am very lack of sleep. The doctor told me to pay attention to rest, so I take a nap in the afternoon, and the second night. Code, it will definitely come out before ten o'clock, don't worry.

I was in a trance. Today, I bumped into a lot of classmates while walking, and I spilled soup twice while eating. This notice is also intermittent. There may be some sentence problems, sorry.

By the way, Happy Singles Day everyone, I have to buy all kinds of things, I am not in the mood to buy things today, but as a single dog, no one cares, everyone still has to take care of themselves, and the health first.

I'm not saying that the people who read my book are all single dogs, but to those single dogs who read my book, even if they are single dogs, let's be a single aristocrat!

Happy Singles Day! !

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