All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Vol 6 Chapter 138: 2 in 1, I am full of God.

With the Sword of Immortal Execution, the Tai Chi pattern continued to rotate, and He Heng was about to end the beast god.

Suddenly, the beast god's temperament changed, and he shouted in surprise and joy, "Asura, quickly return to one!"

"What?" He Heng frowned, and before he had time to start, he saw that Shura, who was also beaten to death by Sac Feixuan, suddenly changed his temperament.

"Beast God, Shura, it turns out that we are originally one, Father God, you are really cruel! I didn't understand this until we met today, just wait, I will definitely ruin this world and let you go to waste! Haha, in Before you succeed, you can't take action, let's see who can stop me in this world!"

As soon as the beast **** and Shura came into contact, they instantly merged and merged into one. The blood-colored fishy aura and the violent suffocating aura merged into one, resulting in a more terrifying existence!

he is--

"All God!"

He Heng's complexion changed. He was very sure that the whole God had already been refined into ashes by him, how could he feel its aura here now?

Linking the existence of the beast **** and Shura, as well as some other clues, He Heng had some conjectures.

"Heavenly Emperor! He must be planning something. At the beginning, Yuan Tiangang was going to die, but he was resurrected because of him, and then he fell into the current state. Since he is like this, then it is possible to be full of God..." He Heng murmured.

The beast **** and Shura slowly merged into one, turning into a twisted beast face, covering the sky and the sun! A terrifying aura filled the heavens and the earth, covering all directions, the universe trembled, the sky changed color, the world shook, and the starry sky distorted.

"I am full of God, I am back!" In the solemn announcement, the beast face opened his icy silver-white eyes, looking down, full of indifference and chill.

But the moment he saw He Heng, his gaze was obviously stagnant.

"It's actually you!" Quan Shen's tone was extremely cold.

He Heng looked at him lightly: "I didn't expect to see you again. It's a surprise. But after so many years, I'm still me, are you still you?"

All God was silent.

He couldn't answer this question. When the Heavenly Emperor came, he collected his broken primordial spirit and reunited it into a single creature. Later, because he disliked it as a failed product, he divided it into two parts and turned it into a beast **** and a Shura, and now the beast god. After meeting Shura, he finally remembered his true origins and merged to become the current He.

But after so many years, is He still full of God? It's hard to say.

At the beginning, He was only at the peak level of the Dharma Phase Realm, and the Beast God and Shura alone were both strong in Dharma Body and Dao Body. Can their will really be digested by Him?

Of course this is impossible.

At this moment, although the beast face claims to be a full god, he knows in his heart that he is not the original wind full god, but a new soul that accommodates the former full **** and the present beast **** and Shura's will. The will of the full **** is nothing but a One third of his will.

It's just that whether it's the beast god, Shura, or the current one, the essence is from the omniscient, so he still calls himself the omniscient. .

He Heng saw this at a glance, and the proposal at the moment made him take the initiative.

After being silent for a moment, the omniscient stared at the world with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "I was born with the will of the omniscient god, the beast god, and the Shura. ?"

He Heng smiled, no matter if it was a full god, beast god, or Shura, it didn't necessarily have a good relationship with him, basically he was thinking of breaking his corpse into ten thousand pieces.

It's just—

"Since you also uphold the will of the beast **** and Shura, are you also going to destroy the world?" He Heng asked.

All God gave him a deep look: "You are really smart, you can see it at a glance. That's right, although I have no will to destroy the world intellectually, but whether it's the beast **** or Shura, their will is the same. There is the idea of ​​destruction, which occupies two-thirds of my will, and I can't resist!"

"If it wasn't for the destruction of the world, how could the beast **** and Shura sacrifice themselves so decisively to create you? I've already understood that." He Heng sneered, "Don't worry, I won't stop you or anything, because You will definitely not succeed."

"Why?" Completely puzzled, in this world, if He Heng doesn't take action, who else can stop him?

He Heng stretched out his finger and pointed to the top: "Although you said that the emperor couldn't make a move, I believe that with his realm, it is impossible not to count your appearance. Since you can appear, it means that he is sure to control you. Don't let you sabotage his plans."

He was completely silent, and then said melancholy, "Maybe, but I have no choice."

"Then I will help you with good luck. In fact, I really want to see you succeed against the sky and break the layout of a pure yang almighty." He Heng said.

"By your auspicious words, I will give you these two volumes of the celestial scriptures." Quan Shen suddenly sent two messages with his divine sense, which were actually the last two volumes of the five celestial scriptures.

"Why?" He Heng was puzzled. Based on the cause and effect of the two of them, it was already the result of their restraint that they didn't act directly. Why did the whole God give him these two crucial things.

"Because I believe that one day you will also walk on my path. This scripture will help you. Helping you is helping me fulfill my last wish." He said lightly, without a trace of emotion, although he had already predicted that own failure and demise.

He Heng was silent for a while and nodded.

Quan Shen finally said: "I don't know anything about the emperor of that day, but I only know that he came from a world called Shanhai, so I called myself Tiandi of Shanhai, and spent tens of thousands of years for a plan, waiting for something. I used to be his. The experimental product is just a failed product, so it is divided into two points. His real experimental product must be someone else. Another information, his plan seems to have restrictions on himself, so he cannot directly do it in this world, otherwise it will be All previous efforts were abandoned, and if this world were to be destroyed, it would be the same.”

"I am adhering to the will of the beast **** and Shura, that is, to destroy the world, let him fail, and give up all previous efforts, prove that I am not a failure, and restore my dignity!"

Speaking loudly, he walked slowly into the distance with all his attention, his figure was bleak, and wherever he passed, the sky was turned upside down, a scene of destruction.

Seeing such a scene, He Heng's heart calmed down like never before, looking at the vast world with cold eyes, silent.

Destiny is like a sword. In this world, the will of the emperor is the destiny, and if he wants to go against the sky, how can he succeed.

What's more, even if he succeeded, how could he not die under the wrath of the Heavenly Emperor?

But some things, knowing that they will die, still do them.

Regardless of whether the behavior is right or wrong, the spirit is commendable.



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