All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Vol 6 Chapter 166: Demon home

I have to say that among the sages of the hundred schools, Lao Tzu is definitely one of the best and has a great reputation. Even though he does not seem to be a person who makes a lot of friends, there are absolutely no shortage of people who know him, and he must be noticed wherever he goes.

What He Heng is seeking this time is to reverse the layout of the Mountain, Sea and Heaven Emperor. It is naturally the best to plan in the dark without being noticed.

"What would be better to change your identity?" He Heng turned his gaze to the north while thinking about it.


The northern part of the land of Yanzhao was a barren land at this time, and the Xiongnu, who were regarded as barbarians by the Chinese countries, occupied this place.

Near the Changbai Mountain, which has been covered by heavy snow for many years, there is a black mountain and white water, and there are many monsters on it. Until today, a stone tablet fell from the sky, and seven blood-red "kill" characters suddenly stood with shocking aura.

Many weak demons were killed on the spot.

Accompanying this stele came a frightening figure. He was shrouded in black fog, and he breathed out thunder in his breath, causing the wind and clouds to roar wildly. Impossible.

Facing this terrifying figure, all the demons felt the trembling from the depths of their souls, and they could only bow their heads and prostrate themselves.

"Heaven and earth are useless, I am the only one who respects me. I am the demon king of thousands of mountains and rivers, the leader of all demons in the world, and the old demon of Montenegro!"

The majestic and terrifying voice resounded in all directions, announcing the appearance of a peerless giant monster in this troubled world.

Immediately above this black mountain, a palace that lifted the sky slowly rose, and the four blood-red characters above it radiated a strange light, and all creatures within a hundred miles could see it.

"Seven Killing Magic Palace"!

Staring coldly at the demons who were worshiping up and down, the figure shrouded in demonic energy said coldly: "From now on, you are all under the jurisdiction of the Seven Killing Devil Palace. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. Do you understand?"

When he said that, a terrifying coercion with endless suffocating pressure made the group of monsters tremble, and the demons trembled. How dare you say nothing?

"Old Immortal Montenegro, your mana is boundless, and you are invincible in the heavens and the earth. Even if the immortals and gods come to the world, you can't compare. We are naturally the only ones who follow your lead." A group of demons said quickly.

With a cold snort, the figure turned around and walked into the Seven Killing Devil Palace without even looking at them.

A group of demons looked at each other in dismay, and they were a little overwhelmed for a while, and they dispersed after a long time.

In the Seven Killing Devil Palace, He Heng dissipated his demonic energy and looked at the palace that had just been constructed by himself with great magic power.

This world is very similar to the one depicted in the first movie, and the second-generation Montenegrin old demon in it really refers to Lao Tzu, although he should not admit it himself, it is justifiable that he is now a counterfeit person who is also incarnated as a Montenegrin old demon.

"The original destiny of this world was that the five-generation Montenegrin old demon was the emperor of heaven who came to the world, removed the name of immortals and gods, and turned the world into pure fire and eternal red. But now it is the emperor of heaven who is the incarnation of the mighty mountains, seas, heaven and earth outside the world. If you want to rule the world with water virtue and become the incarnation of the black emperor, then this original destiny cannot be used, but it gave me inspiration." Whispered in a deep voice, He Heng sneered suddenly, "I want to reverse the world of water virtue. For Huo Virtue, let Shanhai Tiandi's plan go bankrupt, it is impossible to do it with pure force, because the strength of Shanhai Tiandi is absolutely beyond what I can match now, so to complete this plan, only... take advantage of the situation!"

"The Emperor of Heaven in this world symbolizes the destiny of heaven, and represents the way of heaven, and the only human way that can compete with the way of heaven is the way of humanity. If you can follow the example of the fifth generation, manipulate the beliefs of the common people, and initiate revolutions, perhaps you can reverse the general trend and turn black. The virtue of water is the virtue of red fire!" After thinking about it, He Heng made a plan, preparing to repeat the behavior of Fengyun World, but it was false at the time, and this time it is going to be the real thing.

It is the rhythm of fighting against the whole world to remove the life of the gods and gods, and to destroy all supernatural beings.

"The only good thing is that there are not many people at this time, and the culture is not developed, so it is easier to control, otherwise it will be more troublesome." Secretly grateful, He Heng began to draw up his plan.

In this era, if you want to control your thoughts, the best way is to learn a theory from the hundreds of schools of thought. No one can compare to him.

Back then, the name of the brick house was not blown out, it was based on knowledge.

What's more, this kind of thing has been done once, and the second time is naturally familiar. According to the actual situation, it can be used just by changing it.

The center of the theory is only one, "everyone is equal and the world is harmonious", striving to build an ideal world without classes, exploitation, and nobility.

Of course, this highest ideal should not be said now, otherwise, it will be regarded as a lunatic. The slaves and civilians of this era are basically very pedantic, and they have absolutely no consciousness of the peasant uprising army of later generations. Basically, it is impossible to believe this kind of thing. said.

Therefore, the first step in implementing the plan is to raise the consciousness of the slaves and commoners at the bottom of the and then from the bottom up, the countryside surrounds the cities, and the rest are slowly planned.

This theory, He Heng gave it a name, called "demon"!

For the people of this era, this theory can indeed be called a demon.

After thinking about the plan, He Heng is not in a hurry to implement it. It is still in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Although there are continuous wars, it is not as crazy as the Warring States period. In a situation where there is a little order, and the people have not been driven to a desperate situation, it is time to implement this doctrine. It is not yet mature, and when it comes to itself, there is too much movement, so let's wait for the limelight to pass.

However, the tree wanted to be quiet and the wind continued, so He Heng set up a sign for the Seven Killing Devil Palace near Changbai Mountain, known as the king of demons and demons in the world. It didn't take long before many people who claimed to be righteous came to kill demons and eliminate demons.

If it were an ordinary person of the righteous way, he might not even be able to see He Heng's face, and he would be eaten by the monsters up and down Changbai Mountain without leaving any slag. The ancestor of knights.

This sage, who hated evil and hatred, surrounded Changbai Mountain with three hundred Mohist disciples.

"In a chaotic world, there will be evil spirits, my humanity is in chaos, and these monsters are indeed everywhere. A monster who does not know its origin dares to be called the king of all monsters. If he really sits, how can there be peace in my human world?" Looking at the top of the mountain coldly, When he saw the suffocating Seven Killing Monument again, Mozi couldn't hold back his anger any longer.

After a loud bang, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sky and the earth changed color because of it, but the stone tablet did not move at all.

Just as Mozi's expression changed, a terrifying demonic energy suddenly gushed out, turned into a shocking stream, and washed away at the three hundred Mohist disciples nearby.

"Dare you beasts!"

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