All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1003: Dream

The first thousand and three chapters into a dream

"Degenerate functions are not only embodied in battle, but can also play a special role on the battlefield outside of battle."

Thinking of this, Han Chen's shadow clone descended on a residential building of the Star Federation.

The life scene of the Eternal God Dynasty, there are similar scenes in the Star Federation, half of the time is in the God’s Domain to fight monsters and leveling, the other half of the time is in the real world for planting or animal husbandry work, of course the animal husbandry here , Refers to the monsters that descend into the world through the beast cage from the realm of God.

Since the advent of God's Domain, people's requirements for sleep have decreased a lot.

Normal people sleep for 8 hours a day on average, but after the arrival of God’s Domain, people’s physical fitness has been greatly improved. As long as the consumption is not too intense, the daily sleep time is less than three hours.

And the medicine that restores mental power in God's Domain can also replace sleep.

After all, after the human body enters the realm of the gods, the body is also in a dormant state, so even if it is not sleeping, the body will not be too burdened. The only burden is the soul.

As long as the spirit recovery potion is used, the fatigue of the soul can be relieved.

"Let me see, what do you want most!"

Han Chen expanded into the dark realm and invaded the spiritual world of several dreaming security forces.

Although the security forces and civilians are both enemies, Han Chen's emotional tendencies are still biased towards civilians.

Entering a dream, this is one of the dark functions, and a means to invade the enemy's spiritual world when the enemy is unprepared.

This is also the basis for initiating depravity. Otherwise, if you don't even know what the opponent's desire is, how can you lure the opponent to fall?

After entering the other party's spiritual world, Han Chen felt gloomy.

"Unexpectedly, the security forces who bullied the civilians as a whole and constantly harvested their wealth on weekdays, and even the security forces who took pleasure in the abuse of the civilians, were so depressed in their dreams."

Han Chen sighed in his heart, Zulongxing was originally a depressed world, and even having fun in suffering is a luxury and waste.

Because the consumption of happiness is too big.

"So, what do they want?"

For these people who usually take pleasure in bullying others, Han Chen has no good impressions. In his eyes, these people have become his test subjects.

But what do these people want?

"Money? Strength? They do have a desire, but these things cannot be placed in reality and let them get it, or they are not arbitrarily obtained."

"It's not impossible to use amethyst coins and things to increase their strength to lure some key figures to fall. However, this kind of efficiency is too low and the price/performance ratio is not enough. It does not make much sense to lure a small number of people to fall."

"But, such a spiritual world, there should be no spiritual pursuit!"

Han Chen tried to arouse their desires, but the effect was not satisfactory.

Because in their desires, all they want is to continue to bully people, watching the ants kneeling in front of them, creeping and afraid.

These things, they have already obtained in reality.

"Sometimes, it's not that they can't pursue what they want. It's just that even they don't know what they want. Just like a fruit phone, it doesn't follow the common people's desire. Building a mobile phone like this will only bring people what you like."

Just like before the birth of smart phones, people's pursuit of mobile phones is good quality, durable, plus the appearance of beautiful, plus the function of water discharge.

However, after the birth of the smart phone, people opened a new door.

So the phone can still do this?

It turns out that mobile phones can be so fun.

The people of the Star Federation are the closest to the earth among the three forces, but their spiritual world is still very poor.

Those rebels didn't have much ambitions, and the female assassin who was captured by herself was not a loyal person, she was just bored with ordinary life.

Only because of this, she will become a rebel.

Becoming a rebel and taking the road against the security forces can make her life colorful.

"If that's the case, let you try it. How does it feel to be admired by thousands of people?"

A strange light flashed in Han Chen's eyes, and then an illusion appeared in the spiritual world of the security army.

"Vinite, Vinite!"

Vinite felt a trance. He seemed to hear many people calling his name.

He looked down and found that he was standing on a high platform with thousands of people cheering and shouting his name.

Seeing this scene, he felt a little unreal.

These people are all within his jurisdiction, and they are all people who have been oppressed by him on weekdays, but now he has seen worship in the eyes of these people.

"Master Vinite, thank you for saving us."

"Master Vinite, you are amazing."

"Master Vinite, you are our hero!"

People cheered and expressed their admiration. In their ebullient tone, Vinnett understood roughly that he was the sheriff here and was responsible for the security here. Before, when monsters came, he exhausted himself. Power guarded here.

Therefore, he was regarded as a hero.

"Why do they look at me like this!"

He hadn't never seen this kind of eyes. When the three major forces had disputes and resolved disputes through the battle of genius teams, he had also seen people's eyes.

Because those people are the heroes of the Star Federation.

Now he has also become a hero.

Feeling these adoring eyes, Vinnett's heart was filled with strange comfort, which was a feeling that made his spirit feel the ultimate pleasure.

At this time, a large number of monsters suddenly attacked in the distance, countless birds swooped in, and some vampires jumped between the buildings, ready to attack them at any time.

"The creatures of God's Domain have betrayed the agreement."



Countless lives have been harvested, and the creatures of God's Domain are raging and killing here.

Seeing all this, Vinite thought of running away.

At this time, some soldiers turned their backs to Vinitet: "My lord, you go first! My lord has paid and sacrificed too much to protect us."

"Yes, even if we die, we must protect the adults from retreating!"

"My lord, go! If the lord doesn't leave, what is the meaning of our sacrifice?"

With that said, these people rushed to the battlefield one after another.

However, their fragile bodies were quickly torn apart by the vampire.

Seeing these people who sacrificed for themselves, Vinite, who originally wanted to escape, couldn't help but wet his eyes.

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