All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1017: God of glory

Chapter One Thousand and Seventeen

The old man was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "What we are talking about is not empty words. Our gods are here to save the human beings on this planet. This will come to this world. If the threat of underground monsters is eliminated , On this planet, there is nothing worthy of our God’s attention."

Han Chen had no way to judge whether what the old man said was true or not.

However, Han Chen confirmed one thing, that is, the **** behind the glorious Holy See is an outsider.

According to the emperor of the gods, the gods behind the glorious Holy See took advantage of the loss of the Zulong star and the monster from the underground, and suddenly appeared to pick the peaches, which caused the battle between the Zulong star and the underground monster to be unable to continue. Go down.

If not, the monsters in the ground would not be an opponent of Zulongxing.

The Ancestral Dragon Dynasty tried its best to contain the underground monsters. The eternal God Dynasty that inherited the will of the Ancestral Dragon Dynasty should have been pursued by victory, but was stopped by the God of Glory.

Of course, this is only one side of God's Son.

Even for him, this was the real truth he knew, but Han Chen didn't believe it.

Seeing Han Chen remained silent and did not express his trust at all, the old man continued to helplessly say: "Your Excellency, I can swear in the name of a god, or I can use the power of God's Domain to swear, and I will never deceive you. the meaning of."

"No matter what name you swear in, I don't believe it."

Han Chen did not conceal his distrust, "because no matter what name you swear in, what you can finally confirm is the truth you think, not the truth of the real facts, so no matter what kind of oath you make , I have no need to believe it."

The old man was silent. The oath could only detect a lie, but could not discern the truth.

If a person believes something is true very firmly, then even if the thing he believes is false, there is no way to detect it.

Han Chen continued: "But I am very interested in what you said. If you continue to tell me more secrets, maybe I will change my mind."

The old man said: "So, how should I trust your Excellency?"

Han Chen grinned with a sardonic smile: "Because I am just a lunatic who has been driven into desperation. Even if the earth has reached the point where it can lift the table, it may not be able to bring the enemy into **** together. How can I let go of the table opportunity?

My current plan is to release the monsters under the ground as much as possible and let those monsters destroy the Ancestral Dragon. Even if those monsters will threaten the earth in the future, they can at least give the earth time to grow. Now it should be your way to do it. Stop me. "

Seeing the look in the old man’s eyes began to change, Han Chen continued: “You don’t have to think about whether you can kill me. Even if the gods come and kill me, someone will continue to do this. Your weaknesses It has been found. Next, it's up to me whether to lift the table."

Seeing Han Chen's unscrupulous appearance, the old man's eyes were full of anger.

But at this moment, an inexplicable will came down.

Han Chen only felt that another will appeared in the sky. This will was too great, and even because it was too strong, people could not feel the threat of this will at all, as if the boundless sky had another layer. same.

This will, as vast as the sky, descended on the old man.

The old man's eyes showed a fanatical and pious look. After a while, all the emotions in his eyes had disappeared, as if he had lost all his feelings.

Seeing this scene, all the angels fell to their knees.

Then, he looked at Han Chen with eyes overlooking everything, with a holy expression on his face:

"I can tell you all the truth."

God has descended!

Han Chen only felt that his thinking was a little sluggish. He didn't expect that the will of the gods could actually come here, and he didn't expect that he would be qualified to challenge the gods so quickly.

The old man said in a holy voice like the sound of nature:

"The devil that devours human wisdom has descended on this precious planet. I want to seize the wisdom of all intelligent life here. I noticed the coming of the devil, so I personally descended on this planet. I want to use my boundless The mighty power to save the innocent people of this planet."

Han Chen sneered: "Don't you want to spread faith?"

Hearing Han Chen's mocking tone, all the angels looked at Han Chen with angry eyes, and even wished to rush up and cut Han Chen into his body.

However, the will of the gods once again did not allow them to make the decision without authorization.

The will of the gods is not dissatisfied in the slightest, and even the tone of speech has not changed:

"Let the people here believe in me is also a kind of redemption, so that it can save them from all future disasters and bring them eternal happiness."

Hearing such words from the gods, Han Chen's heart was full of disdain.

Look at the current state of mind of the people of the Holy See, is this called happiness? Even if their free will is lost, are their emotions still real?

Of course, what the God of Radiance said is not entirely wrong, because from the perspective of the gods, such an approach is indeed a redemption for them.

The heights of the two sides are not the same, and of course their perspectives are different.

Han Chen is not interested in philosophical contemplation with this god. What he cares more about is the way the **** does and his evaluation of underground creatures.

If you can get information about underground creatures from the God of Radiance, then it would be a surprise to Han Chen.

For this reason, Han Chen is willing to temporarily endure the words forced by the shining body.

However, the next words of the God of Radiance made Han Chen shocked.

"Faced with an enemy that can swallow human wisdom, I exhausted all my strength before reluctantly sealing it up and preparing to take it slowly. However, the will of existence came here personally. It was not in a hurry. I fought a decisive battle, but appeared in another name, slowly using Zulong Xing as its food, as its farmland and pasture, and now the Eternal God Dynasty and the Xingyao Federation have become its source of strength. "

Hearing the words of the God of Glory, Han Chen's brain went blank. He tremblingly asked, "Is that will?"

The God of Glory rarely showed a humane expression, and gave Han Chen a meaningful look: "Its current identity is the will of the Ancestral Dragon!"

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