All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1019: Enemies of God's Domain

The first thousand and nineteenth chapters of the enemy of God's Domain

When Han Chen smiled bitterly, his clone began to dissipate.

Because he had already established a shadow nearby, now through the ability of shadow jump, let his clone become shadow and leave here.

At the same time, Han Chen's figure shuttled towards the ground.

During this process, one thought after another kept flashing in Han Chen's mind.

"I understand why God's Domain values ​​free will so much, because God's Domain understands that only free will is the foundation of intelligent life."

"God's Domain does not allow large-scale soul-level control, nor does it allow the spread of faith, because this will lead to such an old path of gods."

"If the people you have worked so hard to cultivate also become enemies, what is the point of cultivating the strong?"

"Why does God's Domain allow the existence of technological weapons, but does not allow technological weapons to be used in combat, and does not encourage the invention and creation of technological weapons, because this is useless, facing the monster that can directly use human creativity as food Inventions and creations have a greater impact on their own people."

"Perhaps there are other reasons that I don't know, but this reason is definitely one of them."

"Collect the gods of faith, and swallow them forcibly, or in other words, collect the gods of faith forcibly. This is the enemy God's Domain must deal with.

"Why does the abyss exist, and why the aura of the abyss can directly erode people's wisdom and will, and make people lose their original reason, because the abyss is originally just an alternative experiment carried out by those high-powered people, and only penetrates the abyss, Only then have the qualifications to fight those gods."

"Hehe, whenever I explore a part of the secrets about God's Domain, I will find that God's Domain has actually told me everything, but I haven't seen it. I didn't expect it to be like this until now. In that case, I also There is no need to worry about anything."

"In that case, why the Tiangong clan was almost annihilated during the most prosperous time? This is also because they deserve it! After all, God's Domain originally wanted you to be a warrior of the God's Domain. I didn't expect you to embark on a similar deprivation of mind If the road is not destroyed, who will you destroy?"

When all the clues were connected together, many doubts were answered.

Although there are still some questions that have not been answered, Han Chen has confirmed one thing, that is, everything in front of him.

All are enemies!

"In that case, what am I afraid of? What am I worried about? What am I worried about?"

In that case, let's lift the table!

Anyway, this is Zulong Xing, anyway, this is not his home, let him stir up the earth here! Let this be destroyed!

At this moment, several eight-winged angels appeared on Han Chen's front road.

Look at the breath of these angels, they are all legendary.

"Don't, stop, road!"

A cruel look appeared in Han Chen's eyes, and his figure suddenly turned into hundreds or thousands, surrounding all these angels in the form of shadows.

"It's just..."

Just when these angels ignored the existence of these shadows, a black long sword penetrated from one of the phantoms and pierced the heart of an angel.


The black rune style crawled all over the angel's body and took away his soul.

"God of Radiance, if you want to stop me!"

Han Chen yelled unscrupulously, "Then come down personally!"

After yelling, his figure continued downward and flew towards the human altar where these humanoid creatures appeared.

The angels wanted to pursue them, but they were all killed by Han Chen's sword.

Han Chen felt that when he was fighting, he always had a gaze watching him, but he didn't care at all. When the strength gap between the two sides reached a certain level, even if there was a **** as the warlord, there was no way to make up for the difference between the two sides. The strength gap.

The phantom created by the Boots of the Night Demon and the ability to jump in the shadows allow Han Chen to come and go freely within the reach of his phantom. Unless he can destroy all the phantoms in an instant, otherwise there is no way to be able to. Caused effective damage to Han Chen.

When Han Chen came to the ground, the black humanoid beings also changed.

Originally, these black humanoid beings were all black all over, even inside and out, like a black hole that swallowed all light, without any light reflecting out.

Not to mention it is underground, even in the outside world, they will swallow all light.

This form is enough to bring intuitive impact and psychological shadow to most people.

But when Han Chen came here again, he found that these monsters were no longer pure black, or when they swallowed light, there would still be some glossy reflections.

Especially the teeth of these monsters have turned from black to white.

If only a small number of monsters have undergone such changes, it can be understood that these monsters themselves are also growing and changing during the growth process, but when all the monsters have undergone the same changes, Han Chen realized that, maybe not It's not that these monsters have changed, but that their observation methods have changed.

Even without mentioning that the observer can change the observer effect of the observation object, Han Chen probably understands something.

That is the existence of this kind of life, which can no longer be seen from the perspective of three-dimensional life.

This is like a blind person touching an elephant. The elephant’s appearance itself has not changed. It’s just that because he observes more and more and understands elephants more and more, so the image of these monsters in his heart is of course also Some changes have taken place.

After all, whether it is seen by the eyes or heard by the ears, all this information has to be transformed by the nerves and the brain to form a concrete impression.

When I develop a new perspective, I will awaken the transformation of this impression in my soul.

When Han Chen had this cognition in his heart, he suddenly found that he saw these monsters more clearly.

In his vision, these monsters turned into ghosts in twos and threes, and these ghosts seemed to exist in the same place, but existed in different places at the same time.

But what cannot be changed is that there are not so many monsters.

As Han Chen’s "cognition" is increasing, in his eyes, these monsters have undergone some changes, that is, after the monster is destroyed by the abyss demon, the body of the monster in the real world will be transformed into a projection. As if just a phantom was shattered.

Then the body of these monsters will appear in a deeper space, and will be reorganized. When the reorganization is completed, they will reappear in the real world.

"After dying in the realm of God, the body will become a spiritual son and dissipate, and then after a period of reorganization, it will reappear in the realm of God. Because I once had this knowledge, this happened in my eyes. Has it changed?" Han Chen thoughtfully.

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