All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1031: Inside and outside the strategy group

Practice makes perfect. It sounds easy, but it's not the same thing.

Some people, even if they have made tables and chairs for a lifetime, are still a carpenter, and some people have been called masters after only two or three years.

Talent is of course important, but heart is more important.

To deal with errands is the same as doing carpentry work, and fully studying the skills of doing carpentry work, the gap between the two has passed the test of time, and of course it will be a world of difference.

Of course, although this theory has been recognized by many people, it has also been refuted by many people.

"What **** practice makes perfect? ​​Using strength to crush everything is the right way."

"Yes, even if you are more proficient in the skills, the equipment is not as good as mine, the level is not as good as mine, and the skills are not as good as mine, how can you beat me?"

"Is this persuading everyone to pursue skills? Don't listen to his fallacy."

"Yes, the pursuit of absolute strength is the right way."

But there is an interesting phenomenon, that is, people who refute this theory are generally outside the Raiders group, and those who agree with this theory are people in the Raiders group.

This is really interesting.

In fact, the theory of relying on absolute strength to crush the weak is not wrong, and even this theory is indeed an unchanging truth through the ages.

But how do you have absolute strength?

The adult world is right or wrong, even if your theory is right, but there is no means to gain absolute power in this theory, and it is still useless for people.

This sentence is like "for every minute that passes, 60 seconds have passed." This sentence itself is correct, but what's the use?

Even in those places of inheritance, it is easy to use blood to create a strong, but why should you give this blood to you? Don’t you want to show excellent fighting skills and superb fighting consciousness?

Unlike external forums, the forum of the strategy group is a different scene.

"We have all reached this state."

"Yes! There may be a little lack, it seems that I need to be more proficient."

"Update quickly, we have all reached this state."

When many people in the outside world refuted this theory and used the theory of absolute strength as a counter-proof, the Raiders team found that they had all reached this state.

In fact, it is not surprising that only those who reach this level can become a member of the Raiders team.

If it fails to reach it, it will only be eliminated by time.

When the screenshots of these chats were put outside, some people who talked and touted absolute strength were like shit.

"Now, people who pursue absolute strength, please tell me where is your absolute strength?"

The Raiders team represents the masters of mankind, and the gathering of human elites. Now the Raiders team has reached this level. This has been able to prove many things.

There are also well-wishers who posted a post outside.

[Perhaps the pursuit of absolute strength is the right path, but there will be many difficulties in the pursuit of absolute strength. These difficulties require perseverance, excellent combat awareness, and perseverance to resolve. So, rejecting practice makes perfect, in fact, it is rejecting absolute strength. 】

This post drew a lot of scolding, but it also awakened many people.

Many people are aware that they have gone astray in the pursuit of power.

The more dangerous the place, the higher the profit. This is the consensus of all.

If you want to pursue absolute strength, then you must have the ability to overcome these difficulties and solve these dangers under the same strength.

And the opponents that can be crushed by your absolute strength are all weak opponents.

Apart from other things, if you don't have enough combat awareness, even if you have good equipment and a strong pedigree, you will still be a stepping stone for others to spawn and level, and your equipment will become others' spoils.

Under the limitation that you can't gain experience by killing three levels below yourself, you have no way to bully the weak and slowly accumulate your so-called absolute strength.

At this time, the anonymous person in the Raiders group also updated his post:

[The second state is called Mingcha Qihao. 】

[The limit of practice makes perfect, that is, in a 5V5 fair battle online game, the skill of mastering the hero's skills and the attributes of the equipment can be released at the right time, whether it is to replenish troops, calculate damage, or move. It's the limit where practice makes perfect. 】

[So, what is Mingcha Qihao? I just picked this name casually. Don’t care about it. The key is the content behind the name. 】

[Look at the battle between Ulena and Xiao Wu. This battle has been regarded as a classic for countless wizards, and is known as a textbook for masters. In this battle, Ulena demonstrated brilliant spellcasting skills, whether it is The proficiency of the skills and the grasp of the timing of the battle were very precise, but she failed miserably. 】

[Why is this happening? Is it because of the absolute strength of Goddess Wu? Everyone knows that this is because the goddess Xiao Wu had already seen through all of Yulena's plans when she shot Yulena. 】

[Look, when Ulena cast the Fire Meteor, Xiao Wu only disassembled the Fire Meteor into three parts in an instant, impact damage, gravity damage, fire damage, and then used a few small spells. At the time, with a key attack, this powerful spell was torn down. 】

[This is the realm of Pao Ding Jie Niu. When the opponent makes a move, he has already divided the opponent into dozens of parts, and he knows the opponent's blood, skills, preparation, and even moves, etc., and even understands the enemy. , Almost the same as knowing oneself. 】

[The same is true when Alizee, the founder of the Cavalier League, commented that she is a fighter, but we have no doubt that with her knowledge of a professional skill, even if she takes the route of a mage, I believe most The mage can only be crushed by her. 】

[Everyone is watching these videos, and we quickly discovered that the existence of these legends, when encountering strong enemies in the process of growing up, rarely rely on attributes to crush them, they can always use the least strength, The least skills, the fastest speed, and the most fruitful results. 】

[Is it because they don't understand that absolute strength crushes everything? Or are they all prudent people? No, it's because it is as natural as breathing for them. 】

It may have been influenced by outside the forum, so when this unknown person was talking about the second realm, he did not forget to whip the corpse once for those who pursue absolute power.

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