All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1033: The origin of weapons

The attention of the earthly team refocused on the Raiders Group forum.

Under the expectation of all the people, the unknown name began to talk about the third realm.

[The third realm is to point to the essence. 】

[The so-called pointing to the essence should be the essence of every skill. As for what this essence is, it is not known. 】


Countless people booed.

However, they can also understand that when they reach the second stage, they are almost someone who sprints in the third stage of the epic level.

Even if it's still worse, the worse is equipment and accumulation.

If the second realm has already begun to be qualified to attack the legend, then reaching the third realm does it mean that it has become a legend?

Although I don't know who the anonymous person is, but in all likelihood, it is not a legend.

And even if it is a true legend, it is impossible to tell what the true legend is.

Even the guidance of the first two realms has given many people directions on the way forward, so the existence of the third realm, like a cloud of fog, is normal.

When everyone was caught in a heated discussion, a reply began to stick to the top.

[I don't know what the so-called essence is, but maybe I can point you to a direction, that is, to understand the meaning of the birth of weapons. 】

[Most creatures in nature do not know how to use tools. The reason why humans can become the spirit of all things is because they are good at using tools. So what is the meaning of these tools? We begin to analyze the meaning of tools from the perspective of weapons. 】

[In primitive society, humans and wild beasts can only use some natural weapons, such as smashing with rocks, or smashing with wooden sticks. Smarter people can choose some weapons with blades, such as Angular stones. 】

[Then why do humans use these weapons? This is because the human body is not hard enough, and when attacking the enemy, it will suffer back shock damage. In order to make up for the lack of fist stiffness, humans use stones. In order to make up for the lack of fixed-point attacks, humans choose angular stones. 】

[But some people are not satisfied with stones with edges and corners, and want to further increase the lethality of the stones, so they polish these edges and corners, so stone knives, stone daggers, stone axes, and even stone swords and stone spears are produced. Stone Age. 】

[Later, human beings were still dissatisfied and felt that the stone was too heavy, so they thought of wood. The wood is not hard enough, but it is very light. In order to increase the lethality, people sharpen the top of the wood and turn it into a spear, but the tip of the spear is easily damaged, so people separate the body of the spear from the tip and tie it. On the stone dagger. 】

[These two weapons have their own merits, so our ancestors were thinking, should we find a weapon that can combine the advantages of the two? But we can't find such materials in nature, so we make our own materials. Someone invented bronze, so people entered the Bronze Age. 】

[Bronze is hard and sharp, but it is extremely rigid and easy to break. Of course the most suitable for building is Zhan Ge, but Zhan Ge is not light enough, so people invented the bronze sword...]

[In a certain era, people invented the spear to make up for the lack of attack distance, but the accuracy of the spear was not enough, so the bow and arrow were invented...]


This post has written a lot, almost all the history of weapons development.

Such complicated and redundant remarks aroused dissatisfaction among some people, and some even questioned why this post can be topped.

But there are many people who think deeply about this.

[If the birth of each weapon has its own meaning and value, then what is the meaning of the birth of those skills and the value of the birth of those skills? 】

[Many skills are complete sets of each other. Did the people who created these skills take into account this situation, and then deliberately designed it like this? 】

[There are six types of occupations in God’s Domain, but there are dozens of development directions. If you add equipment and skill training, and the influence of blood, there are even hundreds of different growth routes. Why doesn’t God’s Domain choose a few? What about the route to plant excellent ones and then eliminate the remaining chicken ribs? 】

[Obviously, each route has the meaning and value of existence of each route. 】

[If we can understand the intention of the person who creates the skill, understand the meaning of each skill and each equipment, I think this should be the essence of the third realm! 】

This top answer also caused many people to think.

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years!"

"The post written this day makes sense, I don't know which expert wrote it."

"Master, keyboard man!"

"Hehe, there are always people who have a set of theoretical knowledge, but if it becomes practice, there is not much content."

"Huh? This sticky answer is not anonymous."

"For a one-day plan, this ID is a bit familiar!"


After a long silence...


"Grass (a plant)."

"Sun (a kind of celestial body)."

"Big Brother Han, this is Big Han! Who is the keyboard man who just said? Come out, let's talk about life."

"Report the address directly! I'll come to discuss it."

"No, we are his teammates and have already beaten him."

"Dao Han answered this post, does it mean that the division of the three realms has already been recognized by Dao Han?"


Han Chen is the spiritual leader of the earth, carrying the title of the first person on his back.

His every move can affect the minds of countless people.

A word of him can stir up a thousand waves in the world.

One of his calling orders can make the entire Raiders group hear the wind.

A look in his eyes can make countless people crazy.

Now Han Chen actually wrote an answer to a question, using his own answer to top it, which of course made countless people feel crazy about it.

Originally, the three realms of combat consciousness were illusory, but now because of Han Chen's answer, these three realms have become tangible truths.

Now Han Chen, on the earth, has been able to determine the universe in one word.

Just 6 hours after Han Chen answered, all the words about questioning the three realms have disappeared. Those who identify with the three realms and use practical examples to demonstrate have all been rewarded.

Because anonymously refused to disclose their names, there are people from these three realms who have demonstrated that they shared the reward of one million purple gold coins, and Han Chen directly increased the reward by ten times, dividing it according to everyone's contribution.

All of a sudden, the three realms became the mainstream.

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