All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1047: Action begins

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters of the action begins

The towering figure of the Demon God shook slightly, but even if it shook slightly, it seemed to shake the world.

He wanted to answer, but he couldn't answer.

God's Domain has created the environment it is now unavoidable. Even if the beings in God's Domain are not considerate, they must be considerate.

In the face of big righteousness and evil, there is no room for selfishness.

However, your God's Domain needs to be forgiven. Doesn't our planet need to be forgiven?

In such an environment, we want to survive, we want to continue, we can pay all costs for survival, and we can also destroy everything for survival.

We don’t need to be considerate of the dilemma of God’s Domain, because if we are destroyed, what does God’s Domain have to do with us?

We really can't find a new path, but so what?

We are still not satisfied with the current environment, we still have to change everything.

Of course, God's Domain can also choose to destroy our earth. If you really want to do this, then come! Destroy us!

But for God's Domain, it is easy to destroy an area of ​​the earth, but this changes the purpose of God's Domain and changes the purpose of God's Domain to train strong people.

Don’t you want to cultivate the strong?

Now a strong man who can destroy the abyss and subvert God's realm is right in front of you. You are going to treat this strong man with destruction in the morning. What is the meaning of your God's realm?

Even if the "strong man" uses disgraceful methods, it is the same.

War is war, there is no difference between upright and despicable.

"You dare to intimidate God's Domain in turn, you are really bold enough."

The towering shadow of the demon **** seems to have heard something funny, "In that case, let me see what step you can do!"

After speaking, the figure of the demon **** disappeared.

When the devil's figure disappeared, Han Chen felt the pressure on his body suddenly loosened, as if he had just resurfaced after snorkeling.

Anyway, this is a god!

"He, did he leave like this?"

Han Chen was slightly surprised, then glanced at the God's Domain watch in his hand, and there was no message coming from the God's Domain watch.

This also means that God's Domain acquiesced in his next actions.

But this result was not what he wanted.

"Forget it, it's naive for a mere legend to want to plot the entire God's Domain, do such a bold thing, and even want God's Domain to respond in line with their expectations."

Han Chen laughed at himself.

This is not entirely self-deprecating, but also a reminder to himself.

His current opponents are no longer the existences that are also legends, or even the existences of those myths. Instead, he regards the entire God Realm as his opponent.

Of course, this kind of hostility is not a deadly hostility, but a struggle of belief.

When the Demon God descended, he thought he already had the capital to play with God's Domain, but he didn't expect that after a conversation, the Demon God chose to leave like this, which made him feel a little caught off guard.

Could it be that God Realm just let him do this?

Although this possibility has been anticipated, since God's Domain is going to make such a decision, why should the Demon God descend in front of him?

Is it possible that the demon **** was still affected by what he said just now?

"No matter what the decision of God's Domain is, since God's Domain intends to let it go and not interfere with my behavior, then I can only act according to the original plan."

Han Chen thought so, and then sent a message to the team channel of the earthly team.

Even if he embarks on a path of hostility to God's Domain, God's Domain will not ban the function of his God's Domain watch, nor will it do any tricks in his communication.

People who stick to principles are best bullied. If God's Domain is regarded as a life, then God's Domain should be the most steadfast in its adherence to principles, and will not change because of any behavior of the other party.


After receiving Han Chen's instruction, the earthly team smiled.

Finally, it's time for them to shoot.

In the past year, Xiao Qian and Deng Qing have also become legends. So far, the earthly team has five legends.

There are only 26 legends in the entire earth, and the earthly squad occupies almost one-fifth of the number.

Such a ratio makes any team in the world jealous.

However, this also strengthened people's belief in the three realms of combat consciousness.

Since this is an idea that Han Chen agrees with, and not only Han Chen is strong alone, but even the people around him have become strong because of this idea, which makes people even more convinced.

The earthly team must have become legendary because of Han Chen's guidance.

Han Chen's guidance is to study the nature of skills and power.

Although some people secretly complained about Han Chen's self-care about his broomstick, most of them were still enthusiastic about it. After all, Han Chen told everyone about the importance of training combat consciousness from the beginning.

The boss has already told you the most essential skills, who is not to blame?

Even members of the Raiders team didn't have much criticism of Han Chen's behavior.

After all, the so-called three realms of combat consciousness were just discovered, or just summed up, and Han Chen's last words are just a summary and expansion of the three realms.

"Since the captain has no additional instructions, then we will act according to the original plan."

Xia Mengsi smiled and said, "First of all, we must expel all the Abyss Legion back."

To expel all the Abyss Legion, just thinking about it made many people feel excited.

But for the earthly team, this is just what they should do.

This is what they can do.

"A total counterattack!"

The order of the counterattack is not just to the earthly squad, but also to the entire earth.

On this day, a content appeared on the God Domain watches of all the earthlings at the same time.

[Earth's counterattack, start! 】

A simple title, plus a link.

Such news makes people feel very at a loss.

"Counterattack? What counterattack?"

"Aren't we always counterattacking? The Abyss occupies 1/3 of Tianzhuyuan. Now they have no power to continue the attack. We have been counterattacking the area they occupy!"

"what happened?"

"Could it be that the general offensive started?"

"I don't know, take a look!"

"Wait, this link, shit! It's a military channel."

"Don't the military worry about leaking military secrets?"

"Is this the process of live-streaming the counterattack? If it fails, it will be a devastating blow to morale!"

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