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Chapter 1049: Prologue to the counterattack

The first thousand and forty-nine chapters of the prelude to the counterattack

"Hello, dear audience friends, I am Xiao Wu, the cutest anchor on earth. Welcome to the live broadcast room to watch this counterattack against the abyss."

The video link was immediately switched to Wu Yuan's live broadcast room, and Wu Yuan was very proficient in introducing to everyone what they would do next.

After seeing the familiar figure in the live broadcast room, many people went crazy.

"The cutest anchor? I agree very much."

"The thirst for survival upstairs is very strong! If you want me to say it, the cutest anchor is well deserved."

"Nonsense, who dares not accept it!"

Whether Wu Yuan's identity as Han Chen's wife or her own strength, her prestige on the earth is temporary.

In terms of beauty, Wu Yuan has undergone the transformation of the moon elf bloodline, her temperament is completely natural, her facial features are exquisite, and she is also regarded as the most beautiful beauty on the earth, but there is still some controversy if it is to be ranked number one. Not to mention, someone in Han Chen's team dared to challenge.

Unfortunately, this world still speaks by strength.

Do you feel dissatisfied? Sorry, you can't accept it.

The husband and wife represent the top combat power on the planet, and the contributions they make are also the top ones on the planet. Why are you not convinced?

Not to mention that Wu Yuan's appearance itself is superb, even if her appearance is ordinary, no one is dissatisfied with the title of the world's most beautiful woman.

Of course, Wu Yuan just said "the cutest", still leaving a little room for her narcissism.

Under the attention of all the people, China's legion marched directly in the direction of the abyss channel.

Such a move aroused the exclamation of countless people.

"Fuck! Is this crazy?"

"Below the anchor Xiao Wu, is China's Legion!"

"We actually announced the marching route directly. Do we really have enough confidence? Are we so sure?"

"This is crazy."

"No, the Abyss Legion has started an ambush."

"be careful!"

"Watch out!"

Just when the entire earth was worried about the fate of the Chinese Legion, their worries became reality.

In the live broadcast room, they saw dense figures of legions appearing in the distance, and countless such disgusting abyss creatures appeared in the distance, killing them in the direction of Huaxia.

However, even if there were reminders from countless people in the live broadcast room, the Huaxia Legion seemed to be turning a blind eye, as if it hadn't put the enemy in its eyes.

"It's time for me to do it."

Xia Mengsi's eyes turned purple, "It seems that the abyss hasn't been too wary of us! Even the assassins have not been sent over."

There is Mengmeng beside Wu Yuan, unless it is a master who has assassinated more than Han Chen, otherwise it is impossible to hide Mengmeng's exploration.

However, even the powerful assassins are not afraid.

The invisible soul fluctuations spread. Xia Mengsi's illusion immediately affected tens of thousands of abyss creatures, and the impact was not deep. Now only half of the abyss creatures were affected.

However, it is enough.

For an illusionist, the deeper he wants to influence his opponent, the more serious the consequences of backlash after launching a failure.

But there is another kind of mental illusion, which can activate an illusion template on countless opponents at the same time, either succeeding or failing, there is no such thing as backlash.

However, this also has a drawback, that is, the impact is very small.

A person's mental power is limited. The more enemies you want to influence, the smaller the impact on a single enemy and the weaker the effect.

Therefore, a brilliant illusionist, although it can affect a legion of thousands of people, and even change the situation of the battle with his own power, the effect of this illusionist is to add a weight to the balance of victory.

Even a legendary illusionist, the effect is limited.

However, the skill used by Xia Mengsi is [race disaster].


"What are you doing to me?"

"You want to kill me!"

Under the effect of the race disaster, the Abyss Legion became a mess.

These abyss creatures who were originally not very intelligent, after seeing the killing intent revealed by their teammates, most of the first reactions were to take the lead directly and preemptively.

This is an inevitable thing, and it is also the instinct of every abyssal creature.

If you don't even have this instinct, you won't be able to survive in the cruel abyss.

And ethnic disasters can be contagious.

Under one pass, ten to ten passes, those abyss creatures affected by illusions, even if they just meet their eyes, will be directly infected. Perhaps the effect of infection will become weaker, but under such cross infection, countless The abyssal creature went into madness.

There were about 5 million abyssal creatures that came to attack this time. However, under the influence of the race disaster, more than 1/10 of the abyssal creatures were directly in chaos and were killing each other, and the scope of this influence was still It is constantly expanding and becoming more far-reaching.

After seeing such a scene, those who watched the live broadcast through God's Domain Wan Pian were shocked.

"Fuck! What skill is this?"

"This, this is too terrible!"

"Xia Mengsi, I know her. She is also a member of the earthly squad. She is usually the lowest-key one. Her reputation is supported entirely by her appearance, but she is the third to become a legend in the earthly squad. It’s just that I don’t like publicity."

"Even after she became a legend, she rarely showed any record. We thought she was the weakest legend, but we didn't expect that she would be shocked when she shot."

"With one's own power, change the situation of the battle, no, with one's own power, destroy the entire God's Domain biological army. Such a power is really terrifying."

"When it comes to the lethality to the Legion, she should be the strongest legend."

"I have a fan, I have a fan."

"Goddess Xia is mine."

"Don't fight with me, I'm the number one fan."

"Go away, I was a fan of Goddess Xia a long time ago."

"Are you a fan of Goddess Xia? Do you know her?"

In this war, Xia Mengsi became famous.

Just the influence of an illusion spell directly caused the large-scale defeat of the abyssal creatures, making those abyssal creatures that brought huge disasters to God's Domain into a single blow, and collapsed at the first touch.

"It's terrible, is this a racial disaster?"

Some demons who reached the legendary level looked at each other, and each saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Skills such as racial disaster are of course useless for them, but they can feel unspeakable fear.

What kind of skill is this? What kind of method is this?

Why does God's Domain allow such methods to appear? Why doesn't God Domain impose restrictions on such methods? Are you not afraid of breaking the balance?

However, what they didn't know was that God's Domain had never pursued balance.

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