All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1051: a chance

Chapter One Thousand and Fifty One

After seeing the skill book in Xia Mengsi's hand, the ice and snow goddess took a breath.

"Such ability can be learned through skill books?"

She has the means to fight against the Legion, and of course she understands the meaning of such means, but if such means can be popularized, it would be terrible.

Skills like racial disasters simply negated the meaning of the Legion's existence.

Of course not all legions can be affected by this, but for abyssal creatures, such skills are simply a disaster of the abyss.

No, it should be said to be the catastrophe of the abyss!

Han Chen said in the abyss that if such a skill is placed in the abyss, it should have a separate name called the abyss catastrophe.

His words are not exaggerated at all, because this catastrophe is coming soon.

After seeing the skill book, the whole world was boiling.

"Fuck! Can you learn such a magical skill?"

"What are you kidding?"

"This, this is not for fun!"

"This is a fake! This is a joke!"

After possessing the supernatural power of sanctification, most men have in their hearts the illusion that millions of heroes will vanish under their hands.

But over time, they found that this is almost impossible.

It is not that there is no existence of one enemy hundred or even one thousand enemies, but even if the two sides have a crushing level of strength gap, it takes time to kill.

Why can only legends be able to deal with legends, but the legion battle mode still exists?

It is for this reason.

Now there is a skill that can affect millions of legions with a wave of hands, and even cause the destruction of tens of millions of legions soon, allowing countless people to satisfy their yy.

But it is limited to this.

Just like most people can't understand the world of legends, they don't know how far the strong can do it. What no one can do in the past may not be impossible for the strong.

But now I suddenly told them that such a god-like skill could be learned through the skill book.

This makes countless people feel crazy.

"How much does this skill cost? I want to buy it."

"No matter how much money is spent, even if my family is bankrupt, I have to study."

"No one wants to stop me from studying!"

"Let go of me, I'm going to **** all the assets."

"Don't be naive, not everyone can learn such skills, even if it is a skill book, many high-level skills require certain conditions."

A basin of cold water made many people awake, but it was only a brief period of awake.

After seeing the existence of this skill tree, most people still feel very shocked, and faintly have some expectations for themselves.

If I could also learn such skills, how good would it be?

Looking at the Abyss Legion that was constantly fighting each other in the live video, countless Chinese soldiers felt passionate.

Even if they didn't personally blade these enemies, seeing the tragedies of these enemies made them feel extremely excited.

The live broadcast focused on Xia Mengsi and Wu Yuan.

Xia Mengsi smiled at the live camera, which made countless otaku crazy.

"Wow! The goddess smiled at me."

"Who urinates and wakes upstairs?"

"Go for diabetes and don't let the upstairs taste the sweetness."

"I have urinary stones, I will come first."

"Goddess smile, Mona Lisa go to death!"

But what makes them more excited is yet to come.

Xia Mengsi stretched out her hand and waved forward, a large pile of skill books appeared in her hand, and then floated downwards, flying in the air.

As soon as the ice goddess stretched out her hand, a skill book fell into her hand.

"It's so simple? Why didn't anyone think of it in the past?"

The Ice Goddess was shocked after she learned the simple version of the skill. She didn't expect the principle of the skill to be so simple.

Although the simple version of the race can't affect millions of armies with a wave of hands, it is still possible to affect thousands of armies with the lowest cost.

What's more deadly is that even an epic-level existence can learn such skills.

As long as the mental power reaches a certain bottom line, it is enough.

A person’s influence may be limited, but if there are more than 1,000 epic existences who have learned such a skill, they can simply destroy all the legions of an abyss. You only need to let the skills go and watch the show. Just drink tea.

This made some guesses in her mind directly subverted. She didn't expect such a skill to be created by no one for so long.

Wu Yuan switched the live camera, and while facing the camera, she pointed at the ice goddess, and then calmly explained:

"In fact, this kind of thing is also easy to understand. It's not that no one was able to do such a thing in the past, but in the past, no one was willing to do such a thing. If you want to develop such skills, you must at least reach the legendary level, and Very good at illusion and insight into the human heart can do it.

Is there such a talent in God's Domain? Of course there are, and there are many, in every era.

But just like the soul suit before, the invention of such a skill has no effect on the superior status of those legendary existences.

If the legion loses its meaning, it is a legendary existence, and there is no way to control the vast territory through the legion, and there is no way to let the lives of the entire realm be used as their own subordinates to transport resources for themselves, and ruin the growth of latecomers. the way.

If such skills are developed, and if such skills are popularized, then most of the bottom layer will have a possibility of rising. Maybe the possibility of rising is not too great, and there are not too many opportunities to seize the opportunity. But even if there is only one in a million lives, it will be a catastrophic change if it is placed in the vast domain of God. "

After listening to Wu Yuan's explanation, countless people fell into contemplation.

Legendary existence is strong, it is only a stronger individual, if you want to control a large enough territory, you still need enough people to do it.

If skills such as racial disaster make the existence of the legion meaningless, then even if it reaches the legendary existence, without a large number of legions as a deterrent, how much territory can it control?

Is anyone willing to do something that threatens the supremacy of Legendary?

Who would dare to do this?

Those masters in the Raiders group are even more excited. They were originally the pioneers of the human race and like to explore areas that others have not explored.

After hearing this explanation now, it seems to have opened the door to a new world.

It turns out that some seemingly difficult things are not done by no one, but there is no benefit after doing them, so they would rather not do it.

However, for the earth, this is an opportunity.

An unprecedented opportunity!

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