All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1053: Han Chen's eagerness

The first thousand and fifty-three chapters of Han Chen's eagerness

Is he anxious now?

Xia Mengsi looked at the skill book in his hand and suddenly realized it.

Since Han Chen has simplified this skill and presented it in the form of a skill book, it can take a few days for hundreds of people to learn and master it proficiently.

If you are willing to wait a month, you can at least pick out thousands of people who are suitable for learning skills.

Anyway, this skill is harmless to the earth, so don't worry that someone will harm the earth after learning it.

Now only Xia Mengsi knows this skill. Even if someone learns this skill, the use of this skill itself requires skill. If you do not pay attention, you will suffer backlash. If the abyss really assassinate Xia Mengsi at all costs, or there is one Assassins like the shadowless demon exist, then the earth's offensive must be suspended for at least half a month.

Suddenly stopped for half a month during this global live broadcast. Although not a devastating blow to the earth, it was also a great setback.

Although there are not many assassins of the level of Shadowless Demon, no one can guarantee the existence of the abyss.

"In order to hurry up, I moved the plan forward by a month, but had to take so many unnecessary risks. This is not Han Chen's style. He has been waiting for three years before. Is there still a month left?"

After being reminded by the Lord of Stars, Wu Yuan also reacted, her face solemn.

"But if the time of this month is really important, then he shouldn't not remind us. This can only prove one thing, and that is that even Han Chen himself did not notice the anxiety in his heart, and maybe even It was his instinct that sensed something dangerous, that's why he was so anxious."

The members of the earthly squad also know Han Chen very well. They didn't think of this level before. Now, after being reminded by the Lord of Stars, everyone has realized that something is wrong.

This is also because Han Chen's past impressions in their hearts were too lofty, making them subconsciously think that Han Chen is omnipotent, no matter what circumstances they encounter, they will plan tactics and everything is under his control.

Now that they make this small mistake, their subconscious will think it was Han Chen deliberately.

But, does Han Chen really do this on purpose?

Not to mention, Han Chen has stayed in the abyss for the past year, lurking for a whole year before starting to do it.

I have been waiting for a year, but this month is still missing?

Xia Mengsi said: "Han Chen completed the simplification of the skill book two months ago, but this skill requires a period of experimentation, so it has not been announced. Now we are ordered to act without follow-up instructions and A complete plan is not in line with Han Chen's character."

"It may be that Han Chen has more important things to do, so he has no time to guide us."

The Frozen Goddess said seriously, "If you want to be more conservative, you can choose to eliminate the enemies on the Tianzhuyuan first, and then give it to the Star Palace and the Moon Sage to defend. Those who want to attack the abyss can Follow us to the abyss, I must go in anyway."

Seeing the ice goddess's firm eyes, Yue Sage nodded helplessly:

"Yes, Dianxing Palace must leave at least half of the elite power, and guard the Tianzhuyuan with me, and you can do the rest!"

Being overly conservative in a war is very dangerous. Not only will many opportunities be missed, but it will also often give the opposing team a chance to regroup and rejuvenate.

So even the Moon Sage, there is no way to continue to be conservative.

Leave half of the power to defend, this is to prevent accidents.

The Lord of the Stars also agreed: "Fortunately, if the abyss has the ability to deal with racial disasters, then almost everyone who enters the abyss will die. If the abyss does not have the ability to deal with disasters, then even if only half of the people enter the abyss, we can also take the abyss. It's flattened."

The strength of Tianzhuyuan and the abyss is not proportional at all, but the ability of racial disaster is too great for the restraint of the surroundings, so it will cause such an effect.

If the racial disaster loses its effect, no matter how many people enter the abyss, the entire army will be wiped out.

Xia Mengsi handed over hundreds of skill books to Yue Sage: "This is [crazy] illusion. Anyone who has a certain understanding of the nature of [crazy] can quickly learn this trick. You can choose something good at it. A master of illusion, so you can easily level the abyss channel."

Since they decided to counterattack the abyss, then they decided not to drag their feet.

Rather than wait until the abyss legion outside is slowly cleared out and then counterattack, it is better to hit the abyss by surprise now.

The process of everyone's discussion was of course not broadcast live, and the shots responsible for the live broadcast began to turn to the fierce battlefield.

When everyone's discussion was over, the camera was again aimed at everyone.

Wu Yuan smiled at the camera and said: "Dear audience friends, today's live broadcast is coming to an end, but interested audience friends can also go to the front line in person to observe the battle on the spot. Of course, if you want to come to watch the battle in person, it is still Please pay attention to your personal safety!"

"Ah! Is this over?"

"I want to see it again!"

"It's so exciting, I want to watch it for a few more hours."

"If you want to watch it, watch the replay by yourself!"

"I want it, I want it!"


Amidst the regrets of countless people, the live broadcast room has drawn a curtain, which symbolizes the end of the live broadcast.

Anyway, the news that needs to be told to people through this live broadcast has achieved the initial purpose. When they counterattack the abyss later, they don't need to tell everyone.

In military operations, secrecy should be an instinct.

If you want to deliberately divulge a certain military operation, then the benefits of this military operation must exceed the losses reduced by secrecy.

In the next three hours, under the guidance of the void elves, they attacked several main legions of the abyss through the space channel, and the remaining legions of the abyss were all reduced to zero and hidden in every corner of the gods. The work of purging and suppressing was entrusted to the Dianxing Hall and Dianxing Hall's subsidiary forces.

Today's Abyss Legion is no longer a climate, so the soldiers of Huaxia immediately began to assemble, including several legions on the earth, as well as the elite troops of Dianxing Temple.

When the members of these legions were assembled, they did not know what happened.

The Lord of the Stars stood in front of all the members of the Legion, and shouted:

"The legion that the abyss invaded Tianzhuyuan has been defeated, and the remaining legions will not become a climate. The next thing we have to do is to counterattack, counterattack the abyss!"

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