All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1074: Han Chen

"what do you know?"

The God of Light asked seriously.

Han Chen shook his head: "I don't know anything, I don't want to know anything. All the strategies in this world are for strength, and for the purpose of exerting strength. I have calculated enough before, since I have already If you find a way to break the game, you don’t want to think about too many tactics."

Without the power of wisdom, it can only be a tool used by others.

But wisdom is only for power and serves, it is a tool born to assist power, and a tool for more effective use of limited power.

After speaking, Han Chen's figure began to disappear gradually.

Before leaving, Han Chen's voice echoed in the ears of the God of Light.

"The reason why I am willing to meet with you is not to negotiate with you, but just to give you a warning. If you still have the courage to grow up from the age of weakness, then use your last strength to fight to the death! , You can have the odds."

After speaking, Han Chen's figure disappeared.

The God of Light frowned slightly, but found that Han Chen had disappeared.

"How could he run out of my sight?"

The God of Light felt a little displeased after discovering that he could not find Han Chen's trace, but shortly afterwards, he found Han Chen's figure in the distance.

It's just that this discovery was not because of his detection ability, but because Han Chen took the initiative to expose his figure.

[Dream] launched, this time nearly 30,000 people were affected again.

"Han Chen, are you really going to lift the table?"

After seeing Han Chen's actions, the God of Light was full of anger. He already understood Han Chen's plan, and Han Chen was simply planning to lift the table.

This made him feel angry, and... angered.

For an upper-level person, what he hopes most is that his subordinates, including those who also need to rule, are all rules-abiding people.

What they like best is those who take the initiative to maintain the rules.

On the contrary, what they hate most is naturally the ones who break the rules.

Especially those who don't like to break the unspoken rules of conventions.

Because such people have a possibility, that is, the possibility of breaking the constraints of the past rules, which will make their strategies and wisdom impossible to use.

As long as within the framework, no one is their opponent.

But if the entire table is overturned, how good can their card skills be in the chaotic situation?

If the monsters from the bottom of the earth are allowed to recover further, it is hard to say how the earth will be in the future. His thousand-year accumulation in the glorious Vatican will definitely be destroyed.

However, after being furious, the God of Light also calmed down.

"Han Chen seems to be doing the act of lifting the table. In fact, he is only trying to find a way out for the earth. After all, he is an earth person, and his position is also earth, even he deliberately made a crazy look in front of me. , I only asked for concessions."

After calming down, the God of Light felt that he had found a blind spot.

Is Han Chen really going to lift the table? In other words, is Han Chen really willing to lift the table?

No, any life has the instinct to survive, and any civilization also has the instinct to survive. If he had not foreseen his desperate ending, then Han Chen would never be able to make such a crazy move, as long as there is a ray of hope for survival , He will fight to the end.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the development of the earth is flourishing.

However, from the perspective of the gods, the earth's crisis still shows no signs of relief.

If Han Chen can show the peerless combat power that sweeps everything, maybe everything has a turnaround, but unfortunately, the current Han Chen does not have such strength.

However, because Han Chen's vision is too high, for Han Chen, the earth's crisis still exists.

"I understand. In fact, you are actually forcing me to express my position, and you want me to leave your earth with a ray of life and give you a chance to breathe. The so-called madness is just pretending, but if I really If this will bring despair to the earth, this madness may be true."

After thinking about this, the God of Light also had a decision in his heart.

"The current Han Chen, although his strength is still weak, he already has the ability to break cans and throw tables. This is also the confidence he can negotiate with me and fight for conditions and hope for survival. I can't push him into a hurry, otherwise, he might really be desperate."

"So, I want to leave him a glimmer of hope, leave a glimmer of hope to the earth, so that he will be able to stop, knowing to stop at the appropriate time, judging from his past performance, he is a smart man, a smart man It does not require much words, and action is the best negotiation."

Thinking like this, the figure of the **** of light began to disappear.

It was the night when 20 million people were "liberated" by Han Chen, and the hearts of 20 million people had gone from being muddle-headed to being able to imagine.

They even expanded the association, using their imagination to complete the next content.

Even if the reality is barren, they are willing to build their own paradise in their dreams.

Even if this paradise only exists in the spiritual world, it is the same.

After countless people on the ground began to have "dreams", the monsters in the underground world recovered faster and became stronger.

In the first half of the night, the abyssal demon army was able to crush the black humanoid creatures, but in the second half of the night, the situation was reversed.

The abyss demon needs to call for reinforcements to the abyss to continue the situation.

After this night, Han Chen did not continue to move.

After the abyssal demon army could not support it, the Glory Vatican began to send a large number of angels to the battle, and the situation stabilized again.

After 7 days of war, the frequency of black humanoids has begun to decrease drastically.

But at this moment, another part of the inhabitant spirit of the eternal dynasty was "liberated" and became the nourishment for the underground creatures.

The number of black humanoids suddenly increased, and the abyssal creature army and the angel army, which had seen the dawn of victory, suddenly increased pressure, and there were a large number of casualties.

Somewhere in the kingdom of God full of light, countless thunders roared constantly, and even the bright holy mountain of the glorious Holy See was covered by clouds that kept flashing thunder.

"Han Chen, don't go too far!"


Han Chen sat on the edge of a rooftop of a certain building in the Star Federation, while drinking wine, while watching the chaotic scene below, he showed a mocking look.

"When you regarded our planet as a lamb to be slaughtered, you never thought that your behavior was excessive. Now it is yourself that may be facing destruction, and you think I'm excessive?"

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